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It was the day of the fight. Finally. Mikey and the toman boys were on their way to the warehouse where (random gang name) was waiting for them...not before making sure (y/n) kept her promise to not come along.

Toman got the challenge because the leader of (random gang name) wanted to take a shot at the invincible mikey and overthrow their gang, taking the top spot in shibuya. Unfortunately, they were in a for a shocker, cause it wasn't gonna be easy.

Unbeknownst to mikey and the others, (y/n) had left her house to go join them in the fight. She was secretly following them from behind on her skateboard and although they took different roads, she found shortcuts. It was easy.

She had lied to the guys and made it seem like she wasn't gonna go but in reality, she was just dropping their guard so that they'd think so before following them. She wanted to join the fight too, besides, since when did she ever listen to anyone else's orders beside her mother's? She was a solo girl, independent and unfazed.

Her lone figure pulled up at the warehouse where she saw multiple motorcycles parked and scattered about. She placed her skateboard in an area she can easily get to before sneakily moving around the large area, hearing shouts and grunts. The fight has begun.

She peered her head from behind one of the storehouses, her (e/c) orbs scanning the massive crowd of guys fighting, her eyes instantly landing on a few familiar faces. She coolly slipped through the men before punching the face of the enemy, causing him to choke and stumble back.

(Y/n) began fighting alongside her gang, punching and kicking the enemy without care. Her presence garnered lots of attention...especially from toman.

Mitsuya widened his eyes, gawking at the (h/c)-ette, "(y/n)!?..what the hell are you doing here!?" He demanded, punching a guy in the face that aimed for the girl from behind.

The toman captains and vice captains were angry, including mikey. They didn't expect for her to show up even though she explicitly said she wasn't going to come to respect their wishes. She lied to them...now she was put in danger.

(Y/n) kicked a guy in the nuts, watching with a grin as he keeled over in pain, "what does it look like?! I'm here to help you win!" She charged at two guys, ducking under their arm and kicking their backs, causing them to stumble forward before knocking them out with a smirk.

Sanzu had moved closer to her for protection. His blue eyes narrowed at anyone daring to hurt the girl, his fists pounding into a guy's face nonstop, "you shouldn't be here." He muttered under his breath, his voice slightly muffled as he glanced at her with worry.

(Y/n) clicked her tongue, gritting her teeth, "I'm not weak, so don't underestimate me!" She winced when a guy punched her in the face with a wicked smirk, causing her to stumble on her feet.

Anger coursed through the bodies of mikey and the toman boys that draken instinctively punched the guy back, beating the shit out of him for landing a bruise on the (h/c)-ette.

(Y/n) blinked in confusion but shrugged her shoulders.

"Bastard!" Baji cussed loudly, slamming a guys head on the ground with an irritated look.

(Y/n) was having too much fun fighting the enemy that she wasn't aware her toman boys were practically surrounding her in different areas making sure the attention was off her as they handled the remaining guys.

She never felt so much thrill in her life and the adrenaline coursing through her veins was amazing. Is this why boys like to fight? Cause they get a kick out of it? Hm....

The warehouse quieted down as all the gang members from (random gang name) were on the floor groaning in pain or unable to get up. Mikey was now facing off with the leader, two battling against each other for dominance, strength and power when the small blonde did his signature kick, knocking him out instantly.

Toman cheered loudly for their victory as (y/n) lightly panted, her body sore and a faint smile on her lips. The two gangs began to disperse, leaving only her and boys in the warehouse.

Mikey approached her without his shirt on, his jacket loosely hanging over his shoulders, obsidian hues staring down at her with a glare, "(y/n)-chin...you disobeyed me."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, sighing. Her eyes scanned the others, seeing their angered faces staring back at her, "i told you before, i can handle myself. I'm not some damsel in distress. You want me to be part of your gang?..then give me the benefit of the doubt..." she told them firmly.

Chifuyu stepped up with a frown, "this isn't about not trusting you, (y/n)-chan." He says.

(Y/n) furrowed her brows, pushing her hair back, "then what is it then? I know you want to protect me and not see me hurt, but i can fight too. I'm not helpless!" She rose her voice slightly.

Draken walked up to her, instinctively tilting her head up with his fingers as he stared into her eyes, "we didn't say you're helpless, (y/n). We do believe in you, it's just...seeing you hurt bothers us...a lot." He murmured softly to her, eyeing her cheek that held a slight discoloration. His thumb swiping it gently.

(Y/n) remained quiet, looking at him then at the others, "but why does it bother you?" She mumbled, a hunch told her it was more than friendship but she didn't want to believe it.

Because we like you....thought mikey, baji, draken, mitsuya and sanzu. The boys kept quiet.

Angry perked up when he heard sirens, "police!" (Y/n) and toman boys scattered from the warehouse, leaving many unanswered questions for the (h/c)-ette.

A/n: enjoy....

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