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(y/n) was at taiju's restaurant, frowning. The bulky male sat opposite of her. When he heard she was there, he quickly dropped what he was doing to come and see her, "did someone trouble you?" He instantly asks, growling at the thought of some man hurting her.

She glanced at him, "no, not really." She says, sighing tiredly, "I'm just conflicted right now and need some time to think." She admits, stabbing her chicken with the fork.

Taiju stares at her, reaching his hand out to brush a stray piece of hair away from her face, a stoic expression on his face, "if anyone troubles you, you tell me right away, understand?" He growls.

(y/n) looked at him for a moment in awe, feeling her tummy tingle at his words before clearing her throat, "of course i would. No one can stand up to taiji shiba." She spoke his name in a deep baritone voice...or tried to.

Taiju bellowed out a loud laugh, his hand slamming the table and shaking it, finding the (h/c)-ette to be amusing.

(y/n) grinned at him, feeling better with his food and presence, "so what's this I hear about you opening more restaurants overseas? Does that mean i won't see you for a while?" She frowned.

Taiju grinned widely at her, "why? Are you gonna miss me?" He smirked when she shot him a look, not admitting that she really will miss him, "it's a plan, but I don't intend to put in motion till later....maybe about a year or so." He crossed his arms, looking at her.

She nods, "understandable." She stayed silent for a bit looking at the older shiba before speaking again, "you know, you changed quite a lot over the years, taiju, I'm proud of you."

Taiju's cheeks burned involuntarily as he looked away with a huff, "it's because of you." He mutters to himself, gazing at her adoringly.

She blinked, smiling sweetly at him as he lightly touched her hand. She always knew he was such a big sweetheart.


Ran and (y/n) were on their way to a underground business meeting. She wondered why she had come along considering she specifically said she didn't want to be involved.

When they arrived, he parked his car, turning to her, "it's nothing big, just a quick meet up, alright?" She nodded her head, taking out her bag as they both entered the building where they were led to to an office room where three guys were waiting.

"Greetings, ran haitani and," the man trailed off, moving his eyes to (y/n), quirking an eyebrow, "is this your whore?"

(y/n)'s brows rose high.

Ran scowls at the man for the disrespectful term, correcting him, "she's my assistant, she's just here to write down the details of our meeting." He explains coldly.

The man rose his hands in defense. The small meet up began and as Ran and the man were talking, (y/n) observed the other two in the room, eyeing them warily and taking note of their stance. Something was up....

Ran shook hands with the man, a smile on his face, "it was nice doing business with you." He quickly took his gun out and shot the man in the head before aiming his gun at the other two who fumbled to get their own weapons out before the haitani shot them dead too.

(y/n) froze, staring in disbelief.

Ran turns to her, an apologetic look on his face, "sorry you had to see that, dove." He reached into his pocket to grab his handkerchief and wipe the blood off his hand, "but they were gonna kills us after this meeting so I had to get it done quickly." He explains.

(y/n) stared for a moment before standing up, "erm, its okay, you were just protecting us both." She approached the male, taking his handkerchief and wiping his face from the blood that splatters, "do you have to be so messy when killing people? You're just as bad as sanzu." She shakes her head in disbelief.

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