Chapter 26

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Shadow, M and Sonny were still walking towards the fenced off area. "You think it's close by?" Shadow asks Sonny. "Yeah, it should be past those trees." Sonny says. Shadow nods. M was staring at the ground. But then he gasped. Shadow froze and turned back. "M, what's wrong?" He asks. Tears then welled up in M's eyes. He started freaking out. Sonny turned back too. M fell against the tree and was shaking in fear. "M, what's wrong?" Shadow asks again. M breathed heavily as if he was panicking. Sonny looked at him confused. M looked at Shadow and then he took a piece of crumpled paper out of his pocket and gave it to Shadow. Shadow looked at it confused. He uncrumpled the paper and there was writing on it. "These past few nights, I've been having constant dreams about this man who seemed to be wearing a green hoodie, a blindfold over his eyes and he always had this evil smirk on his face. In each of the dreams, he would always taunt me saying that he hated what this world did to him and he destroyed it everytime. I would always fall into this black abyss before I wake up. I didn't understand any of them but now I'm freaked out and don't know what's going to happen." Shadow read out loud. Shadow was confused for a second but then gasped realizing this all happened. He looked at M who was staring at him panicked. "Y-You knew? This whole time M?" Shadow asks. M nods. Sonny was shocked too. "But... How?" Shadow asks. M shrugs. "He knew that the world was going to be destroyed by Sabre?" Sonny asks. "M, I wish you showed this to me earlier." Shadow says. M puts his head down. Shadow sighs sadly. M just continues to stare down at the ground with teary eyes. "It must be so scary for you to dream about something like this." Sonny says softly. M looks back up and nods. "But how did you have a dream like that?" Shadow asks. M shrugged. Shadow reached down to help him stand. M took his hand and stood up. Shadow sighed. M then hugged him. Shadow hugged back quickly.  "It's okay M." Shadow reassures. M sighed and nodded. Sonny also hugged them. "We'll figure this all out." He says. M nods again. Shadow and Sonny pulled away. "Come on. We're almost there. Once you guys get back to the multiverse, you can get back to your world and end this all." Sonny says. Shadow nods. M looked down. Sonny began walking off. Shadow and M followed him.

They eventually made it to the fenced off area. "Don't touch the fence. It has electric wires over it." Sonny says. Shadow sighs. "How can we get past it then?" He asks. M signs something. "No. We can't walk around it. This fence is miles long. It would take us longer to go around it than it will to get to the tomb." Sonny says. "Can we cut the wires somehow?" Shadow asks. Sonny looks at the wires. "Do either of you have a knife?" He asks. Shadow shook his head. But then, M nods.  "I do." He signs. "You do?" Shadow asks. M nods. He takes a knife out of his pocket. He hands it to Sonny. Sonny turns to the fence. "This is going to hurt a bit." He says. He grabs a hold of the fence and got shocked. Sonny winces. He uses the knife and cuts the wire. "Got it!" He says. "Sonny, are you okay?" Shadow asks. "I'm fine. Dont worry. I got shocked before. It's not that bad." Sonny says. Shadow chuckles. Sonny kicks the gate open. "Come on." He says.

They all enter the fenced off area and walk through the forest on the other side of the fence. "Why was this place fenced off?" Shadow asks. "Well, half of this place is fenced off and it actually leads to the only way out of the forest and has a short cut to the tomb. I never broke through though. I only overheard it from the hunters." Sonny explains. "Well, we better be careful." Shadow says. Sonny nods. They all fell silent as they walked. But then, Shadow coughed. Sonny and M turned back to look at him. "Are you still sick Shadow?" Sonny asks. "I don't feel sick." Shadow says. Sonny looked up. There was a few apples on the tree above them. "Hmm." He says. He walks over to the tree and kicks it. An apple fell to the ground. Sonny picked it up. "Hmm. Never seen an apple tree in a forest." He says. Shadow looked at him shocked. Sonny walked over. He held the apple out to Shadow. Shadow looked at Sonny shocked. Sonny tilted his head. M looked at Shadow. Shadow gasped and had a flashback back to when he first met the Yellow Steves in the other world. One had given an apple to him before when they were trying to show him kindness. "Are you okay, Shadow?" Sonny asks. But then, Shadow grabs Sonny and pulls him in for a hug. Sonny gasped.  Shadow buried his face into Sonny's shoulder trying not to cry. Sonny hugged him back. He knew Shadow was about to cry. Shadow was trying to fight back tears though. Sonny sighs. "Don't cry Shadow." He says. Shadow wiped away the tears staining his blindfold. He let Sonny go. Sonny gave Shadow the apple. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine. Just remembered something." Shadow says. Sonny nods. "Come on Shadow." He says. Shadow nods. They all continue going forward.

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