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(y/n) sighed as she recalled the events of the recent toman meeting last week. Takemichi was finally a member...she wondered why he wasn't made official from the beginning, but whatever.

Anyways, he was put in charge of the first division since baji retired to not worry his mother who gave him a run for his life with an iron to the face! He was still invited to meetings and can partake in decisions of his choice since he is a founding member.

On another side note, valhalla has now merged with toman, their five hundred members increasing the already existing members of mikey's gang, which caused many cheers as its now the biggest gang in shibuya.

Kazutora was going to therapy everyday and giving updates on his progress to her...which she didn't understand why since she barely knows him, but she was happy for him regardless. He is still apart of toman according to the small blonde, so all is well so far. The two boys have been slowly reconnecting and talking out what happened to get a clear understanding.

(y/n) began leaving the book store once her shift was over, bidding monica a wave as both girls went separate ways. She told mikey not to come for today cause she needed some time to think about everything. Her brain was going to re-wire itself if it doesn't catch a break.

She adjusted her bag on her shoulder, her ears picking up footsteps coming from behind her. She was about to turn around to face whoever the person was when something collided with her head, knocking her out. The last thing she felt were arms hoisting her up and being carried away.

When she woke up with a mind-grappling headache, her hand clutching her head and feeling a bandage on it, groaning, she fluttered her eyes open, glaring at the ceiling before she adjusted to the lighting.

She remained motionless as she scanned the room she was currently in. The room she was in had the basic necessities such as closet, bed, etc. Her bag was placed on the bedside table and she sat up, grabbing it to check the date, sighing in relief when it was the day after when she knocked out...speaking of...

The door handle twisted open and she narrowed her eyes as three guys walked inside, two which were familiar to her and one which wasn't.

"Good job, koko!" taiju cackled, "now lets see who toman's unyielding member is—" he paused at the sight of (y/n) gazing back at him with a frown. He narrowed his eyes, instantly recognizing her as the girl who yelled at him and made yuzuha more rebellious than she was before.

The snake-eyed male grinned at the (h/c)-ette, "here she is, boss, toman's unyielding member—boss?" He cut himself off when taiju began to speak.

"You..." the tall bulky male growled at her, stalking closer to her as he towered her figure that remained sat on the bed, scanning her up and down, "you're toman's unyielding member, mikey's weakness!? Hah! Don't take me for a joke," he faced koko, "koko, get this wench out of my house and bring me the real unyielding member."

Koko scratched his head as inupi was staring at (y/n), who stared back, "uh...boss?..she is mikey's weakness and the one you asked for."

Taiju's eyebrow twitched, what!? He swiftly turned back to (y/n), eyeing her distastefully. He specifically asked for his dog and cat to kidnap the one who makes mikey weak!...the one that everyone's talking about! He was ready to torture this person only to find out...it was her!?

"So...i'm assuming you're the one's who kidnapped me?" (Y/n) asks, causing the trio to dart their eyes to her as she began to stand up, grabbing her bag, "i don't know exactly what you want with me...but until you figure it out, I'm leaving." She proceeded to walk to the door when a blonde haired male with a burn scar on his face blocked her way.

Koko chuckled, amused by her nonchalant behavior, "I don't think so, darling. We brought you here as our prisoner to gain leverage over mikey..which means you're stuck with us till we say you can go." He crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out.

Taiju remained silent as he observed (y/n) with a frown. As much as he disliked her, this was his chance to use her to get hakkai back.

(y/n) chuckled, their eyes moving to her as she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow, "i'm sorry if i didn't make myself clear..." her eyes hardened, "I'm not leaving, with or without your permission. I have school, a job and a worried mother behind my ass, i don't have time for your petty squabbles with toman regardless if i'm a member or not! I don't want to have to wake up another day in this room and learn that my mother put out 'lost child' posters all over tokyo, conduct an investigation for me because teenagers decided to kidnap me out of nowhere and could potentially have a heart attack, in which case she does and my mother is put in the hospital because of your reckless actions, you're paying all the bills."


Taiju growled out, ruffling his hair as his yellow-slit eyes glared at her, "you're not leaving this place." He took a threatening step forward, before he heaved out an irritated sigh, "...you can contact your mother and let her know that you're staying over at a friend's house for a few days." He spoke through gritted teeth, grumbling.

Kokonoi and inupi looked at taiju wide eyed...did the violent shiba just become soft for a moment? Were they dreaming?

"what about my job?...and school?" The (h/c)-ette was quick to ask, frowning.

"no." Taiju moved to the door, glancing back at her, "you're not allowed to leave the house at all or else...." He glared at her, walking out with kokonoi and inupi following after him, door closing.

(y/n) sighed, slumping on the bed with a hand to her forehead, before texting her mother and letting her know she won't be back for a bit, receiving a quick reply full of worry, which she had to explain before putting her phone down.

She wondered what was going now that she was 'kidnapped.'

A/n: lol, taiju got the reader now...what's gonna happen~?

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