Chapter 23

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TW: Vomit warning (I know it's not that much and you don't see it. But just in case anyone is triggered by that. This is your warning)

Sonny was leading Shadow and M through the forest. It was starting to get pretty dark. They continued walking through the forest though. "I have a spot somewhere here where we can stop for the night." Sonny said to them. "Well, that's good." Shadow said. M nods. Sonny smiled. "So, you two think you may be able to stop The First Curse?" He asks. "Well, we hope." Shadow says. "How did you find out about him?" Sonny asks. "Sometime after I defeated this guy named Sabre, The First Curse just all of a sudden appeared. Turns out he was the one who made Sabre evil." Shadow says. "What do you mean?" Sonny asks. Shadow and M looked at each other sadly. "Well, we didn't tell you this but we used to live in a world before we were sent to that other world. But Sabre, who apparently was the creator of that old world, destroyed it after The First Curse tricked him." Shadow explains. Sonny looked shocked. "Oh my." He says. Shadow put his head down. "It was sort of my fault for that though." He says. M put his hand on Shadow's shoulder. Shadow looked at him. "So, you say you defeated him?" Sonny asks. Shadow nods. "But, if you two are from a world he created, wouldn't killing Sabre also kill you since you're his creations?" Sonny asks. Shadow and M gasped. "Wait a second. He has a point." Shadow says. M nods. "Maybe he isn't actually dead. You wouldn't be here if he was killed." Sonny says. "Oh boy." Shadow says. Sonny looks down. "What do we do about this then?" He asks. "Well, if we kill Sabre, then we will die as well. We might need to figure out another way to stop him." Shadow says. Sonny nods. Shadow sighed. Then they heard the sound of something falling through the trees behind them. Both Shadow and M tensed up. "Shadow." Sonny whispers. Shadow nodded at M. They both looked over their shoulders to see what had made the noise. But nothing was there. "What was that?" Shadow asks. Sonny sighed. "I don't know. But we got to keep moving." He says. Shadow and M nod. They all quickly ran off. But as they were running, an arrow hit the tree above them. They all froze. "Uh oh." Sonny says. Shadow looked at the arrow closer and saw poison on it again. "Oh no." He says. "We got to move. They're close to us n-" A sword all of a sudden hits Shadow in the side. Shadow screamed and backed up against the tree. Sonny gasped. Shadow groaned and pulled the sword out of his side. M tried to stop him from doing that but Shadow didn't listen. Shadow held onto the tree to hold himself steady. Sonny looked at Shadow shocked. Shadow dropped the sword. "Shadow! What are you doing?" Sonny asks. Shadow took off his scarf and wrapped it around his waist to cover the wound from the sword. Sonny sighed. "Well, that will stop the bleeding but the sword also has poison on it." He says picking up the sword. Shadow nodded. "Come on." Sonny says. Shadow and M followed him. But Shadow took the sword from Sonny. "What are you doing?" Sonny asks. Shadow smiles. "Maybe Sabre likes poison." He says. Sonny rolls his eyes. "Come on." He says.

Sonny lead them to an area in the forest that hid them from the horizon. Shadow and M sat down on the ground. Sonny looked outside the area they were in. "Nothing's out there right now." He says. He turned back to them. "Are you okay Shadow?" He asks. Shadow nods. "I'm pretty sure I'll be fine." He says. Sonny sighs. "Alright." He says. He sat down next to them. Shadow still had his scarf wrapped around his waist. M hugged Shadow. "M, I'll be fine. I promise." Shadow says. M shook his head and felt his forehead. He gasped. Sonny looked at him confused. "M, what's wrong?" He asks. M looked at him. Sonny came over to Shadow and felt his forehead as well. He gasped. "Shadow, you have a fever! Why didn't you tell us?" He asks. Shadow looked down. "It's not that big of a deal." He says. "You have a really high fever Shadow! This is a big deal!" Sonny exclaims. Shadow coughs. Sonny stared at him shocked. Shadow coughed again, this time more violently. He gripped his chest. Sonny put his hand on Shadow's back. "Shadow, I think you're going to throw up." He says. Shadow coughed again. M grabbed Shadow's arm. "Shadow, you-" Sonny stopped when Shadow coughed harder. Then finally, he threw up spitting darkness blood out too. He dry vomited a few times as well. He was shaking a lot. M and Sonny were holding Shadow. Shadow was panting. Darkness blood and vomit covered the grass. And he wasn't breathing any better. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Are you okay, Shadow?" Sonny asks. M was staring at him worriedly. Shadow shook his head. Sonny sighed and stood up. He went over to a tree and grabbed a bottle. There was a river nearby where they were hidden. Sonny got some water from the river in the bottle. He walked back to where Shadow and M were. "Here. Drink this." Sonny says giving the bottle to Shadow. Shadow takes the bottle and drank the water. He gave the bottle back to Sonny when he finished. "Do you feel any better, Shadow?" Sonny asks. Shadow looked really pale. "Not really." He says. M leaned against Shadow. Sonny sighs. "Give me a second." He says. He walks off somewhere. He walks over to another tree. There was a hole in the trunk. Sonny reached into the hole. He pulled out another bottle. This time, it had something in it. He walked back to Shadow and M. "This should help." Sonny says. He hands it to Shadow. Sonny sat next to them. Shadow sighed. He opened the bottle and drank. After drinking it, he started feeling better. "How do you feel?" Sonny asks. Shadow shrugs. "A little better, I guess." He says. Sonny and M sigh of relief. "Thanks Sonny." Shadow says. Sonny smiles and nods.

"Also M, why don't you speak?" Sonny asks him. M gasped. He looked down sadly. Shadow sighs. "Someone named Twisted Rainbow removed his voice a while back. So he cant speak." He says. M looked down sadly. Shadow touched his shoulder. "I'm sorry about that M." Sonny says. M leans against Shadow. Shadow wrapped his arm around M's back. Sonny yawned. "I think we should get some sleep." He says. Shadow and M nod. Shadow sighed and lied down on the grass. M lies down next to him. Sonny lies down as well. M fell asleep immediately. Sonny looked at Shadow. "Are you okay, Shadow?" He asks. Shadow looked at him. "I'll be fine Sonny." He says. Sonny sighs. "Well, we'll be able to make it to that area tomorrow. Just hoping nothing slows us down." He says. Shadow nods. "We need to get back to our world as soon as possible." He says. Sonny nods. "I know." He says. He looks down. "It'll be okay, right?" He asks. Shadow sighs and nods. "I hope." He says. Sonny hugs Shadow's arm. Shadow gasps. Sonny fell asleep shortly after. Shadow sighs and fell asleep as well.

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now