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(Y/n) sighed as she scanned the barcodes for the books, stacking them on the shelf. The bookstore just got a new shipment yesterday and it was her job to pack them away and then take care of the returned ones from the customers.

Monica was working at the register, ringing people up as they came to check out books. Her wound from the battle against moebius left a scar, nothing a little cream or oil can't do.

Ever since that incident, the toman boys were more protective of her and were rallying against her to stop her from joining anymore fights but she smacked them all for trying to control her life and what she does.

"Excuse me?"

(Y/n) glanced beside her to see a guy with black hair in a death-hawk style and slanted eyes that closely resembles to a snake. He wore a grey sweatshirt and some black pants.

"Yes? How can i help you?" She asked him, pausing from opening another unopened box, looking at the male, who averted his gaze from her, an impatient look on his face.

"I'm trying to find a book, The Power of Passive Income written by Nightingale-conant." He told her, eyeing her like a hawk, "I checked the aisle where it was supposed to be but it wasn't there."

(Y/n) hummed, "i apologize for that, we just got a new shipment of books...give me a sec, i think it's in one of the boxes." She cut open the boxes one by one, going through the titles while the guy watched her, tapping his foot, "ah. here we go." She handed it to him.

The guy nodded in thanks, taking it from her. He went to the cashier to check out and was about to leave the store, not before glancing at the (h/c)-ette and pulling his phone out, raising it to his ear, "i found her, inupi...toman's unyielding member and...mikey's weakness." His lips curved into a smirk, tongue sticking out.


Toman was hanging out an bowling alley. (Y/n) was obviously invited. She entered the building and scanned the place, finding the boys already competing with each other into two teams, the captains vs vice captains.

"Hey." She waved at them, the boys instantly turning to face her, smiles and grins curling on their lips as they greeted her back, she overlooked the score board with raised brows, "looks like the vice captains are winning, surprisingly." She mused.

Draken tossed an arm over her shoulder, grinning, "we may not be as skilled as hakkai, but we got some pretty good hits in." He smirked at her, ruffling her soft locks.

Unfazed by his torture on her hair, (y/n) pushed her hair back, humming, "i can see that. Mind if i have a go?" She asked.

Mitsuya, who was up next against Sanzu, smiled at her, nodding as he gave her the bowling ball, moving over so she can take his place.

Thank god she decided to wear sneakers today. (Y/n) glanced at sanzu, smiling at him, "welp, here's go nothing." The boys watched as she took a stance, eye concentrated before rolling the ball.

The ball hit a strike, knocking all the pins down. The boys gaped in shock, watching the scoreboard change, "amazing," mitsuya commented. A small smirk curled on her lips as she waited for sanzu, who glanced at her before rolling the ball...he didn't a hit a strike but he managed to knock most of the pins down.

The game continued on.

The captains; mikey didn't hit any pins, his cheek puffing out. Draken managed a spare as did mitsuya. Baji knocked half the pins down with a wolfish grin. Mucho bulldozed the entire lane and ended up hitting the vice captain's lane instead. Pah had the ball rolling in the gutter. Smiley didn't have his eyes open so he ended up tossing the ball just like pah did.

The vice captains; hakkai managed most wins. Angry got a spare along. Chifuyu got a flush. Sanzu managed a high flush surprisingly. Peh wasn't that great holding the ball and dropped it three times accidentally.

The victor of the bowling match was...the vice captains.

"Good match." (Y/n) praised, smiling at sanzu, who averted his eyes, blushing underneath his black mask. He nodded in return, "oh, you must have trouble breathing under your mask, here, have some water." She handed him a bottle of water, which he gratefully took.

Since sanzu's back was faced towards the others, he slowly pulled off his mask, showing his face to (y/n) as he drank the water, sighing in relief.

"Feels good, right?" (Y/n) airily chuckled, seeing him nod as he drank more water, "I couldn't find your bottle so i gave you mine, i hope it's alright." She asked worried.

Sanzu choked, water spitting out as he coughed, staring at her wide eyed. Indirect kiss??

(Y/n) blinked in confusion, staring back at him, "...is something wrong?" Sanzu shook his head, drinking the water with a warm blush on his face. The male was shook when she placed a hand on his forehead, "you seem to be very warm...i hope that mask didn't cause any health problems for you..." she pondered.

Sanzu grabbed her hand gently, shaking his head, "no." He replied quietly, he quickly snatched it back when mikey's voice was heard approaching them, nodding at her as he walked away to give her privacy with his leader.

"(y/n)-chin, i'm hungry!" The small blonde latched onto her, draping his entire weight onto her back and hiding his face in her hair, whining.

She patted his head softly, glancing at him, "we'll get some pizza, how does that sound?" He beamed at her, obsidian hues sparkling.

"Oohh, you're great, (y/n)-chin! That's why you're my wifey!" Mikey pressed his lips to her cheek gently before walking away and leaving the (h/c)-ette staring at him with reddened cheeks, which she tried to shake off.

A/n: hope you like!

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