Short Story

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AU timeline (has nothing to do with the original story)

In a medium sized home was a young woman of twenty-five years who had recently moved back to japan from (country name). It felt nostalgic being there and she was half-tempted to go back as unpleasant memories begun to resurface in her mind. The (h/c)-ette shakes her head to rid herself of the bitter thoughts. She was popular now than what she was before; her talents for singing and dancing since a young age kicked off really well. Now, she's a wanted woman; someone to attend major events including underground as well.'

(y/n) still had some time before tonight. She was invited to sing and dance at a major underground event where all the crime lords and gang bosses will be attending. The event starts 8:00 PM. For the mean time, she decided to roam around japan. She wore (whatever clothing) and a nice bag accompanied with some shades. She stepped out the house and locked the door. She had told her manager that she would busy and not to disturb her unless it was important..and no bodyguards either.

Her feet took her down the sidewalk and it was like she was back in the past. Her mind flashes to her young teenage years...none pleasant either. Before she realized she had stopped in front of a familiar shrine where everything happened. Musashi shrine.

'oi, leave sana alone (y/n). you're so annoying, not everything is about you!'

'did you fucking hurt sana!?..tch! just stay the fuck away!'

'such a nuisance...'

(y/n) was friends with two gangs years back; toman and tenjiku (when she visited yokohama one time). She used to be the only female in their circle of friends until she came along. Sana Murasaki. It was like her whole turned upside down after that. Everything revolved around that girl and her own friends would get upset whenever something happened to her...and the blame always went on her.

why? because sana murasaki was a snake. She was manipulating her friends and had them wrapped around her finger to the point she made them turn against her. (y/n) remembered how she tried to explain the situation but none of the guys listened and kicked her out, threatening her to stay away from Sana, whom they've fallen in love and became totally obsessed with.

After that, the (h/c)-ette moved away from japan with her parents to start a new life and she was glad she did. Now she was happier, had better friends and it was like those bitter memories were nothing but that, a piece of the past.

(y/n) broke out of her thoughts when she felt her phone vibrate, taking it out, she surmised it was her manager. Seeing the caller ID...she was right. She answered it, "yeah?....don't worry juno, I won't're picking me up, right....ok, thanks!...yeah, see ya!" She hung up, checking the time it was already four in the afternoon.

She sighs, stuffing her phone back in her pocket and heading down the street for a pastry. She was craving something sweet. On her way, she passed a store that sold electronics, such as tv's. Her eyes caught the news headlines; Bonten and Domen Yuri have clashed once again, destroying city property and brewing fear in civilians!

(y/n) shrugged, continuing her way. She was done with gangs. All she cares about now is her job and trying to make a living. She soon reaches home, entering her household and heading upstairs to get ready for tonight. She took a shower and made sure to smell extra good. Once she was done, she begun to get ready. She wore a dress (whatever style you want) and curled her hair. She put on some earrings and started her makeup. She decided to put a glitter eyeshadow and eyeliner to pop her (e/c) hues out, followed by bold lipstick, etc.

Once she put on the finishing touches, it was already 7:30 just as her phone begun to ring. Her manager. She quickly answered it, telling him she would be out in a five seconds before hanging up. She hastily grabs her purse, long coat and rushed down the stairs to put her heels on before scampering out the door and towards the awaiting limo where her manager is currently waiting. Once she got inside, the vehicle drove off towards the underground event taking someplace in the large city.

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