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(y/n) paused at the sight of kazutora waiting for her by the book store, she hadn't expected to see him at all even though he had texted her, "kazutora." She says, blinking, adjusting her position.

The banana haired male smiled politely at her, he looked a little better than what he was before and he seemed more calmer. He removed himself from the wall, approaching her, "hey, (y/n)." He greeted back, averting his eyes, "...do you think we can talk..?...i just need someone to..." listen.

She nodded, "sure." He nodded in slight relief, gesturing for her to follow him as he led them to the park, sitting on the swing set, she took the one next to him, moving her bag to her lap get more comfortable, "so?..what do you want to talk about?" She gently asked him.

Kazutora glanced at her, moving his eyes forward, "i realized I didn't get a chance to thank you..." he began.

Furrowing her brows, the (h/c)-ette slightly turned her head to face him, "thank me for what?" She asked.

The banana haired boy exhaled softly, "i want to thank you for stopping me from turning myself in and encouraging me to get therapy." He looked down, his hands clutching the metal on the swing, "because of you I've been able to get my life together and clear my thoughts. I never thought I'd be possible, but it was." He gave her a smile, "so...arigato."

(y/n) stared at him before chuckling, patting his head. He blinked at her, cheeks colored in pink at her touch, "you don't have to thank me, kazutora. I just wanted to help, that's all. My efforts are little to nothing, you did all the work by taking the bigger steps to get where you are now. I'm proud of you...cause you did it yourself." She says, flashing him a smile.

Kazutora averted his eyes in embarrassment, it was true. He didn't have to listen to her...but he did anyways. When he first started therapy, he didn't know who to tell, baji was his friend, but the raven-haired male was too...loud and reckless for him. So he unwittingly turned to (y/n). Although he didn't know her much, he was appreciative that she didn't judge him or scorn him. She read all his messages and replied with the right words he needed to hear. That was more than enough for him.

Ever since then, he started telling her about his therapy sessions and venting to her as she replied back with words of encouragement of her own. It became their little dynamic, just the two. He felt... comfortable with her. He understands why baji loves her so much. She was always there...

"But still..!" Kazutora exclaimed before toning his voice down, "i want to thank you. Without you, I probably would've been in jail right now." He chuckled lightly.

(y/n) sighed but didn't argue with him anymore, she accepted his thank you without issue.

"ara? If it isn't kazutora." A deep voice says, approaching them. Both her and kazutora glanced up, seeing hanma walking closer to them with a cigarette in between his fingers, a grin on his lips.

The banana-haired boy scowled at him, "hanma." He spoke with gritted teeth. He still couldn't believe he was in toman. They're just letting rift-raft in, aren't they?

"I'm surprised you're not behind prison cells." The zombie man chuckled amusedly. Kazutora jumped out from his seat, a pissed off look on his face if (y/n) hadn't held him back, "scary~." Hanma taunted.

(y/n) gave kazutora a look, her eyes saying she'll deal with this. He looked away, clenching his fists to control his rage. She turned to face hanma, "hanma, i'm sure you didn't just come here to antagonize kazutora and i, did you?" She held a stern look.

Hanma moved his eyes to her, shrugging his shoulders, "maybe...maybe not." He was about to inhale the nicotine when it was snatched away from him and stepped on by the (h/c)-ette, he laughed, "still the same, aren't you? My health must be really concerning to you." He teased. She gave an unamused look.

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