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It was another toman meeting but this time the guys didn't tell (y/n) about it. Why? Because they were discussing about a fight that (random gang name) challenged them to and were deciding whether or not to allow their female member to join in on the action or not.

"...it feels wrong to talk about this without (y/n)-chan here." Takemichi wasn't a member of toman yet, but he stuck around because mikey wanted him to and he was trying to be a member so he can save the future. He had yet to go back and ask about the (h/c)-ette.

Angry nodded in agreement, "shouldn't we trust her more? I mean, isn't that why she's a member of toman? Didn't you guys say she can fight too? So why are we having this debate for?" He looked at the others confused but could understand their worry since he felt the same too.

Mikey said nothing as he sat on the small stairs with his hands folded in front of him, looking at the others as they discussed about (y/n). It wasn't until he got up, everybody silenced, "....this isn't a debate," he paused, "(y/n)-chin will not be joining us in the fight!" He loudly declared.

The toman members, vice captains and captains watched him.

"I'll tell her myself, so no one intervenes!" The small blonde stated, turning around and walking away, his toman jacket billowing in the wind.

Four days later, (y/n) was on her way to meet mikey, who texted her to meet up with him at the park. She wore some cargo pants and a short sleeve shirt, letting her hair down loose. She arrived at place in thirty minutes, looking around casually.

"(Y/n)-chin." She swiftly turned around to see mikey approaching her with his hands stuffed in his pockets, an unusually serious expression on his face.

"Mikey, what's up?" She asked him, the two of them walking down the streets slowly when he beckons her to follow him, "i heard there was a toman meeting a few days ago, why didn't you tell me?" She frowned, confused.

Mikey was silent as he tries to gather his thoughts. He wanted to tell her in the most careful way possible without upsetting her, "it was something the gang and i needed to discuss....we have a fight coming up."

(Y/n)'s eyes glimmered, she's been wondering when all the action was gonna start. Don't get her wrong, she enjoyed a peaceful gang but she was starting to find it a bit boring when there wasn't much fights to do.

Mikey stoically stared into her eyes, "you're not coming." He said, watching as her face fell in disappointment and confusion.

The silence between them was greater than tension that begun to brew.

"W-what?" (Y/n) shook her head, trying to understand what he just said, "I'm not going?..but why? I'm a part of this gang too, aren't I?" She stepped closer to him, searching his face for an answer.

Mikey looked around him for a moment before yanking the girl's hand, pulling them to a much more private place before he turned his attention back to her with a stoic look, "it's like i said, you're not going. I know you're a member of toman, but as your leader i get the final say and I'm telling you that you're not allowed to join us."

(Y/n) frowned, a feeling of frustration starting to brew within her, "but why?"

".....we don't want you to get hurt." Mikey finally says, staring at her, "you're our only female member so we're just looking out for you."

That doesn't explain jack-shit. (Y/n) glared at mikey, angry, "I thought you said you didn't care much for the stereotypical boy-girl thing! Was that a lie?" She demanded, searching his eyes for an answer. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Mikey glared back, clenching his jaw, "I don't, just not in this case!" He remarked, tucking his hands in his pockets as he stared into her eyes that held so much emotion.

The (h/c)-ette rolled her eyes, sarcastically laughing, "really?! Then why can't i go with you?! I'm a member of toman too! You said so! So what makes me any different from joining a gang fight! I can handle myself! You saw!" She argued hotly, stepping closer to mikey.

Mikey clenched his fists, frowning at her, "my word is final, (y/n)-chin. You're not allowed to come. Disobey me and I'll punish you." He warned, stepping closer to her as his dominating aura took hold of her.

She didn't cower though, she was alpha female too. "But why!?" (Y/n) shouted at him, her throat aching, fists clenched tightly.

"Because i like you, dammit!" Mikey slammed his fist beside her head in anger, shocking her. He had her cornered in between an alleyway, back touching the brick walls. His obsidian hues glaring into her own (e/c) ones.

Silence resounded between them as the only thing heard was their deep breaths mixing in with one another, not a word said as the two teens took a moment to register what was said five seconds ago.

(Y/n) was shook. Mikey likes her? As in...romantically? Was it the same about the others? The way he treated her was the same way the others did as well. The 'close-calls' suddenly coming back to her like shock therapy and all those endearing words they said including the protective gestures. Her cheeks heated up instinctively. There's just no way....her of all people!?

Mikey still kept his arm beside her head, almost in a kabedon position. He groaned, feeling stupid. Why did he blurt that out for? Now she knows his feelings for her and a sense of nervousness and fear washed over him. What if she rejects him? What if she doesn't return his feelings? He couldn't help it though, he was angry. Angry that she wanted to put herself in danger when he just wants to protect her. Angry that his friends also romantically like her too. It was too much for him!


"Forget it." Mikey cut her off, turning his head away from her gaze and removing his hand from the wall where he still kept her pinned, stuffing his hands in his pockets as his long jacket swayed under the breeze.

It was quiet between the two as they stood in silence, unsure what to say. What can they say? The confession was so sudden! Well...it's too late to turn back now.

(y/n) sighed, rubbing her arm awkwardly, "mikey...i understand your feelings but I'm not ready for a relationship yet...." She tried to explain, biting her lip softly. Does that mean she'll wait for him then? Who knows.

Mikey sighed, before smirking at her, "...that's okay, (y/n)-chin....but I'm not gonna lose though." He spoke firmly, gazing deep into her eyes.

His words confused (y/n). Lose? Realization came to her when she understood his words. There's more than one....she gulped....oh no....she watched as he walked away from her, disappearing down the street.

The next toman meeting was full of tension and slight awkwardness as neither mikey and (y/n) spoke to each other, not even sparing a glance. It was clear to the other boys that their leader's words about her not joining them for the battle didn't go as planned.

The toman boys switched gazes between mikey and (y/n). Mikey gazed at the members, "the battle with (random gang name) will happen Sunday at the warehouse!" He loudly proclaimed, nobody cheered since they felt out of place by the strange tension between the two.

(Y/n) clicked her tongue in anger as she turned and walked away, leaving mikey and the boys to watch her in silence, some feeling regret while the other half feeling glad she wasn't gonna be in danger.

It was a tough decision but it had to be done. (Y/n) was their only girl member and to go up against so many male opponents....they wouldn't be able to help her if something goes wrong....battle was unexpected and there was no rest for anybody. It was better if she was safe and away...even if she hates them.

A/n: enjoy....

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