Chapter 49

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The Last Ones were all walking around cautiously. "Do you think The First Curse is down here too?" Shadow asks. "Probably." Twisted Rainbow says. Shadow sighs. But then they all hear crying. The Great One gasped. "Aiden?" He says. He rushed ahead of them all. "Great One! Wait up!" Hypno shouts. They all chased after him. The Great One was looking in a certain direction from behind a corner. They made it to him. "Great One, what's wrong?" Shadow asks. The Great One looked shocked and worried. He pointed down the hallway. Shadow looked and gasped. Sabre was there. He was holding Aiden by the throat. Aiden was covered in wounds. He was crying a lot. "Oh my god steve..." Shadow says. The Great One growls angrily. "Great One, dont." Shadow says. The Great One doesn't listen. He growls and rushes towards them. "Great One!" Shadow exclaims. Sabre looks over at The Great One. He unsheathes his sword and stabs The Great One in the chest. Aiden and Shadow gasp. "GREAT ONE!" They both shouted. The Great One staggers back. He grabs the wall and was holding his hand over the wound. The Great One growls angrily at Sabre and throws some of his blood on him. Sabre grunts and steps back. Shadow growls and tries to grab Aiden but Sabre kicks Shadow away. Shadow falls back. Sabre stares at them all. "You shouldn't have gotten out." He says. He uses his power and teleports them all separating them.

Shadow was teleported somewhere else. He looked around confused. "Guys? Where are you?" He says. No response. Shadow sighs and got up. He looked around for them. He trailed his hand across the wall while looking around. But then he heard something. He slowly looked over and gasped. The Light Sabre was back. "What do you want now?" Shadow asks. Light Sabre didn't say anything. He just glared at him. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Shadow asks in a louder voice. He was starting to get irritated now. Light Sabre didn't speak for a bit. He stared at Shadow with a dead expression on his face. "They want you." He said pointing somewhere. Shadow looks over and gasps. There were some Yellow Steves there. Shadow backed away. "N-No..." He says. Shadow fell to the floor and started panicking. The yellow steves and the light Sabre disappears. Shadow held his hands over his head and was breathing heavily. He backed up into the wall. M then turned a corner and saw him. He gasped and ran over to Shadow. Shadow didn't notice. He was freaking out too much. M stared at him worriedly. He looked around but saw nothing. What was Shadow freaking out about? M looked back at Shadow. Shadow still hadn't noticed him. M put his hand on Shadow's shoulder and his other hand behind his back. He hugged Shadow to try and calm him down. Shadow took a few seconds but then he reached up and rubbed M's back. M looked at him. Shadow slowly looked at him. His breathing slowly got better. He relaxed and stopped shaking. M stared at him. Shadow slowly calmed down. He took a deep breath and pressed his forehead against M's head. M closed his eye. Shadow was trying to keep his breathing steady. M gently pulled away and placed his hands on either side of Shadow’s face. He tilted his head up so that they could make eye contact. Shadow stared at him. M signed asking what happened. Shadow took a moment before speaking. "I... I was hallucinating I think." He says. M stares at him. He tilts his head. Shadow sighed. "Sorry. I don't want to talk about it M. We just need to find the others." He says. M shakes his head and signed something. "Oh." Shadow says. He sighs and tries to stand but M pulled him back down. Shadow looked at him confused. M just hugged him. Shadow hesitated and then wrapped his arms around M. He buried his head in M's hair. "M..." Shadow whispered, trying to not cry. M looked at him. He signed, "It'll be okay. We will figure all this out. I promise." Shadow looked down. "I hope so." He says. M stood up and reached down to help Shadow up. Shadow took his hand and M pulled him up. M points down somewhere. Shadow nods. "Let's go." He says. They ran off.

The Last Ones part 2 | A Twisted Rainbow AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now