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(y/n) was mindlessly skating down the streets of shibuya. The reason? She felt like it. Since taiju kept her inside for a while she just wanted to feel the breeze and sun on her skin. The conflict with black dragon and toman came to a standstill ever since mitsuya shook hands with the older shiba but she knew that deal was bound to be broken.

She heard a faint grunt as she passed an alleyway, putting a foot down to stop her skateboard, glancing inside. Her eyes landed on a scarred male leaning against the wall, clutching his stomach, "you okay there?" She calls out.

The male paused, turning his head to the side to catch a glimpse of her. Mismatched hues connected with (e/c) ones as he coughed, his face bruised.

(y/n) rolled closer to him cautiously before coming off her skateboard and leaning down beside him, observing him, "...you're hurt." She deduced that this guy was more or less her age.

The guy observed her warily but didn't find her threatening. He watched as she took out a tissue and dabbed the blood away from his nose. He averted his eyes, confused. Who was she?

"Is there someone you can call to pick you up or something?...do you need me to call the ambulance?" (y/n) asked, taking out her phone when he grasped her wrist firmly, causing her to glance at him.

"No hospital." He murmured, removing his hand from his stomach.

(y/n) sighed, running a hand through her hair, "is there someone else who can help you?" She asked. He nodded. She gave her phone to him, watching as he called someone.

"izana," he began in a hoarse voice, explaining what happened and where he was before hanging up and handing her phone back, "arigato..." he whispered gratefully.

(y/n) patted his head, amused by the small blush on his cheeks, "no problem. I'll stay here until whoever comes to picks you up." She smiled reassuringly and tending to whatever wounds he had, luckily she had her bag with her which she carried a small first aid. It wasn't much, but she applied ointment to his bruises gently with her fingers.

The guy remained silent, watching as she took care of him....a stranger she just met.

The (h/c)-ette sighed, "i'm assuming you're in a gang, huh?" He blinked at her, not replying, "you boys are so reckless, uncaring of your own health." She shook her head, "one of these days it's gonna get serious...you better hope that it doesn't happen, kid." She put away the first aid.

The male grunted, turning his head away, "my name's kakucho...not kid." He grumbled.

(y/n) rolled her eyes, "well sorry, it's not like we introduced ourselves." She remarked before sighing, "i'm (y/n)." She told him with a faint smile.

"Kakucho!" Another voice shouted as another guy entered the alleyway, rushing towards her and kakucho, shoving her away with a deadly glare, "what the fuck did you do to him!?" He growled out, orchid hues glaring daggers into her.

Kakucho struggled to stand up, grabbing the guy's arm, "izana, don't'! She didn't hurt me!" He rose his voice to stop his leader.

Izana paused, eyeing (y/n) distrustfully before turning to kakucho, hooking his arm around his shoulder and berating him, "why didn't you call me for backup instead of dealing with them alone!?" He turned back to her, "and you...what are you stupid? Who the fuck helps a stranger? Then again, i could care less about you."

(y/n) sighed, gazing into the sky, "doesn't matter who it was, stranger or not. If i see someone hurt, i will help them, regardless if they're a good person or bad person. That's just who i am."

Izana blankly stares at her, scoffing afterwards and turning back to Kakucho.

(y/n) watched them silently before getting on her skateboard about to roll away when kakucho called out to her, "wait..!" She glanced back, seeing both izana and him looking at her, "thank you for taking care of me." He struggled to bow, but she waved him off.

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