Chapter 24

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TW: Blood and gore warning

The next morning, Shadow woke up kind of early. He sat up slowly. He looked down at his scarf wrapped around his waist. He pulled it off to check his wound. He gasped. The wound was healed. Shadow sighed of relief. He looked over at M who was still asleep. But then he realized, Sonny wasn't there. "Sonny?" He says. Shadow looked around confused. He stood up. He looked around the area outside the safer area they were in. But he couldn't find Sonny. "Sonny?" He says again. No response. "Sonny!" Shadow shouts running off to find him.

Shadow was walking around the forest by himself now. He was looking for where Sonny went. He then came up to a fenced off area. He looked at it confused. There were signs on it that said, "High voltage" or "Do Not Enter" Shadow sighed. But then he heard someone shout his name. Shadow gasped. "Sonny?" He said. "Shadow help!" He heard Sonny shout. Shadow quickly began running to find him. He kept hearing Sonny shout for help. Shadow kept running to find him then when he came up to a creek, he saw blood on the ground. He gasped. "Sonny!" He shouted. He heard Sonny call his name again. Shadow knew he was close by. He followed the trail of blood. When he made it to where Sonny was, he gasped. Sonny had a large avulsion in his hip and some cuts on his body. He was trying to walk but he collapsed into some moss. Shadow quickly ran over to him. "Sonny! What happened to you?" He asks. Sonny coughs. Shadow knelt down and lifted Sonny's head up. Sonny looked at him. "I was attacked again by the hunters. They stabbed me in the hip and when I was trying to run, I accidentally ran into a rose bush and got cut several times by the thorns." He says. "Oh god steve. What were you doing out here anyway?" Shadow asks. Sonny looked at him. "I think you probably ran past it while trying to find me. That fence that was closing off an area of the forest. I was trying to get through it but the hunters found me while I was. After getting away from them, I ran all the way here before my leg finally gave out and I was stuck limping." He says. Shadow sighs. "I need to get you out of here." He says. He quickly lifts Sonny up in his arms. Sonny cried out in pain. "Hey, don't worry. It's going to be okay." Shadow said. He turned back down the path to try and find M. Sonny was in a lot of pain. He whimpered some from the pain. "It's okay." Shadow said.

M was already looking for Shadow and Sonny. M ran out from behind a tree and saw Shadow carrying Sonny. He quickly ran over. Shadow looked at him. "Oh! M! There you are!" He exclaims. M stops and looks at Sonny in shock. Shadow looked at him sadly. M used sign language to ask what happened. Shadow sighed. "He was found by the hunters while trying to get through a fenced off area." He says to M. M seemed to gasp and looked at Sonny again. Sonny had tears in his eyes. "We need to get him back to the safer area then we need to try and fix his wounds." Shadow said. M nodded. He gestured for Shadow to follow him. Shadow began following him.

Once they made it, Shadow set Sonny down on the grass. M walked over to them. He quickly held his hand over Sonny's wound on his hip. Sonny cried out in pain. M stood up and ran over to the river. He picked up the bottle Sonny used and got some water in it. He walked back over to Shadow and Sonny. M looked at Shadow and signed something. Shadow sighed. "Sonny, this might hurt a bit." He says. M sighs and pours some of the water on Sonny's wounds. Sonny cries out in pain. M looked at him sadly. Shadow took off his scarf and wrapped it around Sonny's waist which covered the wound. Shadow looked at his hands. He then touched Sonny's chest. M looked at him worriedly. Shadow looked at M. Tears filled Shadow's eyes and he looked sad. M looked at him confused. Shadow wiped his eyes with his sleeve. He shook his head and looked at M. "Nothing." But then a light came from Shadow's hand when it was on Sonny's chest. M looked down and gasped. But then almost immediately, a light flashed over Sonny's body. Sonny shot up. The cuts on his body were gone. "Wait a minute." He said. He untied Shadow's scarf around his waist. The avulsion on his hip was gone too. "What happened?" He asks. Shadow and M stared at him confused. Sonny looked at Shadow. "Did you heal me?" He asks. "I don't know. I don't have that power though. I don't know how that happened." Shadow says. Sonny hugged Shadow. "Thank you." He said. Shadow hugged him back. Sonny pulled back after a moment. "Why were you trying to get over that fence?" Shadow asks. Sonny sighed. "It's a faster way to get to the area where you two can open a portal to the multiverse. If we can get over the fence, we might be able to make it there today." He says. Shadow sighed of relief. "But the hunters are always near there so we have to be careful." Sonny says. "We better head there now." Shadow says. M nods. They all stand up and walk off the find the fenced off area.

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