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It was another day at school and (y/n) was in her class taking notes like she usually does. Her ears perked up when she heard a ruckus outside...was that baji's voice?

Her classroom door slammed open, startling the teacher and the students as a small blonde walked in with a beaming grin, "(y/n)-chin, lets hang out!" Draken, Baji and Chifuyu were leaning against the doorframe peering their heads in.

(Y/n) blinked, responding with a definite, "no." She went back to taking notes for her social studies class and acting like mikey wasn't there at all.

The small blonde puffed out his cheek at being ignored by his crush before an idea popped into his head. He grinned mischievously, snatching her book away and holding it away from her, "I'm giving you an order, come with me now!" He tried to use his toman advantages on her.

(Y/n) stood up and rounded her desk while the teacher, students, draken, baji, and chifuyu watched in silence, her hand trying to get her book back, "nice try, but still no!...give me my book back, mikey!"

Mikey laughed as he moved his arm all over the place before running out the classroom, "if you want it then you better follow me!" He grinned.

(Y/n)'s eye twitched as she grabbed her bag and skateboard, ignoring the teachers meek calls for her as she left the classroom with annoyed huff, dropping her skateboard and getting on it, skating fast towards mikey and the other three toman boys and quickly snatching her book away, "got it!"

Mikey grinned, chasing after her as she jumped on the school railings with her board while others watched mesmerized before they finally made it out, catching up to the (h/c)-ette, who glanced at them. She arrived first.

"So cool!" The small blonde had sparkles in his eyes, "teach me too!" He hugged her from behind, pouting.

(Y/n) glanced at him nonchalantly, "no." She refused, causing him to whine before he dug through her bag, "oi! Get your hands outta my bag." She snatched it away from him just as he pulled out a packet of taiyaki, grinning proudly as he quickly unwrapped it, stuffing it into his mouth.

The other three sweatdrop at their leader.

"Mind telling what's the urge to pull me out of class?" (Y/n) questions, hand on her hip as she gazed at the four boys.

Baji wolfishly grinned at her, walking close to her, "do we need a reason to hang out?" He slung an arm across her shoulders.

"Yes." (Y/n)'s blunt answer had the four toman boys sweatdropping, "i don't appreciate being taken out from classes and missing out on important material that could be on tests." She glanced at Baji, "need i remind you, you're still failing yourself, baji." Said male flinched, chuckling nervously.

Mikey waved his hand offhandedly, "who cares about school and tests!" He yawned, walking closer to her and draping his arms over her shoulders, slumping his whole body against her, "...you're warm, (y/n)-chin." He mumbled in her neck.

(Y/n) repressed a sigh. It was too late to go back to class, might as well just tag along with them.

Draken sighed, rubbing the bridge between his nose as he yanked mikey off the girl and piggybacked him, "lets just go." He walked ahead of them with them following behind.

"Where exactly are we hanging out?" (Y/n) asked, adjusting her bag.

"Don't know, maybe the arcade or something." Chifuyu pondered, hand to his chin. The arcade seemed like a good idea as the five of them went inside, already picking what games they wanted to try.

(Y/n) watched them amused, often giving tips or sipping on a drink. They were some fun guys to be around.


"Hey, (y/n)?" Her co-worker monica called out to her, causing her to glance at her. It was already 7:30 pm and the two girls were still working. The bookstore was empty now and it was only them plus the manager in the backroom.


Monica had a grin on her face, "i don't know if you're interested or not, but i got invited to a party and was wondering if you wanna come? It's friday night, next week!"

(Y/n) paused what she was doing, "party?" She doesn't mind parties..she just hates all the stupidness with it but she likes seeing people make an idiot of themselves, "i'm not against it or anything..." she mumbled, heaving a sigh, "sure."

Besides, she doesn't think there's gonna be a toman meeting during that day...at least she hopes not. She also thinks her friends wouldn't mind if she's gone for the night, it's not like she's obligated to tell them her business outside of the gang.

Monica grinned, "great!"

(Y/n) then glanced at high school girl, "where exactly is this party taking place? Shibuya?" Monica shook her head with a giggle.


(Y/n) paused, roppongi? She heard about that area. It was full of crazies, junkies, and gangs. It was the hottest spot for clubbing, parties, casinos and gambling. It was a dangerous area...or so she heard.

When her and monica's shift finished, the two exited the bookstore, pausing at the sight of mikey waiting for her with his motorcycle, waving his hand with a grin.

"Is that your boyfie? How come you haven't told me you were taken!?" Monica gasped, eyeing mikey and giving the (h/c)-ette an approving nod.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, adjusting her skateboard as she glanced at mikey, who was staring at the two girls with a confused look, "he isn't my boyfriend..! He's my friend!"

Monica opened her mouth in an 'O' shape, "i totally understand...that you're probably in denial!" She giggled, waving her hand at (y/n) and not listening to her protests.

"He's really not!" The (h/c)-ette yelled at her, sighing in defeat as she went to mikey, hopping on his bike. He drove down the road.

"What was that about?" The small blonde asked, glancing at her in the rear-view mirror, curious to know what she and her co-worker were talking about, "was it about me?"

(Y/n) averted her gaze, "er...perhaps..." she dodged the question.

Mikey grinned, her reaction telling him everything he needs to know, "you were!? What was it!?" He wouldn't stop bothering her, even going as far to drive slow so she can answer him.

(Y/n) let out an exasperated sigh, "fine!" She says, huffing when mikey let out a smug grin, "she thought you were my....boyfriend..." she mumbled the last part in embarrassment.

Mikey widened his eyes, feeling his stomach tingle at the thought of calling the (h/c)-ette his girlfriend. He snapped out of it when she continued to speak.

(Y/n) chuckled awkwardly, "weird of her, right? Me?...be your girlfriend and you my boyfie? Funny, right?"

"....would it be weird though?" Mikey's face was serious, causing her to freeze, "being your boyfriend?"

Silence ensued between the two teens. (Y/n) was in disbelief, mikey actually wants to be her boyfriend? Was he joking..? She awkwardly laughed, "are you being serious, mikey...?"

Mikey said nothing for a while which made her anxious before he tilted his head back, giving her a grin, "of course not!" He laughed, relaxing her as she laughed back.

They finally arrived in front her house, (y/n) got off and waved mikey goodbye, closing the front door.

The small blonde remained staring at where she once was, a frown on his face...."i do want to be your boyfriend though, (y/n)-chin..." he mumbled softly, before driving off to clear his thoughts.

A/n: enjoy.

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