Chapter 33

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Going to try and get more chapters out soon. Sorry for taking so long- Also, please know. This was kind of a filler chapter. I forgot about a certain thing that happened before so I made this chapter to fill in on what happened. I've been sick for a while too and I haven't really been working on the story all that much. I'm sorry I've been taking so long. I will try to get the rest of the story out soon.

Shadow followed Twisted Rainbow back to their house. "I think the others are going to kill us." Twisted Rainbow says. "Most likely." Shadow says. Twisted Rainbow sighs and opens the door.

The others were in the living room waiting for them. Twisted Rainbow gasped. Shadow rolled his eyes. "Morning you two." Lucian said. He looked upset. "Uhh, hey Lucian. How are you?" Twisted Rainbow asked smiling. Lucian smiled. "Just fine. How are you two?" He asks. "Oh, we're doing great." Twisted Rainbow says. Lucian's smile then faded. M came up to Shadow and smacked him. "Ow!" Shadow exclaimed. M signed to ask where they were. "I'm sorry, okay! Twisted Rainbow left to go find The First Curse so I followed him." Shadow says. Twisted Rainbow nods. "Ahh. I see." Lucian says. The Great One sighed. He was holding Aiden. "Why didn't you wake us?" The Great One asks them. "I would've but I wasn't thinking at the time." Shadow says. Twisted Rainbow sighed. Hypno looked pissed off. "You know you could've been killed out there, right?" He says angrily. Twisted Rainbow sighed. "I know. But I said I would go out there myself at some point anyway." He said. "And you thought now would've been a good time?!" Hypno asks. Twisted Rainbow shrugs. Shadow sighed. "Anyway, Lucian, Aiden comes from the other village right?" He asks. Lucian looked at Aiden and nodded. "Yeah." He says. "If he ran from the village, what do you think The First Curse did to it?" Shadow asks. Lucian gasps. "Aiden! What happened?" He asks. Aiden gasped. "The First Curse attacked me, Sam, Bruno and Axel! He chased me out of the village though!" He exclaims. Lucian looked terrified and worried. "Oh no. SAM!" He shouts. He quickly ran to the door. "Come on you guys!" He exclaims. The Great One set Aiden down. "Stay here." He says. Aiden nods. The Great One followed Lucian. The others followed too.

Shadow gasped. "Wait! Hang on!" He exclaims. They all stop. "Lucian, can't you just teleport us there?" Shadow asks. Lucian shook his head. "No. You can't teleport to the village. If you try, it will not end well for you. We don't exactly know why. People have tried to teleport there but they didn't survive. Teleporting is already kind of dangerous to do in this world which is why I rarely do it." He says. "Oh. Then how do we get there?" Twisted Rainbow asks. Lucian sighed. "It's too far to walk or run there. It's on the other side of the forest. We'll have to go by horse." He says. "By horse?" Hypno asks. "Our horses are extremely fast. They'll get us there faster than if we were to walk or run." Lucian says. "Good point." Shadow says.

Lucian lead The Last Ones to another part of the village. There were horses there. They all were in pens. "Alright. Since we can't teleport there, we'll have to get there by riding these horses. We can't walk there because the village is on the other side of the forest." Lucian says. "So, we'll all ride horses there?" Twisted Rainbow asks. Lucian nods. Shadow sighs. "Well, if it's the only way to get there faster." He says. M nods. Lucian got onto one of the horses. Shadow got onto one as well. M, Twisted Rainbow and Hypno got onto there's. The Great One didn't though. "Great One, what's wrong?" Lucian asks. Shadow gasps remembering something. The Great One was thinking. "Are you going to get on a horse?" Twisted Rainbow asks. But then, The Great One uses some of his darkness powers and summons something. They all look over. Everyone except Shadow gasped. The Great One summoned another horse. However though, it seemed to be a darkness horse. It had black fur, red eyes and black horns on its head. It already had a saddle and reins on it. "Whoa! How did you do that, Great One?" Hypno asks. "He has the ability to summon a darkness horse. He doesn't often but I guess he had to now." Shadow says. The Great One got on the darkness horse. "That's incredible." Lucian says. "Alright. We better go. We got no time to lose." The Great One says. "He's right. Let's go." Hypnos says. They all quickly ride off into the forest.

It took them about half the day to get there. It was already almost sundown. "I really hope we're not too late." Lucian says. "I doubt we are. We'll make it there on time I'm sure." Shadow says. But then Twisted Rainbow coughs. "Do any of you smell smoke?" He asks. Lucian gasped.

They then finally made it to the village. Lucian gasped when he saw it. "NO!" He shouts. He quickly jumped off his horse and ran towards it. Shadow got off his and gasped. Lucian had stopped in front of the entrance of the village. It was on fire! Shadow coughs from the smoke. "No no no no..." Lucian says. He looks around frantically. "SAM! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He calls out. No response. "SAM!" He called out again. "SAM! ARE YOU THERE?!" Shadow called out. Still nothing. Lucian backed away some. "No..." He says. He falls to his knees and starts sobbing. The Great One got off his horse and walked over. "What happened?" He says. "I don't know." Shadow says. Lucian kept crying. M ran over to Shadow. He looks at him. "The First Curse..." Shadow says. M nods sadly. Twisted Rainbow and Hypno walked over as well. "Thank God Steve Aiden wasn't here when this happened." Hypno says. The Great One sighs and nods. Shadow walked over to Lucian. Shadow knelt down beside Lucian. "Lucian, I'm so sorry." He says. Lucian looks at him and hugged him. "My best friend is dead!" He exclaims. Shadow looks at the fire and sighs. He hugs Lucian back. "I'm sorry Lucian." He says. M stared at the fire shocked. He couldn't even think of how to react or what to say. Shadow sighed and pulled away from Lucian. "We better find a way to put this fire out before it spreads to the forest." He says. Lucian sighs and nods.

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now