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(Y/n) was working in the bookstore, checking out the customer's items at the register. Ever since she told mikey she was working and he found out about it, he made it a mission to tell the captains and vice captains of toman too, now they all know.

The small blonde had made accommodations for her and decided to not host meetings when she was busy those days, although that didn't stop him from occasionally walking in the bookstore like he owns the place and scaring half the customers with his stoic obsidian hues.

As least for today, she has some peace from mikey—it was probably draken that stopped him from coming. What a great friend.

Anyways, as she was in the aisles rolling a cart full of unpacked books, she couldn't help but notice a frequent customer following her. She noticed him coming to the store often and everywhere she went, somehow he was also there too. She rose an eyebrow and shrugged, letting him do what he wants as long as he keeps away from her personal space.

She took out a box cutter and ripped open one of the boxes and began stacking books on the shelves when she heard someone speak to her.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." A deep voice spoke from beside her.

(Y/n) glanced at the stranger, who she recognizes as the frequent customer of the book shop. He looked like trouble. He had messy brown hair and blue hues that screamed manwhore.

"I didn't know you were much of a reader." (Y/n) mused, watching the guy as he examined the book, "let alone a Shakespeare fan ...quoting romeo and juliet are you?"

"I'm not," he gently slammed the book closed, "i did it to impress you." He smirked, putting it back on the shelf before leaning against it and crossing his arms. Okay, he wasn't cute anymore.

"Consider me...not impressed." She deadpanned, walking away to the next aisle to put the books she found back in order, the stranger following her closely.

(Y/n) slid one of the books in between the others, pausing when she saw an arm resting above her head and a presence closely behind her that she can feel his chest. She swiftly turns around, having no choice but to lean against the shelf as she looked him in the eyes, "what is this? 'guy trying to intimidate the girl or look cool?'" She rose an eyebrow.

The guy chuckled deeply, leaning close to her face, "is it working?" He scanned her face, trying to commit everything about her to memory, "and I'm not just some 'guy', call me hiroto..." he says, sticking his tongue out.

(Y/n) pushed him back slightly, taking advantage of the small space given to her and moving away from him, "you're attempts to flirt with me aren't really working." She shook her head, walking away from him as he chuckled, staring after her.

"Oh come on," he sped up to catch up with her, "it wasn't too bad, was it? I made you look, didn't I?" He chuckled.

(Y/n) sighed, "look, you seem like a great guy but I'm not interested, so if you're only here to woo me while I'm working hoping you'll get a chance then please go."

The guy was irritated, eyebrow twitching. He grabbed her arm, startling her, "listen here, I didn't come to this boorish store to get rejected, so if i were you, I'd take my offer otherwise I'll—"

He was yanked backwards by the collar by a familiar guy. Mitsuya. "Or you'll what?" The lilac-haired male glared at him, daring him to finish that sentence.


"Then get the fuck out and leave her alone." Mitsuya narrowed his eyes, shoving him back and watching as he stumbled before scurrying out the door.

(Y/n) sighed, but gave him a faint smile, "thanks, but I could've handled it." She reassured, before wondering, "what are you even doing here?" She questions.

Mitsuya held up two children's books with a sheepish smile, "i wanted to get my little sisters some books to read."

"At this specific book store?" (Y/n) rose an eyebrow with an amused smile, knowing mitsuya could've went to any other book store but chose this one because she works here.

The lilac-haired male scratched his cheek sheepishly, not saying a word. The (h/c)-ette sighed with a faint smile and gestured for him to follow her to the checkout.

Mitsuya watched her as she scanned the barcodes on the children's books, "...does that happen often?" He was referring to the incident earlier, worry on his face.

(Y/n) glanced at him, responding, "sometimes. It does get annoying though. They don't usually take no for an answer." She scoffed, shaking her head, "if he had done something else to me, I would've kicked his balls so hard he'd never procreate again."

Mitsuya winced but couldn't help chuckle. He knew she was capable when he caught her fighting those group of delinquents one time before she joined toman. She can handle herself, "im sorry you have to go through something like that." He apologizes.

(Y/n) chuckled, running a hand through her hair before bagging the books and handing it to him along with the receipt, his fingers touching her hand before he quickly retreated them, "don't apologize for something not in your control, the only thing you can do is just keep protecting girls out there whenever they're in trouble and just being a good and respectful guy. All the girls love that." She winked, leaning against the counter.

Mitsuya didn't know what came over him as he blurted out, "do you?" It was quiet as the (h/c)-ette stared at him in surprise. The lilac-haired male cleared his throat, quickly taking his bag and leaving the store, "never mind."

The lilac-haired male internally cussed at himself. What's wrong with him? That's mikey's crush! How could he be so insensitive and do something like that to his best friend? He ignored the pang in his chest when he said that, brows furrowing. Tch. Just what the fuck is going on?

A/n: enjoy...

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