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" Wei Wuxian, are you exited to go to the Kan clan? And please behave yourself, don't embarass our clan when we go there.." "aiyo...
Jiang Cheng...what do you think I would do?run around the whole Lan clan naked and announce that I'm from Jiang clan?...come on, you know I will behave myself" the two boys were strolling by the lake watching some children play in the lake, it was a perfect afternoon and even though it was already later in the day the streets were bustling with people going about their businesses.

The stall keepers were shouting their merchandise while the smell of fresh fruits and bakery filled the entire streets. Wei Ying didn't care about those things, he had a stomach problem remember...he didn't like to eat and since he had his first taste of wine, he had been drinking more than he ate so that his pain could lessen. He still had his episodes where his abdominal pain would prevent him from showing off his skills or flirt with some girls,but he had his own ways of hiding it.

If it wasn't because the weather was hot, then it was because he felt bored to do what he used to, as long as he doesn't show that he was in pain it didn't matter what lie he had to tell. It was now a year after their gifting ceremony and they were excited to go to Gusu Lan clan, oh! Well...atleast Jiang Cheng was, as for Wei Ying...well.... he was exited, but exited to try the famous Gusu emperors smile that he had heard if from the wine sellers in the streets.  He would even scold Jiang Cheng sometimes from always talking about the Twin Jade's of Lan clan and even tease him by saying he was in love with one of them.

He didn't care too much about what the rumours said about them and even when Jiang Cheng spoke about them he would pretend like he was listening and Jiang Cheng would find out later that he wasn't listening but infact napping the whole time. Wei Ying was known to wake up late and he would sometimes sleep during the day and Jiang would scold him saying that since they graduated a year ago he was lazy. But the truth was...Wei Ying would only fall asleep later at dawn reason being his abdominal pain. He slept late and woke up late.

On the other side of Yungmeng in Gusu Lan Zhan was sitting under the peony tree holding on to his Wanji while waiting for the sky to darken. His sole purpose was to speak to the spirits and since he was gifted his zither it was easier for him to communicate with them. His aura made many tremble and even in his clan, desciples who were older than him feared and respect him, the other reason for their respect was the way he dealt with Su She, Su She had already finished his copying the Lan clan rules and had went back to studying. He was left behind again and he had to repeat his class which was already below his age.

He had no choice but to continue his studies because that was the Lan clan policy. Finish your studies and cultivate to be a better person to be able to stand side by side with others. The other thing that added to their respect for Lan Zhan was the events of the gifting ceremony.Their respect started then and after the gifting ceremony and many doubted if he was a God or a mortal. The desciples took him as their role model and they wanted to follow in his footsteps. He had gone to many night hunts and wherever there was chaos he was known to appear.

Nobody knew how he knew where the chaos was and they just summarised it as luck or being that good to know where to go and what to do. But in reality...Lan Zhan knew where to go because the Gods would have already told him where to go and help other people. He would do it free of charge and whenever those he helped started praising him he would stand up and leave.

He didn't like praises, he also didn't like the name him and his brother were given, but he only complained to his brother who had told the desciples to stop calling them that using saying his Dìdì didn't like it, but it was already too late by then. The news had already travelled from Cloud Rescessess to neighbouring towns and clans and all the way to Yungmeng. He had tried so hard to hide his powers and he would only show one of them if there was an emergency and that was it. Even his brother Lan Xichen wanted so much to see him use them but he didn't, which made Lan Xichen give up with the thought that his Dìdì was so responsible to a point of not using his powers even for his brother to see.

Evening came and he prepared his zither to ask the spirits, the only reason he did was to ask the spirits about a certain someone. The spirits would run away and not answer until the green spirit came along. The reason of them running away was partly because the Gods had given an order for all the spirits to not tell Lan Zhan anything about his Wei Ying. The mortals were indeed scared of him to a point where he was called young master by everyone in Gusu except for Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen who only called him Wanji.

The spirits were so scared of him and even trembled when they saw him from a distance or heard his voice or his Guqin'melody they would scatter. The spirits were scared of him, and for that...they never lied to him fearing that the Godly young man would absolutely punish them.He sat there and waited for the  stars to brighten the night before he started, he asked the same question he had been asking four years ago and it never changed " please show me Wei Ying" Lan Zhan said facing straight towards the spirits who were surrounding him.

His zither...just like himself...gave an aura that was hard to describe. The spirits would tremble and shake in fear and wherever Wangji played his zither Wanji' the spirits were more scared without doing anything. Besides that... Lan Zhan was also feared by the spirits even without his Wangji'. They were unable to lie nor mislead him even if they wanted to. He played ask the spirits and the answer was the same, 我不知道Wǒ bù zhīdào (*I don't know*) and that was it. Even the green spirit asked him not to ask that question because no matter how much he asked the answer would still be the safe as always.

He gave up asking and the green spirit pitied him and said " Master Lan...he is fine, that's all I can say. Please don't ever ask that question because we cannot answer you, that's because the Gods already forbid us to tell you.  Please let it be the last day, and if you don't hear from me then you must know I was being punished for telling you that tiny piece of information. " Lan Zhan nodded,he felt relieved to have finally gotten the answer he was asking all along and also because his Wei Ying was ok where he was.

LAN ZHAN AND WEI YING'S ETERNAL DESTINY BOOK2Where stories live. Discover now