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For the past week (y/n) has been nothing but a pain to izana kurokawa. His plans involving mikey were hardly discussed with the tenjiku executives because she would always be there to interfere or shout at him.

Kisaki was once tempted to shoot her.

The platinum blonde was repeatedly kicking the wall to vent his frustration out as kakucho watched him in silence, his mind was picturing the (h/c)-ette and it urged him to go faster that his foot began to hurt before he finally stopped, heaving. He licked his lips, running a hand through his hair, "i swear, kakucho, one more...just one more outburst from her and I'm going to choke her!" He spat in irritation.

Kakucho chuckled nervously, cautiously approaching his childhood friend, "izana, lets not be drastic, (y/n)'s just....she's a little...um..." he didn't know what to say..stubborn?...stupidly brave?...

Since he was housing her, he didn't find her to be that annoying at all, in fact, it was fun and peaceful. They've had great conversations and she even taught him so recipes when she saw the cooking magazines he had out.

Izana turns to him, "where is she anyways? I don't hear her stupid voice nagging at me to not attack mikey." He huffed, a weird feeling in his chest.

The scarred male replied, "she's with the haitani's and kokonoi."

Speaking of haitani's...(y/n) was with the brothers as they headed to much more downtown part of yokohama. She observed around her, "why are we here?" She asks, walking between the brothers.

Rindou glanced at her, "we're here on business and since we're on babysitting duty, you're coming with us." He smirked at her annoyed face, chuckling at her grumbles.

"then why am i here?" The money-maker questions, sighing. Ran blandly glanced at him, "you're here to collect their money." He grins.

They arrived at an downtrodden building but it was surrounded by gang members who instantly recognized them, allowing them entry as they walked past and into the building. Once inside, there were even more gangsters and sitting all the way in the front on a single chair was a guy with black with and many piercings, "so you've arrived already, tenjiku?"

Ran loosely held his baton, hand on his hip, "I think you know why we're here, narumi." His lips stretched into a wide grin, "it's time to pay up, you owe tenjiku."

Narumi chuckled, holding out a briefcase with loads of money in it, "this is what you want, isn't it?" Kokonoi narrowed his eyes at the man, feeling uneasy.

"If you know, I suggest you hand it over." Rindou says nonchalantly, "we don't want things to get nasty, do we?" He cracked his knuckles threateningly.

Narumi hummed, cocking his head as he eyed them with disinterest, "no, we don't." He instantly snapped his fingers and they were surrounded by gang members, "unfortunately, this money is now mine." He chuckled, "you shouldn't have given it to me in the first place...our deal to merge with your gang..will not happen."

Ran rose an eyebrow, "i knew it wasn't bound to happen."

Narumi waved his hand and the men attacked them. The haitani brothers double teamed back to back as they retaliated. Kokonoi and (y/n) handled their own but the fight escalated too fast, the guys were coming at them nonstop, this time with bats and pipes.

(y/n) spotted narumi trying to escape with the briefcase and without a word to the others she chased after him, "hey!" She shouted at him, causing him to swiftly turn around in a panic before landing his gaze on her, which he chuckled.

"A girl? what are you gonna do? Blowjob me to death?" Narumi sneered. The (h/c)-ette glared at him nastily. She rushed at him, jumping and aiming a kick at his chest.

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