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Yokohama Bay 7th Wharf

(y/n) was sitting on the crate, her wound still healing. Her eyes scanned the area, looking at all the tenjiku members present. Tonight was the battle between them and toman. She was brought along because the platinum haired leader wanted to show her to mikey. Her previous bruises were still healing and the new ones were still present.

Kisaki bitterly glanced at her, he had secretly hoped she died from that stab wound. He huffed, turning his attention ahead.

Izana held a sadistic smile, "tonight, history will
made. The night tokyo's greatest gangs assemble. Shinjuku's 'Onzoku Kizoku.' Kichijoiji's
'SS.' Ikebukuro's ICBM, Ueno's Night Dust, and other
delinquent gangs that I have acknowledged. All of them...how disappointing. Are you telling me these guys are the top right now?" He mocked the beaten and bruised men kneeling on the ground before him.

Kakucho crossed his arms, "izana, it's already ten. It doesn't look like toman is coming any time soon. Mucho dealt with the first division." He says.

Madarame had an disinterested look on his face,
wiping the bottom part of his face, "rindou and I
dealt with mitsuya and smiley, those two are definitely not showing up." He licked his lips, a tiny smirk curling on his face.

(y/n), who heard all that, glared. She didn't like that.

"From the looks of it, toman's pretty done for." Hanma smirked.

"Izana," mucho called out, standing from his spot, "the s62 who were called the worst generation have lost all our dreams, now you've made them come true. This is the end of toman."

Izana held up his hands as if he were playing an
orchestra, a smirk on his face, "from now on, tenjiku
will slowly rise to the top. We'll take over the gangs in tokyo, get get involved with the mature underground
business. It doesn't matter if it's yakuza or not. We'll
destroy anyone who opposes us." He held out his
hand, as if grasping something, "we will ldominate
the underground world of Japan."

(y/n) clicked her tongue in annoyance, snapping at them with a glare on her face, "don't be ridiculous! Mikey and toman will come, they never back down from a fight." She declared confidently.

Izana turned to her with a brow raised, "you sure have a lot of confidence in them, are you positive mikey will come?" He taunted. She glares at him. He chuckled.

Kisaki then spoke up, "they will come...especially him." He glared at nothing in particular, pushing his glasses up.

Everyone suddenly heard the sound of multiple exhausts approaching. The tenjiku leader paused, glancing at (y/n), who shot him a smirk. He bit back a remark, turning back around to see mikey and the others approaching with the rest of toman.

"Toman has arrived!" Draken shouts, grinning madly as he cracked his knuckles, "get in position everyone!" The toman boys observed the tenjiku members, their eyes soon landing on (y/n), who had a bruise on her face and a tired expression.

"(y/n)-chin.." mikey mumbled, obsidian hues flashing with worry as he scanned her form, seeing her disheveled appearance. He clenched his jaw tightly, glaring at izana, who shot him a sadistic smirk, "you bastard!"

Baji furrowed his brows in hate, "those pieces of shits!..ganging up on a girl all alone. Tch." Kazutora nodded in agreement, he was joining this fight on behalf of his friend and for the girl.

The battle soon started with a forerunner. It was a ritual for the s62 who start the battle by having a one on one with the opposing enemy. Pah went first against madarame, the latter getting knocked out easily, shocking everyone minus the captains of toman.

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