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Takemichi was back to the future but this time things were different. After seeing how different the mizo mid crew have become and finding out he's a top admin in toman, he's now in a private meeting room where he recognized some familiar faces; pah, smiley, hanma, and some were unknown to him.

"We're still waiting on the others." Pah said, eating
his food. The others were busy insulting each other
while Takemichi sweatdropped.

A blonde male stood up, "everyone shut up, who do
you think provides your meals for you? You don't
even pay much. You've only got seniority. Arrogant,
lazy bastards.

"Too blunt, inupi." koko chuckled. Smiley and Muto felt irritated by the male.

"Think that makes you different from us?" Chifuyu
spoke up, "just because your ex-black dragons." He
gave kokonoi and inupi a dirty glare.

"How dull." A deep drawling voice said. Hanma
pushed his glasses upwards, "we're not having our
usual meetings, so we'll discuss payments. Koko's
public business, shiba's corporate front, and a
number of other businesses our gang manages were
searched by police three days ago. In other words,
this ain't no kiddie playground. Somebody here
ratted us out!"

Everyone soon began to argue as they tried to
determine who the traitor was.

It wasn't until takemichi spotted kisaki tetta entering, everyone bowing to him. He then called forward him and chifuyu, both men following him back to another building and into a office, the place was way more expensive than it seems.

The three of them went on discussing the events of valhalla vs toman twelve years ago, occasionally sipping their alcoholic drinks. Things took a drastic turn when kisaki mentioned he used kazutora to kill baji but obviously that plan failed like soiled milk. He admits to the two men that he isn't going to stop what he's doing, a wicked grin on his face.

Chifuyu and takemichi soon fell unconscious, only for the latter to wake up and see that he's tied up. Now the real games begin.

"Takemichy.." Chifuyu spoke in a low tone, all beat
up and bruised.

Takemichi was stunned at the state he was in,
"chifuyu?? what the...!? why the heck are you all
fucked up!?"

The door slammed open and walked in with a smirk
was kisaki, "took you long enough, takemichi." He
took off his outer jacket and tossing it to the side,
rolling his sleeves up to his elbows.

"chifuyu matsuno. You were always a thorn to my
side. You've always held a grudge towards me since
that incident. Trying to get revenge, huh?" Kisaki chuckled wickedly, "just admit you were the traitor."

"You've got it wrong, the police are out of control!" Chifuyu exclaimed, "toman's gotten rotten so I decided to change that. I'm the snitch so don't blame takemichy."

Things to a bad turn when kisaki shot chifuyu dead in the head, leaving takemichi to cry out for him, his blue eyes glaring at him. Just as he was about to get killed, the lights went out.

Meanwhile, at a mansion, (y/n) felt something was amiss as she stared out the balcony with narrowed eyes, hands resting on the railing. She felt arms wrap around her waist and her husband nuzzling her neck, planting soft kisses up and down her soft flesh.

"manjiro..." he hummed, his hands moving across her stomach, rubbing it gently, "something is wrong...i can feel it." She whispered ominously, "maybe we should check on things with toman, hm?" She's been wanting to go but he kept guards on her at all times.

The blonde male sighed, removing his face from her neck and murmuring to her, "i can't...I don't want to leave you or the baby." He selfishly says, rubbing the small baby bump, "you're my only family now. I can't leave you unprotected..." He finalized.

"but, manjiro—" he cut her off, turning her around to face him, a firm look on his face, eyes darkening, "don't you think we should just—"

"No." He glares.

(y/n) glared back in defiance, "but i want to!" She rose her voice at him, which muffled when he kissed her deeply. She broke her lips away from him, huffing, "you always do that!"

Mikey smirked knowingly, rubbing her arms up and down, "do what?"

"kissing me every time I mention toman or wanting to see the others." The (h/c)-ette grumbles, wrapping her arms around his neck. The blonde commander said nothing since it was true...he didn't dare deny either.


Hakkai stared wide eyed at (y/n) when he got home, his sister, yuzuha, was in the same category. Both shiba siblings were confused on what she was doing in their house so unexpectedly.

"you're..." yuzuha trailed off, eyes in recognition as she recalled the same girl that stood up to her brother fearlessly and burned her flame even brighter than before.

"Hey..." (y/n) waved lamely, feeling awkward under their gaze as she sat stiffly on the couch with taiju sitting opposite her, observing her. He's been doing that a lot since her arrival.

The younger shiba spoke up, "(y/n)-chan...." He stuttered out, eyes in horror. Did taiju hurt her? Did he threaten her? Is that why she's here? Why...?

Yuzuha spoke up, walking closer to her cautiously since taiju's sharp eyes were following her, "what are you doing here?" She asks in worry.

(y/n) sighed, glancing at taiju before facing the siblings, "I've been kidnapped by your brother as a bargaining chip for toman," she pauses, "i'm not allow to leave the house." She glared at the older shiba, who smirked at her gaze.

Yuzuha and hakkai had shocked expressions...their brother did what!? The brown haired female snapped her head to her brother, "taiju—!"

The older shiba narrowed his eyes, uncrossing his legs, "shut it, yuzuha...or do you want another beating for defying your older brother?" She remained silent, "this woman will be staying with us for a while but she isn't your concern, so i suggest you continue what you're doing and pretend she doesn't exist." He growled out threateningly.

(y/n) glared at taiju, "don't treat your little siblings like that." He glared back, "prepare me dinner, wench." He demands.

The (h/c)-ette remained in her seat, pursing her lips, eyes squinted, "prepare it yourself." She retorted, haughtily crossing her arms. Taiju's eyebrow twitched.

Sneakily, hakkai excused himself to the bathroom and whipped out his phone, instantly texting his 'taka-chan' about the whereabouts of (y/n) before pressing send.

He had no idea, what kind of storm he brought up with those words.

A/n: enjoy....

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