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(Y/n) was working at the bookstore once again, her hands pushing a cart stacked to the brim with returned books. She was going through each aisle returning them to its proper place when a guy approached her with nervous eyes, "hey..." he shyly greeted, scratching his cheek sheepishly.

She eyed him nonchalantly, "hey...is there something I can help you with?" She put down the heavy book she was holding, turning to him with a confused expression.

The guy shook his head, glancing at her while twiddling his fingers, "i was just wondering...you don't have to..!...but i wanted to take you out for a...date..?"

(Y/n) stared at him.

The guy nervously laughed, rubbing his head, "it's just, i always come to his bookstore and see you around here...and you seem like a totally great girl and-and...you don't have to say yes or anything...!" He rambled on, before she cut him off.


The guy blinked, surprised with her agreement, a smile overtaking his features, "g-great..! I'll call you! Wait, i don't have your number!" He embarrassedly said.

(Y/n) chuckled, raising an eyebrow, "here." She handed him her number, two exchanging digits before he left with a wave. She couldn't believe she has a date.

Monica, who saw everything, rushed towards the girl, slinging an arm around her shoulder and wiggling her eyes, "going on a date?" She giggled when (y/n) sighed at her antics, "you are!!" She then gasped, "but what about your boyfriend?! Are you cheating on him?!"

(Y/n) loved monica but she can bit...too much sometimes, nevertheless, she still loved her co-worker, "i told you already, mikey isn't my boyfriend..." she mumbles.

Monica put a hand on her hip, looking at the girl, "..but he likes you though, doesn't he?" Her face was uncharacteristically serious for someone who's generally peppy all the time. It seemed she understood the predicament the girl was in, causing her to sigh, "I'm not gonna tell you what to do...but...don't you think you should give mikey a chance?"

(Y/n) pauses for a moment, debating her words. Give mikey a chance? To date her? He did confess to her... "I don't know...he said that he wasn't gonna lose even though i told him I wasn't ready for a relationship yet." She sighed, why were relationships complicated?

Monica widened her eyes, realizing instantly what mikey meant. There was more than one competition and he wanted to win her heart first. She giggles, causing (y/n) to give her a weird look, "girl...you have no idea what's in store for you...damn you're lucky!"

"Lucky for what?"

Monica gave (y/n) a disbelief look, flicking her head, watching as the girl rubbed the spot confused, "for someone so intelligent, you're kind of dumb."

"Wow, you're such a wonderful friend." The (h/c)-ette deadpan, going back to working with the books.

Monica rolled her eyes, leaning against one of the shelves and crossing her arms, "isn't it obvious?" When she received no response, she continued, "you got your own harem, girl!"

"Harem?" (Y/n) frowned, "that's ridiculous, who would want to fight over me? I'm too...average."

Monica stared at her for a moment before patting her shoulder pityingly, walking away back to her register when she glanced at her, "...maybe they're guys you know..." she gave her a knowing look before smirking.

(Y/n) pondered on her words...guys i know?...Her mind flashed to the toman boys automatically, causing her to shake her head, "there's just no way, right?" She understands mikey, but the others?


It was Saturday afternoon and (y/n) was on her way to the cafe where she'll meet up with kenji; the guy who asked her out. She wore some blue sweats with a khaki shirt and some hoop earrings. Her hair was let down as usual.

She lazily walked stood waiting for her date, who texted her he was on his way. Deciding to scroll through her phone for the moment she was unaware that someone spotted her from across the street. Draken.

The tall blonde was frowning, wondering why the (h/c)-ette was just loitering outside a cafe and was about to approach her when he stopped. His eyes catching a guy rushing towards her. Who was he?

He decided to follow them out of impulse. The arcade? He can win (y/n) a bigger bear than this guy can. The park? He can take her to rides instead. The sweets store? He'll buy her what she wants.

Draken didn't leave them alone, he was there spying on them, "tch, the fuck? Who does this guy think he is holding her hand?" He grumbled, trailing after (y/n) and the stranger.

His chest itched with jealousy he never felt before. He did really like....no, love, the (h/c)-ette. She's been with them for six months now and he spends more time with her than he does with emma, which says a lot.

His feelings for mikey's sister was diminishing and he felt more attracted to (y/n) cause she was just amazing to be around and the conversations she has are really interesting when she gets into it.

When the sun began to fall and it was now evening, draken hid behind a building, watching as (y/n) and the guy looked at each other, his ears perking up when a conversation begun. He strained to listen.

Kenji scratched his cheek, looking at (y/n) with soft eyes, "I enjoyed our date, and thought it was so cool that you could skateboard. I wouldn't mind learning a couple of moves, if you're up to it." He chuckled.

(Y/n) tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, looking at him with a faint smile, "I don't usually do random dates but I'm glad I decided to give it a go. You're really amazing."

Kenji nervously held her hands, clearing his throat, "c-can i...kiss you..?" He whispered.

(Y/n)'s lips parted as she replies, "um....sure..." she ignored the heat on her cheeks when he suddenly leaned close to her, their lips about to touch when he was yanked away from her, causing her to gasp.

Draken was glaring at kenji, his eyes hard, "she's off limits, get the fuck out!" He shoved him away. Kenji scrambled back up and ran away.

(Y/n) was shocked, her mouth open before anger flashed in her eyes. She shoved draken, "what the fuck, draken!? He was my date!"

Draken felt irritated by the term 'date.' "You were about to let him kiss you." Growled out in anger.

(Y/n) glared at him, "obviously! I gave him my permission! That was completely rude of you to do that to kenji! I honestly thought you were a cool guy, draken, but clearly you're not!" She shouted at him.

"Don't say his name." Draken spoke with clenched hands.

"Kenji, kenji, kenji, kenji—-" (y/n) didn't listen and repeated her date's name over and over again till the tall blonde had enough and pinned her to the brick wall against the building. His large figure towering her, hands on either side of her head.

Silence ensued between them as both radiated anger from the other's actions. It wasn't until (y/n) decided to calm down, searching his face with a slight frown, "...just tell me why you did it, draken?"

The male observed her, greedily taking in how beautiful she was. Her (h/c) locks framing her face perfectly, her (e/c) orbs glinting with curiosity and slight frustration. Her lips colored with lipstick. Her coconut scented perfume invading his nose and making his brain go haywire.

"...well...?" She pressed, searching his eyes for answer to his behavior.

Draken's face was shadowed, "I just..." he mumbled, eyes hooded as leaned down slowly, lips centimeters apart from the (h/c)-ette's, their breaths mingling, noses brushing softly. He clenched his jaw tight before reluctantly pulling back, turning his back to her, "...never mind..."

(Y/n) remained frozen, unable to move or blink. Was draken really about to.....kiss her? She mindlessly put a hand to her mouth, biting her lip. But why? Her mind flashed back to the incident earlier and what her co-worker said two days ago. Was he...jealous?

A/n: enjoy....

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