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It was finally Saturday, which meant today was the toman meeting where's she gonna meet all the guys and be introduced as the new female member. Was she nervous? Nah. Was she curious? Hell, yeah.

She left her home with her skateboard in hand, biding her mom a farewell. She skated down the streets, curving around the sides and sliding down handles from the ramp's that were in front of a few of the stores.

She soon arrived at the park, skating around and just minding her own business. She got her uniform two days ago from mitsuya and it was definitely her style; baggy and comfortable, it also fit comfortably. She had to pick it up from his school club.

"(y/n)-chin!" The familiar voice called out to her from behind, causing her to stop and glance back, seeing mikey approaching with a dorayaki in hand and a closed-eye smile.

She smiled back, "hey, what are you doing here? I thought the meeting was tonight?" She checked her phone for the time when mikey held her hand, smiling at her.

The small blonde couldn't help but chuckle at her, he found her cute. His heart pounded nervously in his chest as he opened his mouth to talk, "it is," he told her, reassuring her, "i was just passing by when i saw you and decided to follow you!" He beamed as if it was the most natural thing he does.

Seeing her look, mikey quickly says, "not that i follow girls around..!...just you only...I meant...!" He shut up when he realized he was just embarrassing himself even more, although he rose his head when he heard laughter coming from the (h/c)-ette and couldn't help the curve of his own lips as they twitched upwards.

Mikey has been taking train for a whole month just to see (y/n)...even if he didn't talk to her beforehand. Call it creepy or whatever, but the only reason he did it was because he found her attractive and cool and she can even skateboard (he noticed she always had it with her). His crush for her grew even more when he saw she can fight! Talk about a wonder woman in the making.

(y/n) pulled her hair into a messy bun, chuckling at mikey, "it's whatever." She reassured, shrugging.

The two stood in the park in silence, not a soul around them. The small blonde wanted to know more about his crush, his obsidian hues landed on her skateboard, "how did you learn how to skateboard? You seem really good at it." He complimented.

(y/n) darted her eyes to her beloved skateboard, humming, "i learned three years ago, actually. It was kind of hard to get the hang of, but with the help of youtube and going to the skatepark observing the other boys, i got the hang of it. Of course, i did get the occasional bruises here and there." She sheepishly says, scratching her cheek.

Mikey stared at her with adoring eyes, listening intently to every word she said.

"That's amazing!" The small blonde grinned at her, the two somehow beginning a slow pace around the park, their hands occasionally brushing against each other. He resisted the urge to hold it in his own, he didn't want to overstep boundaries or make her uncomfortable, "not a lot of girls can skateboard like you do, you're a natural!" He smiled at her.

(Y/n) cleared her throat, looking down with a faint smile, "uh, thanks, but this isn't about me trying to break the stereotypical 'girls can't skateboard' kind of thing, i just like to do it for fun." She says, dropping her skateboard on the floor and stepping on it, moving slowly beside mikey.

Mikey hummed, glancing at her with a smile. Gosh, he has it bad, doesn't he? "Is that so?" He questions, she nodded. "I don't care much for the boy-girl thing either, if you can do something, it doesn't matter who says what."

(Y/n) stared at him for a moment, impressed by his words, "not bad, shortie."'

Mikey playfully glared at her, puffing out his cheek, "I'm not short!...you are!!" he remarked, ignoring the 'i'm average height!' that she uttered out.

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