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(y/n) creaked open her door, glancing left and right as she peeked her head out. The hallway was empty and quiet...not a soul in sight...not even the shiba siblings. They were probably sleeping, it was past midnight after all.

She stepped out carefully, her bag in hand as she moved quiet as mouse throughout the shiba household. She was going to escape. She had enough of this hostage life. She creeped down the stairs, trying not to make a peep.

When she arrived at the first floor, the living room was dark and (y/n) wasn't sure if there was anybody on the couch but she's gonna risk it anyways. Better that than nothing.

She quickly rushed past the living room, almost reaching the door. She took a few more steps closer till someone grabbed her from behind, hand to her mouth to muffle her gasp before she was shoved inside a small and narrow pantry followed by the person who took her.

Removing their hand, (y/n) struggled to turn around considering the tiny space she had, widening her eyes when they connected with snake-like ones. Koko. "You.!" She hissed, "what are you doing here?!"

The money-maker chuckled, smirking at her, "the better question would be...what were you about to do? Escape?" He mocked her, amused by her glare.

(y/n) let out an irritated huff, glancing at him, "yeah, i was trying to escape!...but you didn't answer my question either, what are you doing here?" She demands.

Koko tried to lean against the pantry wall but the narrow space made it difficult for him, he kept his voice quiet to not wake taiju, "i'm a guard for the shiba's tonight. Yesterday was inupi's." He says, looking at her.

(y/n) wondered how come she hadn't seen them if they were night guards. She shook her head off that thought, "i hope you're not here to stop me from leaving, cause i intend to leave. I've overstayed my time here." She says.

Koko observed her, "what makes you think I'll let you? Taiju isn't finished with you yet." He points out.

"I don't care!" She hissed back, "i'm tired of fucking around, i need to go home now." She frowned, "and I'll fight you if i have to...if you get in my way." She threatened, turning to open the pantry door.

Kokonoi grabbed her arm, twisting her back around, "oi—-"

(y/n) felt her ankle twist as koko turned her around, her feet stumbling as she tried to find balance, colliding her body with his. She widened her eyes when his lips connected with hers. The money-maker reciprocated her expression.

The two remained frozen in place, lips still molded as their limbs were tangled together in the pantry closet.

Kokonoi slowly pulled his lips away from her's, face flushed red as he steadied them both. (Y/n) and him stood in awkward silence as both refused to look at each other, after a moment, he cleared his throat, "better get back inside your room." He commanded her.

(y/n) said nothing as she tries to leave, wincing as she clutched onto the wall for support, a pained expression on her face. Fuck!

Kokonoi saw that and approached her, "what's wrong?" He asked her, examining her head to toe.

"I think i twisted my ankle..." (y/n) mutters, trying to take another step forward but couldn't. The money-maker tried to assist her but she pushed him away stubbornly, still upset at being caught from her escape.

Kokonoi sighed and approached her, lifting her bridal style in his arms and walking to the second floor to where her room is. He didn't once look at her when he set her down on her bed, checking her ankle, "i'm not a doctor but it's just a sprain, i believe. Try not to move it too much." He told her, lifting her foot to rest on a pillow before quietly taking his leave, closing the door behind him. His last thoughts were of her lips and how soft they were....he cussed internally, going back to guard duty.

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