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"Baji...what's the square root of 4?" (Y/n) questioned with an exasperated sigh, but remained patient. She was once again tutoring the raven-haired male at lunch, who was busy eating his peyoung yakisoba while chifuyu watched with a sweatdrop.

"Hm?" Baji hummed, not even paying attention. His food was suddenly taken away, causing him to blink before looking at (y/n) with a frown, "hey!"

(Y/n) gave him a stern look, causing him to sigh as he scratched his head, looking at the question and muttering incoherently under his breath. Her and chifuyu watched in silence with raised brows, "....I don't know!" He tossed his hands up in the air, puffing out air in frustration.

Sighing, the (h/c)-haired female handed him his food, which he happily took back, eating the noodles like a ravenous beast, "baji, if this continues on, I doubt you'd graduate from middle school at all." She says with a disappointed look.

Chifuyu nodded in agreement.

"...and what are those ridiculous glasses on your face?" (Y/n) reached out to take them, when baji clutched her wrist gently, "don't tell me you think these actually make you smarter?" She shook her head in disbelief.

Baji let her wrist go, huffing in embarrassment, cheeks red, "...no!"

Chifuyu and (y/n) exchanged looks before the latter decided to eat her lunch. She's been tutoring the raven-haired male for two months now and she feels like she made some progress but not some. It was conflicting but she had enough patience to handle him.

Ever since she's been officially declared a member in toman, there hasn't been much trouble at all. She's been going to work as usual without disruption...although she hadn't told the others of her book store job...but anyways, her grades are still top-notch and everything is so far fine.

"You're really smart, (y/n)-chan, it's amazing how you can easily understand these weird formula's." Chifuyu praised, eating his omurice.

(Y/n) sighed, giving him a look, "it's called studying, chifuyu." He chuckled nervously, scratching his cheek before munching on his bento.

The two boys had caught (y/n) eating lunch on the rooftop by herself and decided to join her, ever since then the three of them have been doing it everyday, it was like their little hang-out spot. She didn't mind since she's in baji's division now. It was kind of like a bonding exercise for her, team building? Idk.

The bell rang and the three of them stumbled to get their things packed when (y/n) tripped on chifuyu's bag and went toppling on Baji, the two of them landing on the ground in a heap of tangled limbs.

She gasped in shock, her palms resting beside baji's head as she stared down at him speechless. His eyes wide while his hands instinctively held her waist, black hair splayed out underneath him as he stared back at the (h/c)-ette. Their lips almost touching, breaths mingling with each other.

The two remained in stunned silence, unsure what to say or do.

Chifuyu stared at them frozen, before secretly taking pictures on his phone so he can send them to baji!

(y/n) cleared her throat, removing herself from baji, "uh..sorry about that." She apologized, gathering her bento box and bag as she stood back up, quickly leaving the two on the roof.

Baji remained frozen on the ground, staring at the blue sky before Chifuyu leaned over him with a sly grin, "amazing, baji-san! You almost put the moves on (y/n)-chan!" He gave his captain a thumbs up.

The raven-haired snapped out of it, sitting up and glaring at chifuyu, "hah!? Are you dumb?! She's mikey's! He liked her first, remember!? Besides, that was an accident and I didn't put the moves on her!" He got up from the ground, gathering his own items with a blush on his cheeks as he tried to get rid of that image of (y/n) hovering above him. Stupid!

Chifuyu snickered into his hand, showing him his phone, "well whatever it is, i got pictures!"

Baji stared at the phone for a solid five minutes, an irk mark on his face, eyebrow twitching, "...her panties are showing, you dumbass!!!" He smacked chifuyu on the head.

"Huh?...really!?" Chifuyu tried to see it when baji snatched the phone from him and deleted those pictures out of respect for (y/n), tossing it back to him and leaving the rooftop, ignoring the heat on his cheeks as he repeated in his mind. I'm not a pervert... I'm not a pervert...


(y/n) was skating down the streets as usual when she spotted a familiar toman member....what was his name again...? Sanzu! She slowed down beside him, causing him to glance at her stoically, "you're sanzu...right?" She wanted to make sure she got his name right.

The pinkette wordlessly nodded, turning his gaze back ahead. His lower part of his face was covered in a black mask.

(y/n) nodded, slowly skateboarding beside him, "uh...you don't talk much do you?" She airily laughed, "no problem. I hear you're like one of the best fighters in toman, must be pretty amazing, huh?" She questioned.

Sanzu said nothing but spared her a glance. He was wondering what her motive was. No one ever willingly approaches him not even a girl. He decided to just listen to her and see where this conversation was going.

(y/n) spotted a food stall nearby selling churros, she faintly smiled, "want a churro?" Sanzu tilted his head in confusion, "they're like a Spanish treat but they taste so good." She nodded to herself.

The masked male watched in silence as the (h/c)-ette skated to the food stall, ordering two churros and coming back to him, handing him one, which he took in silence, observing the churro questionably.

Sanzu watched as she munched on it, eyes darting around aimlessly. He was hesitant to take off his mask, glancing at her and noticing her face was turned away from her.

"If you're worried about your face, I don't care much about how you look at all." (y/n) says nonchalantly, swerving on her skateboard lazily and doing cool tricks like flipping her board.

Sanzu watched her quietly and slowly reached up to pull his mask down, biting into the churro and instantly liking it. He noticed she glanced at him and gave a reassuring smile.

"....ya know....you're not as bad as others say you are." (y/n) says, pulling her hair into a messy bun, "you're a pretty cool guy, sanzu." She then skated away, leaving sanzu to watch her in silence, feeling an odd warmth inside him but brushing it away as nothing but insignificant.

A/n: enjoy!

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