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The toman founders and vice captains were confused when mikey decided to take public transportation instead of riding their bikes to their usual meet-up like they always do. It was more convenient for them and a lot faster.

The group of boys stood on the platform full of busy people trying to get to where they're going. Their uniformed appearance caught the attention of many people who looked at them warily—it wasn't the first of many. They're used to getting judged looks cause they're delinquents.

When the train arrived, the cart they were on wasn't full with many people; maybe cause they didn't want to be around the boys in case they decided to cause trouble...the toman boys wouldn't admit it but they were grateful not having to crowd so many people and stifle their air. Phew.

Anyways, Mitsuya turned to his friend, "oi, mikey, what are we doing on a train?" The others turned to their leader, but the small blonde wasn't paying attention at all. His obsidian eyes were focused ahead of him...or more specifically...the person sitting opposite him.

The toman captains and vice captains including Takemichy followed his gaze, seeing a (h/c)- haired girl reading a book, her one foot was lightly rolling the skateboard she had with her on the floor. She wore a plaid jacket open with a black tank top and blue skinny pants with some sturdy flats.

They turned back to mikey, whose eyes were sparkling, admiring her. A lightbulb went off in their heads. Their leader was in love! Is that why they found him without his bike when he attended meetings? Now it all makes sense! He was seeing her...more like staring but anyways...

The toman boys observed the (h/c)-ette quietly. She was indeed pretty and just by looking at her, anyone could tell she's a cool person with just the right spunk.

Chifuyu leans to Takemichi, whispering, "do you think mikey likes her?" He asked, glancing at his partner, who was thinking rather hard, "I've never seen her before." He thought to himself.

"...maybe...i don't know." The crybaby blonde replied. When the train came to a stop, the toman boys got up from the seat, including mikey, who wouldn't stop staring at the girl with awed eyes.

Baji rose an eyebrow, "no offense, but it's kind of creepy though." He muttered to Mitsuya, who chuckled nervously. It was.

Coincidentally, the (h/c)-haired girl got off too. She accidentally bumped into sanzu, muttering an apology before dropping her skateboard on the floor and riding away, jumping on stairway handles and swerving sharply to the right, disappearing from their view.

Draken whistled, impressed by her moves, "damn, didn't know a girl can ride a skateboard like that." He complimented. The others nodded in agreement.

Mikey snapped his head to his vice-president, glaring at the tall blonde, "she's mine, you can't have her!!" He pouted angrily, puffing out his cheek, "i saw her first!"

Draken chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets as the toman boys walked down the street to their destination, "I'm not stealing her from you, mikey, don't worry." He rolled his eyes, subconsciously glancing back to where the (h/c)-ette disappeared to. She did intrigue him though.

Smiley then spoke up with his signature smile, "if you like her so much, why don't you make a move on her or something." He questioned with a tilt of his head.

Mikey said nothing as he stared ahead of him, taiyaki in his mouth. He did want to pursue her...but he was worried. Toman was always targeted by some gang and put in danger and he didn't want to have a relationship with her if she could potentially get hurt. He didn't want to risk it.

The toman boys noted his silence and remained quiet, not uttering another word. They soon arrived at an eat-in where they begun their meeting, ordering their meals as they talked about a rival gang that wanted to challenge them to a fight at a junkyard. Wasn't the first some kiddie gang thought they had a chance, lmao.


(y/n) kicked her skateboard into her hand, entering the book store where she worked part-time while attending school. She went to middle school but wanted to earn some cash.

"Hey, monica." She greeted, clocking in. Her shift began at four and ends at eight. Since she's still in school, her manager decided to give her an easy pass and let her work for four days of the week, cause she has to study and whatnot. She started last year.

"Hey, girl." Monica greeted, she was like the older sister. She's been working at the book store for three years and she's in her last year of high school. "You still have to dingy skateboard? Shouldn't you ride a bicycle instead? You might get hurt one of these days." She pointed out, warning the girl.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, carrying a stack of books in her hands and began shelving them, "leave my skateboard alone, monica-chan, i love riding it and the thrill it gives me! Besides, I haven't had a bruise ever since i started practicing three years ago!" She huffed.

Monica rolled her eyes back, hand on her hip, "doesn't matter, it's dangerous! If i were your mother, i would cut that out."

(Y/n) snorted cutely, "thank god you're not then." She stuck her tongue out, laughing while monica slapped her head, shaking her head.

"You give me a headache..."

(Y/n) lives with her mom, her dad died in a car accident. She's been trying to get a job so she can help her mom to stress less and not worry about her. Her mother was a pediatrician so she takes care of little kids. Anyways, the income is great, but with house mortgage, car insurance, bills and everything, it does take a toll on her mother who's struggling to pay everything.

(Y/n) is an independent girl, so she likes to do what she wants whenever she wants. She's not so easily frightened and tends to be a bit stubborn, but underneath all that, she's a pretty cool person who's kind and just generally sweet. She doesn't have much friends, but she doesn't mind. They'll come to her eventually and she might find the right group to connect with.

When eight o clock hit, she clocked out and bid Monica goodbye before skating to the train station, heading home.

A/n: enjoy...

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