Chapter 27

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Sonny continued to lead Shadow and M to the safe area of the forest to open a portal. They were all silent for most of the time. But then M gasped and stopped them both from walking. "M, what's wrong?" Shadow asks. M slowly looked over into the forest. Shadow and Sonny looked too. They all stood frozen. "What is it?" Shadow whispers. M puts his finger to his lips telling him to be quiet. Sonny gasped. But the out of nowhere, an axe is thrown at them. They all duck before it hit them. M took out his knife. "Uh oh." Sonny says. He turns back to Shadow and M looking panicked. "Run!" He exclaims. They all start running.

The hunters chased after them. "Oh no!" Shadow exclaims. M grabs his arm to pull him along. Sonny was running very fast. He looked terrified. They quickly ran to a clearing. "What are we going to do?" Shadow asks. Sonny looks up at the trees. "I have an idea." He says. Shadow and M look at him. Sonny runs over to the tree and climbs it. "Come on!" He exclaims. Shadow and M look at each other for a second before they follow him. Sonny climbed to a high enough branch. Shadow and M got on the branch with him. "What are you doing?" Shadow asks him. "The tomb isn't far from here. We can travel through the trees here." Sonny says. He pointed in the direction of the tomb. "Come on. We got to hurry!" He says. Shadow and M nod. "Follow me." Sonny says. He walks to the edge of the branch and quickly jumps to the next tree. Shadow and M followed suit. "We'll jump from tree to tree until we get there. The hunters won't see us up here." Sonny says. Shadow and M nod. The hunters then came to the clearing looking for them. Sonny shushes Shadow and M and gestures for them to follow him. Sonny jumps to the next tree. Shadow and M followed him.  Then he jumped to another tree. Shadow and M quickly followed him. They continued doing that. But then, Sonny hits his arm on the next tree he jumps onto. He cries out in pain and falls. Shadow gasps. "Sonny!" He exclaims. But then, he jumped off the tree. M gasped. Shadow quickly caught Sonny before they both hit the ground below. Shadow groaned and looked up. He had Sonny in his arms. Shadow groans in pain as he sits up. Sonny looked at him. "Shadow! Are you okay?" He asks worried. Shadow groaned and grabbed his side. "Wait. Did you hurt yourself?" Sonny asks. "I think I did." Shadow says. Sonny gasps. "Hey!" Someone shouts. They both look up. The hunters were there. Shadow held Sonny tightly. "Get back!" He shouts at the hunters. "Put the kid down or we will kill you both." One of the hunters said. Shadow growled some. Sonny looked at him. "Shadow! What are you doing?" He whispers. But then, Shadow puts up his arm and all of a sudden, a forcefield is put around him and Sonny. Sonny gasped. The hunters backed up. Shadow stood up and the forcefield dropped. Then he fired a projectile at the hunters knocking them all back. Shadow growls and holds Sonny against his chest protectively. One hunter then shot Shadow in the stomach. However though, this didn't affect Shadow at all. He ripped the arrow out of his stomach and threw it to the ground. Shadow looked at the hunter who shot him angrily. Then he walked over and grabbed the hunter by the throat before breaking his neck. Shadow backed away some. M jumped down from the tree and watched in shock. Sonny stared at Shadow shocked. Shadow quickly attacked the other hunters. Shadow used the magic he had from Lucian to kill the hunters. He held Sonny protectively against his chest. After a few moments, only one hunter remained. He tried to run but Shadow stopped him. Shadow glared at him angrily. Shadow suddenly grabbed him by the throat and started choking him. The hunter began coughing desperately. Sonny stared at the hunter angrily. Shadow lowered the hunter down so Sonny could look him right in the eye. "It was you, First Curse! You killed my family!" He shouted at the hunter. All the hunters had been cursed by The First Curse. Sonny knew that as he's seen The First Curse do it. The hunter tried to break free of Shadow's hold but couldn't. While Shadow wouldn't do this to any Steve now that he's reformed, he knew that the hunters were too far gone to bring back to normal. So Shadow had no choice but to kill them. The hunter then died. Shadow threw him onto the ground. M ran over after they were all killed. He touched Shadow's shoulder to calm him down. Sonny looked at Shadow. "Are you okay?" He asks him. Shadow sighed, tired after all that. "That just took a lot of energy." He says. Sonny hugged Shadow. "You saved my life!" He exclaimed. Shadow sighed. "I had to. You are our friend." He says. Sonny smiled. M hugged them both. "Alright. Well, since we won't have to deal with the hunters. We can get to the tomb easily." Sonny says. Shadow and M nod. Shadow put Sonny down. Sonny gestured for them to follow him.

They all ran to another clearing. It was a smaller area though and there was a small statue in the center. Sonny walked over to it. "This area is completely safe and opening a portal to anywhere is safe right here." He says. Shadow sighs. "Well, with us using our powers together M. We should be able to open one easily." He says. M nods. Sonny stepped back. Shadow and M walked over to the center. Shadow nodded to M. M nodded back. They both took a deep breath to control their powers. Shadow reached his hand out. M did the same. Magic was forming from both their hands. After a few moments, they finally opened the portal. Shadow and M dropped to their knees exhausted. Sonny ran over. "Are you two okay?" He asks. "We're fine." Shadow says. M nods. They both stand up. Shadow and M stood in front of the portal. "Well, take care guys and good luck." Sonny says. Shadow and M turned back to him. "Wait. What are you going to do after this Sonny?" Shadow asks. Sonny sighs. "Ill just keep living in the forest like I always have for a while." He says. Shadow and M look at each other sadly. "But Shadow, M. Thank you guys for saving me and helping me." Sonny says. M looked down. Sonny smiled sadly and was about to walk away. "Sonny wait!" Shadow says. Sonny stopped and turned back. "Yeah?" He asks. Shadow looked at M. M nods. Shadow smiles. "Come with us." He says. Sonny gasps. "What?" He says. M nods and makes the gesture for 'Come with us.' as well.  Sonny hesitates. "I..." He starts. "Please Sonny. You shouldn't have to be alone here anymore." Shadow says. Sonny stared at his hands. "Are you sure?" He asks. Shadow nodded. "Of course." He says. Sonny then smiled. He chuckled. "Alright." He says. Shadow and M smiled. Sonny ran over and hugged them. Shadow and M hugged him back. Sonny pulled away after a moment. "Thank you." He says. Shadow and M nod. "Come on." Shadow says. Sonny nods. They all walk through the portal back to the multiverse.

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