Chapter 8

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Shadow Sabre was sitting against a house in the village drawing something on a notebook. It was very early in the morning. The sun was still rising. Shadow sighed and looked around the area worriedly. He shivered a bit because the morning was sort of cold since it was fall time in that world. Shadow was drawing some of the field outside the village since he actually thought the scenery was beautiful for once. He stood up and put his notebook in a bag that was swung over his shoulder. He then walked out into the field he was drawing. He stopped in the center of the field. There were some leaves scattered on the ground and the trees leaves were starting to turn red, orange and yellow. Shadow just looked around the field amazed by the scenery. For once, he liked the scenery the way it was. He didn't even think once about spreading darkness around it. He sort of liked the peace and quiet. Shadow used to hate how the world looked. He would always spread darkness in fields like this but now, he no longer had that thought. He just enjoyed the scenery the way it is. Shadow sighed remembering how he spread darkness in many places like this. Now he wished he never did. He kind of wished he thought twice about it realizing how beautiful the world can be sometimes. Shadow looked at his notebook again and finished drawing the field. He put the notebook in his bag and just looked around. He took a deep breath. "This place is actually nice." He says. He sighed. "Hey Shadow." Someone said. Shadow turned around. The Yellow Village Leader was there. "Oh, hey village leader." Shadow says. "What're you doing out here so early?" The village leader asks. "I just needed some fresh air." Shadow says.  "Is everything okay? Is there something bothering you?" The village leader asked. Shadow shook his head. "No... I'm good." He lies. His heart beat quickens slightly. "Are you sure? You seem awfully nervous. Have we done something wrong?" The village leader asked. Shadow looks down. "You've done nothing wrong. I'm just worried about what might happen to all of us when we try to open the portal. It may injure you all." Shadow says. The village leader sighed. "Shadow, we'll be fine." He says. Shadow looked at him. "It just worries me. We're using a lot of energy to open a portal and who knows what could happen?" He says. The village leader nods. "I understand your worry. It'll be hard doing this but it will be okay." He puts his hand on Shadow's shoulder, "We'll all be okay." He says. Shadow looked at him and sighed. "Alright." He says. "Don't worry Shadow. Everything will be okay." The village leader says. Shadow nods. "Oh! I forgot that I needed to give this notebook back." He says. "Oh. You can keep it if you want." The village leader said. "No. It was yours anyway." Shadow says. The village leader put the notebook in his bag. "Come on. We got to get to work soon." He says. Shadow nods. They both walked back to the village. Shadow shivered some as it was cold outside. The Yellow Village Leader looks at him. "Are you cold?" He asks. "Yeah." Shadow says. "Stay here for a second." The Yellow Village Leader says. He walks into one of the houses and grabs something. He walks back outside and then wraps a scarf around Shadow's neck. "This should help." He says. Shadow smiled. "Thanks." He says. The Yellow Village Leader smiles and nods.

Shadow went out somewhere to look around. He was curious about the world he was in. He looked at the scarf he was wearing. The scarf was blue and striped. He smiled at it. But then he heard someone say, "Exploring?" Shadow gasps. "Sabre?" He says. Sabre laughs. "Did you really believe you had killed me? Hmm?" He asks. Shadow couldn't see Sabre. "And did you really believe you could defeat my ally The First Curse?" Sabre asks. "What did he do to you?" Shadow asks. Sabre sighs. "He showed me more trust than you two ever did. That's why I took the core and gave it to him." He says. Shadow gasps. Sabre touched Shadow's shoulder to startle him. He was behind him. Sabre had a stab wound through his chest and a clock necklace around his neck. The clock's hands were moving backwards instead of forwards though. "You still have that glass pane, don't you?" Sabre asks. Shadow nods. "Point it ahead." Sabre says. Shadow takes out the glass pane and points it ahead of him. But then he gasps. There was writing on the tree ahead. Shadow walked ahead to look at it closer. He gasps when he saw what it said. "There is a little bit of good in everyone but there's also bad in everyone too. No matter what, everyone is good and bad." Is what the writing said. Shadow lowered the glass pane in shock. Sabre stood behind him with his arms crossed. Shadow knew what the writing said was true. He sighed sadly realizing the reality that everyone is good and bad. "You will need to keep that in mind Shadow." Sabre said. Shadow sighed and nodded. "You should've known that reality before. Now go." Sabre says. Shadow looked back for a second then ran off. He kept running until he all of a sudden crashed into someone. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Shadow says. "It's okay. Are you alright?" The person asked. Shadow saw it was a Green Steve who was talking to him. "I'm fine. Are you?" Shadow asks. "I'm fine too. Don't worry." The Green Steve said. Shadow sighed. "Wait. You're the person we're opening a portal to the multiverse for." The Green Steve says. Shadow nods. "Yeah. Sorry. I was just exploring some." He says. "Alright. Well, they need you back at the Red Kingdom. Light was looking for you earlier but I guess I can tell him I found you." The Green Steve says. Shadow chuckled. "Yeah. I'll head there now." He says. The Green Steve nods. Shadow began heading to the Red Kingdom.

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