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(Y/n) laid on her bed as she stared at the ceiling. She got the answer and confirmation she wanted. They love her...but what will she do?..who will she choose? How will she act now that she knows? Does she love them back? She doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Turning on her side, she groaned, muttering to herself, "why is love so fucking complicated?" She grabbed her pillow and tossed it over her face, sighing. Why her?

When the toman meeting arrived for the discussion of valhalla and baji, the boys were confused when (y/n) stood stiff to the side, unable to look at any of them in the eye. Was there something wrong?

Mitsuya touched her arm once the meeting was over, surprising her, "is everything alright?" He watched with worried eyes as she shuffled away from him, glancing at him with a strained smile.

"I'm fine, really..." (y/n) tried to convince him but he wasn't buying it. The two stared at each other in silence before she opened her mouth, licking her lips, "is it true...?"

The lilac-haired male furrowed his brows, eyeing her in confusion, "is what true?"

(Y/n) was reluctant to say her next words, "that you and the others....love me..?" She murmured the last part quietly but mitsuya heard and froze, staring at her wide-eyed, "....you know what, never mind! Just forget it. I gotta go." She then rushed her footsteps, disappearing down the stairs from the shrine,

Mitsuya snapped out of it, raising his hand in her direction, "(y/n), wait..!"

Mikey and the others approached the lilac-haired male, "what was that about? Did you (y/n)-chan tell you something?" Smiley asked.

Mitsuya ran a hand through his hair, sighing through his nose as he looked at the others with worry and anxiousness written on his face, "she knows..."

Draken furrowed his brows, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "knows what?"

The lilac haired male averted his eyes, especially mikey's, "....that we love (y/n)...." Silence resounded in musashi shrine.

Angry then spoke up, confused, "i thought she's mikey's girl? Wait, whose we?" The others wondered too.

Mitsuya then guiltily gestured to himself and draken, speaking, "baji likes her too." Sanzu said nothing since he kept his feelings hidden but he too was shocked by the revelation that he wasn't the only one...

"I'm sorry, mikey." The lilac haired male glanced at the small blonde, who glared at them in anger (he knew but it still bothered him), fists clenched, "i couldn't help it, really!"

Smiley, angry, chifuyu, pah, peh, hakkai, mucho and sanzu remained silent as tension rose between the founders of toman. They couldn't believe all four of them liked the same girl...(sanzu likes her too but no one knows).

Mikey's fists collided with draken's and mitsuya's. He licked his lips, glaring down at them, "i knew....but I didn't want to believe my friends love the same girl i did....the same girl whom i found first..." he began, clenching his fists and turning his back to them, his mind conflicted.

Draken winced, his jaw throbbing from the attack, "mikey, please..! It's not like we intended to steal her from you—-"

"But you are!" The small blonde cut him off, tilting his head back to glare at both of them, "you knew i liked her first...but you instead catch feelings for her when she's already mine!"

Draken and mitsuya exchanged worried glances, though they apologized to mikey, they did not feel sorry for their feelings. It wasn't in their control. It wasn't their fault.

Mikey then chuckled, grasping the front of his hair before facing them, "...fine, i can't stop you from loving her....but just to let you know...I'm not gonna lose. (Y/n)-chin will be mine." He declared, pointing his fist at them.

Draken and mitsuya smirked back, "game on." Sanzu also repeated the line in his head silently.

The other toman members bit their lips, worried for the fate of (y/n) now that she has four (five actually) boys chasing for her love and attention.


(Y/n) exiting school alone since chifuyu left to be with takemichi, he told her he was going to try and convince baji to come back to toman and etc, basically everything she confronted the raven-haired male about.

As she exited through the gates, she heard a voice speak beside her, "so you're (y/n)?...hm?" She sighed, why was it she always attracted attention she doesn't want? Glancing to the side, she saw a guy with banana-looking hair and an ear piercing on his left lobe, a white jacket over his body with headless angel on it, a smirk plastered on his face.

"and you are? another person trying to get to me?" She scoffed lightly, "everyone seems to be doing that lately." She muttered under her breath, walking away from the guy.

He easily caught up to her, chuckling, "looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He silently glanced at her, observing her. When baji joined valhalla, he mentioned a girl he's completely in love with, a girl with (h/c) hair and holds a skateboard. (Y/n). Could this be her? She definitely matches the description. What does his friend see in her anyways?

"Is it obvious?" (Y/n) stoically says, not looking at him.

The guy shrugged, "your reaction said it all." He stuffed his hands in his pockets, "the name's kazutora." He introduces.

"and you're part of valhalla, aren't you?" (Y/n) says, pausing mid-walk to face him with unamused eyes. Kazutora chuckled, praising her, "keen eyes." She tilted her head, not saying anything.

"What do you want with me?" The (h/c)-ette asks, dropping her skateboard and stepping on it, rolling down the sidewalk slowly, kazutora keeping up her pace.

The banana-haired boy shrugged nonchalantly, "nothing really." He wouldn't admit that he got intel from both kisaki and hanma, including his friend; baji, about (y/n). So he wanted to see for himself what all the hype is about...why she's the only thing everyone talks about.

(y/n) and kazutora continued their walk in silence.

"Baji speaks about you." He then utters, causing her to glance at him, she opened her mouth to ask something when he cut her off, "i know what you're gonna ask...baji's my childhood friend, my one and only." His gaze soon turned hard as if he was thinking about something.

(Y/n) hums in acknowledgment, "I didn't know that." She admits, awkwardly looking away.

Kazutora chuckles, "baji doesn't talk about me, does he? Of course he wouldn't, not after..." he trailed off but shook his head, smiling at her, "it seems baji failed to mention both of us to each other, didn't he?"

(Y/n) sighed, "i don't mind. If he's ready to tell me, he will." Kazutora cocked his head to the side, "i suppose so." He hums, checking his phone when it vibrated, he stopped mid-walk, "it was interesting meeting you, (y/n). I'll see you again soon." He smirked, walking away from her.

She stared at his retreating figure in silence.

A/n: enjoy....

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