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The phone on (y/n)'s desk rang, causing her to pause and put her pen down. She answered the call, "yes?" It was an overseas call from Europe, "ah, Mr. Niko, yes, I've spoken to my boss and they can rearrange a time for you to come and meet them. If you're not able to travel we have options like online." She says, "...yes, i sent you the information through the fax—"

The door to her office burst open, causing it to ricochet against the creme wall. (y/n) paused, watching as the bonten trio waltzed in with smug grins on their faces, their different colored hues gazing at her.

She could smell trouble on them already. Why couldn't they let her work in peace?! She sighs.!

"Hey there, doll." Ran lazily grinned, eyes hooded, "we were just 'bout to get some lunch and want you to join us." He casually leaned on her cherry wood desk.

(y/n) held the bottom part of the phone, gazing back at the brothers and sanzu with an incredulous look, "as you can see, I'm a bit preoccupied right now, besides, I'll have lunch later, i have to schedule this meeting for you guys." She waves off, "shouldn't you guys be doing your work?"

Sanzu chuckles, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "says who? Besides, koko doesn't need those reports till later." That's right, both haitani's and the pinkette hated doing anything work-related unless it's going clubbing, drinking, or fighting. Sigh.

(y/n) represses a sigh, rejecting their offer, "no."

Ran, rindou and sanzu frowned, the latter giving her sad puppy blue eyes, which she ignored.

She then returned to her call, "so sorry about that, mr. Niko..what was that?...oh yeah, I'll get everything ready and send the documents back to you—-" The phone was yanked away from her as she sat there stumped.

Sanzu was talking to niko, "sorry niko, my man, but our lady is gonna have to call you back, bye~!" He slammed the phone down onto the receiver before grinning at her, "there! Now let's go."

Rindou walked around her desk, pulling her chair back and hoisting the (h/c)-ette over his broad shoulder and ignoring her yells and struggles to be let down immediately, "oi, don't make me punish you for disobeying our orders. Who's the boss? Me? Or you?." He smirked when she glares at him as he, sanzu and his brother walked out of her office, closing the door behind them and heading to the elevator.

(y/n) huffed, a red hue on her cheeks, "oh, come on! Besides, you can't abuse your power over me just because I'm your assistant! This is advantage! You can't punish me!" She argued back, wanting to return to finish her workload before the day ends but finding it impossible with two purple-headed men and a druggie peppa pig coming after her!

Ran appeared in her vision, his slender fingers cupping her jaw delicately an amused look on his face, "we can't?" He mocked her, brushing his lips against her cheek and feeling her freeze at the sudden action. She shivered from the cold sensation of his rings. He pulls back and gives her a shit-eating grin, "you know, if you continue to glare like that, your face is gonna be stuck that way." He teases.

(y/n) moved her head away, grumbling, "don't fucking touch me like that and i can glare at you whenever i want." During her time working with mikey and the others, she often experienced the way how different they would act towards her compared to a random person. It was too...touch-feely, sexual or not. She almost think they—-anyways, she made made it very clear to them she wasn't to be fooled around with and ought to be respected. If she were to be touched like that, it should only be by the one she loves....but they seem to—-does she?.....no! It's all her imagination right?..........right?

The haitani brothers and sanzu grinned.

They decided to take rindou's black Cadillac, his brother calling shot-gun while the (h/c)-ette sat in the back, slumped against the seat. She didn't care if it was lady-like or not, she just wanted to be comfortable.

Ran stared at her through the rear-view mirror, his purple hues admiring her features for a brief moment. The way the sun casted a glow on her face through the car window, her (e/c) orbs staring off into the distance, her soft yet fierce expression. He felt a weird fluttery feeling in his stomach and cleared his throat, clutching it thoughtfully.

The older haitani felt a nudge from his brother and snapped his eyes to rindou, who gave him a confused look. He shook his head in response, not answering.

Sanzu cuddled up close to (y/n) since he sat in the back with her, grinning widely. He tried to pop a pill in his mouth when she grabbed his hand, shaking her head, "but—"

"No." She firmly says, watching as he sulked and put the drugs away. He was not sniffing or swallowing any pash pash while she was around.

"Where are we going?" (y/n) peered from the window, watching as store-after-store brushed past them, "we gonna get fast food or something?"

Rindou scrunched his nose in slight disgust. He hated fatty foods, "seriously? We have so many options to choose from and you decide to pick fast food? I hate that greasy shit."

Chuckles escaped the (h/c)-ette's lips, she rolled her eyes, "I don't want a hefty meal since I'll be cooking dinner for myself later." She hummed in thought, thumb touching her chin as she contemplated what food to cook.

"Oh?" Ran raised an eyebrow, "home-cooked meal, huh? Mind if we crash along?" He smirked in her direction. He received a frown in return, "okay, okay! But next time, we're coming." He stated.

Sanzu shouts loudly, "no you're not!! Only i get taste (y/n)'s lovely cooking!!" Ran and rindou shot him a glare, the trio arguing in the car and causing a ruckus.

(y/n) rubbed in between her brows, sighing. They're going to be the death of her....

A/n: enjoy.....

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