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(y/n) sighed for the hundredth time as she sat quietly in class, taking notes. Ever since the near-death experience, baji and chifuyu were always on guard with her at school and emma was on house arrest till the tenjiku conflict was over. The boys were taking no chances.

It was lunch time and the girl entered the rooftop, seeing the two toman boys waiting for her with their bento's. She sat down across from them.

Chifuyu complained, "my brain hurts from doing all this homework stuff." He dug through his meal, grumbling.

The (h/c)-ette sighed, admitting for the first time, "with the recent events so far, my mind is less occupied with class work and assignments right now." She says, having a migraine.

Baji rose an eyebrow, "that's a first," he chuckled, "you're usually the brainiac between us, always scolding us to do our homework and pay attention in class." She glared at him.

"I shouldn't have to tell you," (y/n) hissed. Baji and chifuyu chuckled nervously.

Classes resumed once again and once school was over, she grabbed her things from her locker, heading outside where the boys were waiting for her. They walked pass the gate and paused mid-walk, "i have work today, so I'll see you guys later, alright?"

Chifuyu stepped forward, "let us drop you, we don't have anything to do and it's better to be safe than sorry considering tenjiku can still pop out anywhere." He suggest. She nods.

(y/n) rolled her skateboard in between them as they walked to the train station. She picked her board up, baji holding it for as they got on, the doors closing behind them. Luckily the cart wasn't that full with people. A few stops more and they got off, walking to the bookstore. She stopped at the entrance way, flashing them a smile, "i got it from here, thanks for accompanying me."

Baji and chifuyu nodded, making sure she was completely inside before leaving.

Three hours later, the (h/c)-ette was working quietly in between the shelves as she stacked books away and scanned barcodes. As she was, she felt presences behind her and glanced back, seeing mochi, a guy with half his head shaved and a tattoo, mucho and...sanzu. They were in red uniforms, tenjiku, "what do i owe the pleasure of your company?"

Mochi glowered at her, "i suggest you don't make a scene and come quietly with us." He threatens.

(y/n) faced them with a frown, "don't tell me this is another hostage situation cause I've had just about enough of those." She glares, "i suggest you leave and not pick fights in a public bookstore with me." She warns, her gaze moving to the pinkette.

Sanzu gave her warning eyes, telling her to just go along with them...he doesn't want to see her hurt.

After a brief moment of silence full of silence, (y/n) agreed, "fine, I'll come with you." She put the books down on the cart and walked to the employee's room to get her things, she decided to leave her skateboard behind and collect it once she returns back. As she was about to exit the bookstore, monica gave her worried eyes.

(y/n) mouthed to her that she'll be fine.

They entered a car with mucho driving, sanzu made sure to sit to next to her. The air was silent. They soon arrived at a warehouse where she presumes it's tenjiku's base. She got out the car, following them observantly as they entered the hideout.

(E/c) eyes landed on kokonoi, hanma, kisaki, ran and rindou...she even recognized kakucho. Their eyes were already on her the moment she entered.

She was left in the center all alone as her 'escorts' moved away to settle against the crates where the other tenjiku executives were. She was the center of attention now.

Izana slowly stalked towards her, circling her like prey as he observed her, but (y/n) was unafraid, humorlessly chuckling, "is this supposed to be a fear tactic?" She asked, glancing at the platinum blonde, who rounded in front of her again, staring deep into her eyes with a thoughtful look.

"I know you.." he began, "you're that girl who saved kakucho that one time." He then chuckled, "who would've thought i met mikey's weakness so early on. It must've been fate..."

The executives of tenjiku listened closely to their conversation, trying not appear nosy but were goddamn curious.

"and you're delusional." (y/n) states with obvious contempt for him, "you're not the first gang to kidnap me and failed trying to destroy mikey." She says, snorting softly, "I think I'm starting to see a pattern here."

Izana cocked his head to the side, amused by her words, "and that is?" He questions.

(y/n) sighed, looking at him with unamused eyes, "that you boys thought it was wise to target me because I'm a girl and probably considered weak in your eyes." She stepped closer to izana bravely, "but I'm tired of playing victim." She hissed, "....let me go now." She demands.

Izana chuckled, wagging his finger at her, "I don't think so, love. I brought you here for a reason...and that's to destroy mikey." He paused, "you're probably wondering how I'm going to crush his spirit...well that's easy...by torturing you." He aimed a punch at her, which (y/n) skillfully blocks, surprising him and momentarily.

He scoffed, "beginner's luck." He was going to beat the shit out of her and then present her to mikey to crush him and make him devastated. He swung his leg at her, aiming a powerful kick to her face when she ducked, avoiding it.

The two began fighting with their fists and every time  izana tried to lay a punch or kick, she countered back with one of her own. The entirety of tenjiku watched in muted silence.

Kakucho bit his thumb...he was secretly rooting for (y/n) because she had helped him and to see her bruised and beaten by izana did not sit well with him. He did not encourage woman beating, but he knew how cruel his friend can be at times, especially when it involves mikey and people he despises. He was unstoppable.

Izana was beginning to get frustrated since most of his attacks did not hit (y/n), with the exception he got in a few jabs to her stomach or face, a bruise forming. She was a formidable opponent and her flexibility stunned him. He gritted his teeth, moving faster to try and dominate her.

(y/n) noticed the change of pace and adjusted her footing, he was getting more aggressive. She yelped when his punch hit her, her face snapping to the side as she felt blood in her mouth. She chuckled, wiping it away.

Some of the tenjiku members grew worry for the girl while some others were finding this fight to be amusing.

Izana then moved back, raising his hand as he called forth some tenjiku members. He decided to finish this quickly. They rushed at the (h/c)-ette, who began fighting back uncaring whether her knuckles bled or her body paining her.

The guys were impressed, (y/n) had managed to ward off about thirty tenjiku members before finally collapsing on the ground unconscious, breathing heavily. Kisaki clicked his tongue in annoyance, even in tenjiku she was an obstacle to him.

Izana chuckled, stepping close to her body and bending down, observing her, "...you would've done well in tenjiku, serving me." He mutters, standing back up and gesturing for kakucho to come forward, "lock her up." He commands, walking away.

Kakucho lifted (y/n) up bridal style, gazing at her worriedly as he took her away.

A/n: enjoy.....

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