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(y/n) was skateboarding down the streets of shibuya minding her own business when she heard a couple of laughs and mocking voices, causing her to slam a foot from her skateboard on the concrete, stopping in her movements.

(E/c) eyes landed on a group of delinquents picking on a teenage boy and couldn't help but frown, her eyes found a round stone and picked it up, examining it for a moment before chucking it at the men, hitting one of them in the forehead, "hey, asshole!..pick on someone your own size! Don't you know bullying isn't condoned around here!" She insulted them.

The guys stopped what they were doing and turned around to see the (h/c)-ette, exchanging looks before busted out laughing while pointing at her as if she's some joke.

"You gotta be kidding me! A girl!?" One of then jeers at her while she kept her nonchalant expression.

"Get outta here, girlie!" The leader, (y/n) assumes, steps up with a intimidating look, "if you don't wanna get hurt, i suggest you scram!" He shouted in annoyance.

(y/n) fake pondered for a moment before glaring at them, "How bout you fuck off first and leave the kid alone and then maybe I'll reconsider."

The guy gritted his teeth before turning to his men, "get her!" He demanded. The guys charged at her with fists raised and pissed off looks.

(y/n) sighed, she got off her skateboard and rushed at them, jumping in the air and kicking one guy in the face before using his shoulders as a rebound to a split-kick at two others. She slid underneath one guys arm and grabbed it, twisting it effectively as he shouted in pain.

(Y/n) avoided another one as he came at her with a knife in attempt to stab her. She gave him a roundhouse kick, punching another guy in the face repeatedly with a frown. She paused, looking around her to see the men on the ground, groaning in pain. The leader trembled in fear as she began to stalk forward with a glare, he tripped on his own two feet and scrambled back up, screaming as he ran away from her.

She blinked, shaking her head, "what a pussy." She muttered under her breath, turning back around to leave when she stopped, seeing baji, chifuyu and some other guys staring at her with wide eyes, "baji? chifuyu?" She questioned with furrowed brows, wondering where the hell they came from.

"woah!...what the hell!? did you seriously beat up those guys!? all by yourself!?" Chifuyu was in disbelief, eyeing the men.

Baji chuckled, crossing his arms, as he gave her a wolfish smirk, "impressive, (y/n)-chan!" He walked towards her, slinging an arm around her shoulders, "you're a cool girl, aren't ya?" He leaned close to her face.

A throat clearing caused baji and (y/n) to look in the direction of the others, a small blonde was glaring..?...at them? His cheek puffed out in anger.

Baji instantly retreated his arm, laughing nervously while he looked away from his leader. (y/n) gave him a weird look, walking to her skateboard and about to get  on it, "you're weird, baji." She says with a chuckle, the male blushing, "anyways, i gotta go." She told him and chifuyu.


(y/n) turned back around to see the small blonde gazing at her with admiring eyes, he approached her with a smirk, "you fight pretty good...how about joining toman?" He asked her, ignoring the blush on his cheeks as he talked to her.

(Y/n) stared at him, blinking, "toman?" She muttered, gazing at the sky before turning her attention back to the small blonde who looked too eager for her answer, "sure, i guess." She shrugged, hand on her hip.

The small blonde grinned, "I'm mikey, toman's leader!" He pointed to himself smugly. Internally, he cussed at what he just proposed to her. Why?! Why did he let her join or even ask her!? Oh, right, it's because he felt anger and jealousy maybe..?...at baji for putting his hands on her! She was his!!

But...maybe this could be a good thing! Having her join toman would mean he could protect her and could  potentially get close to her. This was his chance! He found the (h/c)-ette intriguing and cool...and he wouldn't dare admit out loud he had a crush on her when he took the train that one time....

(y/n) rose an eyebrow, scrunching her brows, "Nice to meet you, mikey, I'm (y/n)." She introduced with a smile afterwards.

"(y/n)...." Mikey muttered, "so....(y/n)-chin!" He beamed at her, clutching her hand into his. Said girl glanced at their intertwined hands before sighing. This day has certainly gotten interesting.

"Oi, mikey!" A tall male approached them, glaring at the small blonde, "leave the poor girl alone!" He snatched him by his collar, lifting him away from her and giving the (h/c)-ette an apologetic look, "sorry about that, (y/n)-chan." He then grinned, "welcome to the gang!"

The founders grinned at her, feeling a bit excited at the prospect of getting a new member...especially the very first female to join their gang.

Mitsuya then approached her, "my name's mitsuya, since you're a new member, I'll need some measurements to make your uniform," he took out his phone, handing it to her and vice-versa, "just give me a call whenever, yeah?"

(y/n) nodded, still stumped at the fact she was suddenly in a gang now? "Sure....."

"Our next meeting is on Saturday, musashi shrine." Pah says with a smile, "see ya there!" He gave her a thumbs up. The guys grinned, nodding at her.

(Y/n) sighed quietly as she skated back home, thinking to herself. She didn't expect to catch the eyes of toman. It's gonna be even harder now. But...oh well. She can skip meetings whenever she wants cause she has a job to do. A gang life doesn't mean she has to turn a blind eye to her other priorities in life. Sigh. Was this the best decision or not?

A/n: enjoy....

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