Chapter 3

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Shadow Sabre finally woke up. Professor Red, Assistant Steve and M were standing above him. "Shadow, are you okay? You passed out." M says. "I think. Although, my head hurts really bad right now." Shadow says. Professor Red reaches down to help him up. Shadow stood back up. "Is everything alright, Shadow?" M asks. Shadow looks at him. "I don't know anymore." He says. Shadow steps away from them. They stared at him. Shadow put his hands on his head from the pain. "I could look for something to help you with your head." Professor Red says. Shadow sighs. "I should be fine." He says. They could tell he wasn't fine from his voice. Assistant Steve looks at Professor Red then he looks at Shadow. "Are you scared, Shadow?" Assistant Steve asks. Shadow sighs and nods. Professor Red sighs. "Shadow, we'll try to help you fix everything soon. We're all doing our best to get the portal open soon. It'll be okay." He says. Shadow looks at him, sighs and then nods.

Later on, Shadow went back to the Steve Village. He sighed and sat against a house and he looked at his hands. Shadow shook his hand and blue fire summoned above his palm. "I don't know how to really use this magic but I'm hoping I can figure it out soon." He says. He stands up and walked out into the field. But then, he hears the same voice from before. "Shadow..." The voice says. "What do you want now?" Shadow asks. "You have to get out of there." The voice says. "I will! Once we can get the portal open." Shadow says. The voice then seemed to sigh. "You need to hurry though. But once you are out of this world, you need to find M." They said. Shadow gasps. "What are you talking about? I saw M..." Shadow trailed off. "He's not dead. He's out looking for you. Once you are out of there, I need you to find him. Then you both can get back safely." The voice says. Shadow was shocked about hearing that M was still alive. He sighed. "I will find him." He says. "Be careful though." The voice says. Shadow nods. He sighs. But then, someone grabs his shoulder. This startled him. He turned around very fast. But it was just the Yellow Village Leader. Shadow sighed of relief. "You scared me." He said. "Sorry about that. Anyway, what're you doing out here?" The Yellow Village Leader asks. "Sorry. I got lost in my thoughts." Shadow says. "Oh. Are you okay?" The Yellow Village Leader asks. Shadow sighs and shakes his head. "I know I need to hurry back to the world I come from. I'm worried about the others and worried that the world could already be destroyed." He says. The Yellow Village Leader looks at him sadly. "We're really trying Shadow. We're only now trying to figure out how to open a portal to the multiverse. It's a first timer really. Do you know anything else about opening one?" He asks. "I'm sorry. I don't. While Lucian knows how to open one, I don't know much about opening one. The magic I have can help open one but I will still need help." Shadow explains. The Yellow Village Leader thought for a moment. "How well of a portal can you open?" He asks. "I can really only open part of it." Shadow says. The Yellow Village Leader gasps. "That might be enough." He says. Shadow looks at him again. "How?" He asks. "If you could possibly open part of the portal then the rest of us use what we are going to use. Then that should be enough to open a portal for at least a few minutes for you to get through." The Yellow Village Leader says. Shadow nods. "Maybe that is the best option." He says, "If I can open part of it and you all use the rest of the powers to open the rest of it then that could work." The Yellow Village Leader nods. Shadow sighs. "I just hope the others are okay." He says.

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