Chapter 36

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The Great One and Shadow were walking around in another part of the warehouse. They were still looking for Sonny and Aiden. The Great One looked very worried. Shadow sighed. "I hope they aren't farther away from the warehouse." He says. The Great One nods. But then they both heard screaming. The Great One gasped realizing that was Aiden. "Oh no. AIDEN!" He screams. He ran to find him. "Great One! Wait up!" Shadow shouts. He ran after him.

But then, they both ran into another room. The Great One and Shadow looked around confused. "Where are we now?" Shadow asks. "I don't know." The Great One says, "This is where we heard that scream." But then out of nowhere, The First Curse slammed down onto the ground knocking them both to the ground. Sabre was behind him. He laughed. The Great One and Shadow sat up. Shadow gasped. "Ahh. Look who's here!" Sabre exclaims. The Great One growls at them. The First Curse laughs. "They won't be able to save their... Little friends." He says. The Great One and Shadow gasp. "What did you do to Aiden?" The Great One asks standing up. The First Curse chuckles. "No need to worry about that." He says. The Great One and Shadow growl. The First Curse continues to laugh. The Great One punched The First Curse without thinking. The First Curse growled and fought back. Sabre looked at Shadow and attacked him. The Great One didn't notice though. The First Curse punched The Great One into the wall. The First Curse growled and took out a chain. The Great One got back up but then, The First Curse appeared behind him and began strangling him with the chain. Sabre punched Shadow to the ground. The Great One growled and looked over at them. Sabre held Shadow down on the ground. The Great One gasped and kicked The First Curse. He got free and ran to try and help Shadow but The First Curse grabbed him and held him back. Sabre chuckles. The Great One roars out and tries to get free. Shadow looks at The Great One sadly. Sabre unsheathed his sword and looked at The Great One. "Great One, you can't do anything about this anymore." Sabre said. The Great One gasped. Sabre turned to Shadow and stabbed him right in the chest. Shadow screamed in pain. The Great One thrashed around trying to get free from The First Curse. "NO!" He screamed. Sabre ripped the sword out of Shadow's chest and stabbed him again. Shadow cried out in pain. The Great One watched in shock. "STOP!" He shouts. Sabre didn't listen. He stabbed Shadow again, this time in the stomach. The Great One gasped. "STOP IT!!!" The Great One wailed and thrashes. The First Curse chuckles. Sabre laughs as he ripped the sword out of Shadow's stomach. Shadow was breathing heavily. Sabre looked down at Shadow and knelt down. Shadow cried out in pain as Sabre was pushing his knee into Shadow's stomach where he had been stabbed. Sabre smirked and stabbed Shadow in the chest again. The Great One screamed and thrashed wildly. Sabre tried to pry out Shadow's heart with his sword. The Great One growled and bit The First Curse's hand. The First Curse screamed and backed away. The Great One quickly ran over and kicked Sabre away from Shadow. Sabre hit the ground. The Great One grabbed Shadow and picked him up. Shadow had fell unconscious. The Great One growled lowly. Sabre stood up laughing. The Great One closed his eyes. "You're pathetic! What are you going to do now? Do you really think that you have a chance?" Sabre asks. The Great One didn't look at him. Shadow was bleeding profusely from his chest and stomach. The Great One knew he had to get him out of here. Sabre chuckles. "I know what you want to do Great One. You want to get Shadow out of here." He says. The Great One slowly looked at him. His face had changed expression into something that was not like his usual self. It was a more sad expression. Sabre laughs. But then he unsheathes his sword and cuts The Great One's leg. The Great One roars out in pain. Sabre chuckles. "Now try to leave." He says. The Great One growls at him and cradles Shadow against his chest before walking out.

The Great One was limping from his leg and it was very hard for him to walk. But he still wanted to get Shadow out of there. Shadow was out cold. The Great One looked at him sadly as he walked through the forest trying to get him back to the village. But then, The Great One groaned and fell against a tree. Shadow stayed unconscious. The Great One looked at him. He checked Shadow's pulse to make sure he was alright. The Great One sighed of relief. He winced in pain from his leg. He couldn't carry Shadow all the way to the village. Not yet at least. The Great One sighed. But then a loud rumble was heard. The Great One looked up and saw it was about to start raining. The Great One sighed. The rain started to pour. The Great One and Shadow were under a tree but they were still getting wet. The Great One pulled the hood up on Shadow's hoodie. The Great One stared at the sky watching the rain pour. He was getting sort of lost in his own thoughts. But then he heard something. He looked down at Shadow and saw he was shivering slightly. The Great One sighed and held Shadow closer to his chest. The Great One wrapped his arm around Shadow so he was fully holding Shadow. Shadow's head laid comfortably against the Great One's chest. The Great One sighed. He decided to wait until morning to head back to the village as it was starting to get late. The Great One looked at Shadow. "Stay with me... Son."

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