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(y/n) walked beside kokonoi and inupi along with some other members of black dragon. She was in between the two boys who were instructed by taiju not to let her out of their sights while he was away on business.

"...aren't you the guy that visited the bookstore?" She asked blandly, glancing at the snake-eyed male, "i remember your face." She says.

Kokonoi glanced at her, hands in pockets, "yeah, i am." He replies, "if you know, what's the point in asking?"

The (h/c)-ette faced forward, a thoughtful look on her face, "I'm trying to figure out whether you knew about me that time and was just putting on a show." She remarked.

The money-maker chuckled, "you got me, i wasn't actually sure it was you or not but after checking your i.d, i was right."

She hummed, "so you were watching me all this time? Do you boys stalk girls all the time?...or am i just a special case for your medieval plan to destroy toman?" Kokonoi and inupi glanced at her, feeling slightly offended by her words. They don't spy on girls!

They soon had to make a little detour considering some other gang was spying on them. The (h/c)-ette stood silently as the black dragon members beat them up. One of the enemy spotted her and let out a battle cry, raising a fist to punch her.

Just as she was about to dodge, kokonoi stepped in front of her, grabbing his fist, "oi, oi, i wouldn't touch someone that doesn't belong to you especially in black dragon territory, looks like you're gonna have to face the consequences." He stuck his tongue out, gesturing at his friend, "inupi, he's all yours." The blonde male rose a lead pipe, knocking the man in the face."

(y/n) glanced at koko, raising an eyebrow, "was that statement really necessary? Cause i don't recall belonging to anyone other than myself." She crossed her arms.

The snake-eyed male shrugged, "you belong to taiju right now, sweetums." He grinned at her irritated face, finding amusement in all her little quips and remarks.

The three of them decided to head for a nice fancy restaurant since (y/n) complained she was hungry. She sat next to inupi with koko across from her. It was a five star michelin and the customers were giving them weird looks, probably wondering what teenagers are doing in an expensive place.

"Order anything you'd like, it's on me." Koko said, flagging a waiter down with his finger. He asked...and she shall receive...while he pays the hefty ass bill. It's her revenge. She bought the most expensive meal without care, it's free food after all. The two boys ordered after her.

When their meals arrived a moment later and they began eating, (y/n) asks, "so how long does taiju intend to keep me at his house?" She asks, munching on some chicken.

"Until toman is defeated." Inupi says blankly.

"and when is that?"

"whenever, now stop asking questions." The scarred blonde says with a frown, returning to his meal.

(y/n) shrugged, glancing at around her bored as she ate her meal. Her eyes subconsciously landed on koko, "oh, you gotta little—" she pointed to a spot on his face, which the snake-eyed male took a napkin and tried to rub it off, "it's still there." She says.

The small food spot was still on his face, so she sighed, reaching over across the table and swiping her thumb across his upper cheekbone, rubbing the sauce away, "there..." she sat back down and continued eating.

Kokonoi cleared his throat, a blush on his cheeks from her close proximity to him that he felt her breath on his face. He glanced at inupi, who gave him the tiniest smirk, thumbs up. He glared at the blonde for insinuating something that wasn't even there in the first place!

Once they finishes, koko and inupi escorted (y/n) bacl to taiju's place, their job done.


Two days later....

Toman was in a frantic mess. After mitsuya received the message from hakkai that taiju had kidnapped (y/n) and is keeping her hostage, he immediately informed all the members, calling for a meeting.

Mikey was pacing back and forth while the others watched him, worry on all their faces for their female friend (to some) and/or lover (to others). The small blonde whipped around, glaring at the members of his gang, "we're here today because mitsuya brought some disturbing news...(y/n)-chin has been taken by taiju a two weeks ago. This is a declaration of war on toman for acting against one of our members."

Draken frowned, "what're we gonna do, mikey? We can't just storm in black dragon territory." He points out. As much as he would love to break into taiju's house and take the (h/c)-ette back...it's too risky to do it alone and especially without a plan.

The small blonde gritted his teeth, "i know that." He says, "hakkai," he turns to the youngest shiba, an angry look on his face, "you're taiju's brother...surely you must know what the condition of (y/n) is. Is she alright? He isn't hurting her is he?" He demanded a response from each question leaving his lips.

Hakkai nervously glanced at the others, "taiju doesn't let her leave the house and she's always guarded. He sometimes asks her to do stuff..."

"Stuff like what?" Smiley asks.

The youngest shiba gulped, not liking all eyes on him till mitsuya gave him a reassuring nod, "asking her to cook him meals or clean the wares...even do the laundry..." he trailed off when he felt the anger rolling off every toman captain and vice captain, "b-but she denies him every time!" He tries to say.

"He's treating her like a fucking maid!" Baji slammed his hand against a tree bark, glaring daggers at the concrete ground. Kazutora, who appeared for the meeting for the first time, was angry himself.

Hanma, for once, was not smiling. He was pissed. His soulmate (in his eyes) was being treated like trash! Kisaki pushed his glasses up, hiding a smirk. He was happy the (h/c)-ette was finding her place as taiju's dog.

Mikey's obsidian hues widened with rage, how dare he....

Poor taiju, he thought taking (y/n) would make mikey weak...on the contrary...it just made him pissed.


"Take my food out."


"Do the fucking laundry."

"Clean your nasty clothes yourself."

Kokonoi and inupi stood to the side in taiju's living room watching as (y/n) and the older shiba argued with each other. The boys watched as she stormed out the room disappearing upstairs.

(Y/n) was irritated. She wants to go home already. With blinding rage, she entered a room that wasn't hers. Pausing, she looked around. She walked to the bed where a shark plushie was sat neatly, causing her lips to twitch up. How cute.

She picked it up, examining it for a moment before putting it back.

Her eyes were drawn to a fish tank in the corner, slowly walking up to it. She bent down to get a closer look at the colorful fishes swimming lazily about without a care in the world of how they got there and whether they missed the ocean life.

Her fingers gently tapped the glass, watching with a soft smile as the fishes moved away. She stood back up and turned around, bumping into a hard rock chest that she lost balance and was about to fall backwards and hit the fish tank till a strong bulky arm caught her around the waist, pulling her close.

She gasped, clutching onto the arm instinctively. (y/n) glanced up to see taiju staring down at her with slightly widened eyes before they returned to a glare. He quickly released her, "what're you doing in here?" He growled out.

"I didn't intend to come here, it was by accident." She moved around his gigantic presence, heading for the door, rushing out to her own room and slamming the door shut.

Taiju stared at her retreating figure, glancing at his hand that held her, still feeling the remnants of how warm she was and the small curves she had. He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist...what the fuck?

A/n: enjoy...!

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