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"Baji, no!" (Y/n) tackled the raven haired male to the ground, arms around his torso as they fell to the ground, a grunt escaping his lips. The knife in his hand clattering to the ground.

Baji fluttered his eyes open, staring up at her with a frown, blood trailing down his lips, "what are you doing, idiot?...you could've gotten hurt." He hoarsely says,

(y/n) huffed in frustration, glaring at him as she put his head on her lap, "who're you calling idiot, you idiot?! I can't believe you were about to—what's wrong with you!?" She rose her voice at him, "what about your mother? Were you planning to off yourself without thinking how she would feel that her only child is gone?! What about your friends?!...toman..!?...me?!" She says emotionally, "didn't you say you were going to protect me?!"

Baji felt guilty, he hadn't thought about that all. He just wanted to stop all the fighting..he didn't want to see his two best friends hurting each other because of the past, "(y/n), I...." He coughed out some blood, giving her a loving smile, "i'm sorry, dove."

She bit back tears, eyeing him with a glare. She doesn't forgive him.

Chifuyu and takemichi rushed to their side, the former crying his eyes out as he began to scold baji and say how stupid he is and why he would want to sacrifice himself.

Mikey stared at the scene with mixed emotions before redirecting his anger to kazutora again, resuming in beating him even more mercilessly. Was he so blind he couldn't see what the raven-haired male was trying to do for them?

Takemichi had just about enough. He stood with a teary glare, rushing at the small blonde and getting in between him and kazutora, "enough, already! The battle is over! Baji sacrificed himself so that we can all regain peace in toman...so nobody would have to fight anymore!!"

(y/n) wanted to go up there and smack the shit out of mikey and that kazutora fellow. Both of them are idiots, boys are idiots, the entire male population are idiots! How can anyone be so dense?!

Baji coughed out again, gazing at chifuyu and (y/n), "I don't think I'm gonna make it..." he paused, "the reason i tried to kill myself was because i wanted to protect toman, my friends," he looked at the (h/c)-ette, "and even you, (y/n). You're all my treasures, my most precious." He mutters, relaxing in her hold as she caressed his head.

Chifuyu sniffled, rubbing his tears away with his elbow, "don't say that, you're gonna survive, ya hear me!" He shouted angrily, baji chuckled.

Ran and rindou exchanged glances, their shoulders slumping in relief when (y/n) was unharmed, "that was a close one, aniki, wasn't it?" The older brother nodded in silence.

The sounds of sirens caught the ears of everyone present in the junkyard as they all scrambled to escape.

(y/n) glanced up when she saw a pair of feet standing before her, seeing kazutora looking down at her with remorse and a pained expression, "go...I'll stay here with baji..."

Mikey was quiet before speaking, "alright." He turned to the (h/c)-ette, "(y/n)-chin, lets go." He held out his hand for her to take.

She held up a finger, glaring at kazutora, "you get out of here as well," her words surprised the boys, "giving yourself to the police isn't gonna do shit so instead of wallowing in self-pity, take some goddamn therapy and fix the mistakes you've made. Obviously, I don't know what happened between you three but that doesn't mean relationships can't mend with time and understanding. So suck it up and go yourself before i beat the shit out of you!" She rose her voice at the banana-haired boy, fuming.

Kazutora stared at her wide eyed before baji chuckled painfully, glancing at his friend, "you better listen to her if I were you." He sighed, closing his eyes, "go, kazutora."

The boy hesitated before nodding his head. He glanced at mikey, who was still waiting for (y/n) despite the sirens getting close, "i won't ask you to forgive me...so I'll carry this burden with me.." he bowed before leaving the junkyard with a last glance back.

(y/n) looked at mikey, smiling faintly at him, "I'll keep baji company till the ambulance arrives, for the mean time, i think it's best if you leave. I'll catch up later."

The small blonde hesitated for a moment before nodding in silence, escaping as well.

(y/n) glanced down at baji, tapping his forehead with her finger, causing him to flutter his eyes open, gazing back at her, "don't think you're off the hook so easily just cause you're on your death bed. I got a bone to pick with you once you get better!" She hissed at him.

Baji chuckled nervously just as the ambulance truck arrived, "maybe i should've died instead..." he was put on a stretcher and into the truck with her coming along and glaring at him throughout the entire ride to the hospital. He closed his eyes to avoid her piercing stare as the paramedics tried to stop the bleeding. Please stop glaring at me...he chanted constantly.


It was quiet in musashi shrine as both (y/n) and mikey sat side-by-side on the stairs in silence. The small blonde had told her everything and why he hates kazutora, his hand clutching hers tightly as he recalled the painful event that shifted his entire life within minutes.

Once he was done, mikey averted his eyes to the side, "...i'm sorry you had to see me like that, (y/n)-chin." He mumbles quietly, lowering his eyes, "I understand if you...don't want to be with me anymore...or apart of toman."

(y/n) sighed, thumping his head, watching as he held his forehead in surprise, facing her, "don't be ridiculous," she paused, gathering her thoughts, "i can't imagine the pain you've must've been through when you saw your brother like that...but you must know that it was an accident..." she bit her lip, "an accident that cost someone their life." She muttered at the end.

Mikey remained silent, listening to her carefully.

She continued, gazing at the trees quietly, "we can't bring back the past, that's for certain, but give kazutora a chance for redemption...try to understand him and I'm sure he'll understand you too. Weren't you guys best friends before this whole fight took place?" Mikey nodded.

The (h/c)-ette sighed, holding his hand in hers, "my mother always used to say, 'you can forgive but you can't forget.' I'm positive your brother would hate to see you both fighting, I'm sure he was a nice and understanding guy, wasn't he?"

The small blonde's lips twitched up in reminisce, chuckling solemnly as memories of his brother flashed through his mind, "yea, he was..."

(y/n) patted his soft blonde locks, gazing into his obsidian hues, "don't live in the past, mikey. Life is too short for hate." She sighs lowly, "your brother may be gone but he lives on in what you do, that's proof that he's with you each and every day...you're his legacy."

Mikey widened his eyes...he never thought about it that way. His brother lives on in his memory? He's with him everyday? His chest felt warm, a soft smile on his lips. Big bro...."arigato, (y/n)-chin." He held her hand tighter, "I feel better already." He says.

She smiled, "that's good, I'm glad i can help you mikey," she pauses, looking at him, "if there's anything you need or you just want someone to talk to or vent your frustrations out...i'm here." She whispers softly, unaware of how close they've become and the distance being shortened.

He stared at her with softened eyes, "i know you are," he mumbles, leaning down to kiss her lips, molding them in a slow and sweet lip-lock. His hand coming up to cup the back of her head, heads tilted, noses brushing gently.

They part from each other, gazing into each other's hooded eyes, "...i love you, (y/n)-chin." He confesses.

(y/n) stared back with a soft smile, "i know." She whispers, the two leaning back in to lock lips again, the night carrying their moments away in the wind, the moon being the only witness....

A/n: no y'all, mikey and (y/n) didn't do the dirty! So, if you're thinking the reader is a hoe...she isn't. She's just confused on her feelings and considering she found out more than one person likes her, she's even more stumped.! She's just trying to figure out her feelings, give her a break!

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