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(y/n) and the bonten men exited the warehouse where they just finished their business. They executed four men who were traitors and were leaking information to other gangs. The girl did not want to come in the first place but she had no choice but to follow since mikey wouldn't leave her by herself in HQ and they all ordered her to come...as always....

They lounged around for a bit while mochi and takeomi did the cleanup...they were on some deserted street so no one was around but them. It was the perfect setting to do shady business without distractions.

Mikey held (y/n)'s hand and was sitting really close to her. The executives exchanged glances, silently communicating with each other before facing her. They supposed now was the time to tell her how they really feel considering it was now or never. It wasn't the way they wanted to do it but if they were to do it a romantic setting she just might run off.

Sanzu cleared his throat, "(y/n)?" He saw her look at him, "yeah?" She asks in response, putting her phone away. "We have something important to tell you." He says.

"Like what?" She furrowed her brows at the men, glancing at mikey in confusion when he tightened his hand on her, staring into her eyes deeply.

"...how would you feel about us becoming your lovers?" Kokonoi questions, eyeing her with hidden anxiousness.

(y/n) froze for a moment, trying to process their words as she thickly swallowed, "wha...what are you trying to say?" She asks them cautiously, gazing at them when they glanced at each other.

Ran licked his lips, gulping down his anxiety, "we want you (y/n)..we want to be part of your life again...to have a life with you."

(y/n) backed away from them, her hand dropping mikey's as she shakes her head in denial, "no, you can't." She whispers, "it's insane and completely impossible!" She covers her face with her hands. She had an inkling over these months when they subtly tried to put the moves on her and show her affection, but she firmly drew the line with them, stepping back and not indulging in their behavior.

Of course the bonten men already knew about her relationship with the four ex-toman members which is why they understood she never reciprocated their advances to her and her suggestion to remain as colleagues and nothing more, but it wasn't enough for them, it didn't satisfy them to just be friends knowing they've harbored feelings for the (h/c)-ette for a long time.

They also wanted to be part of her life. They wanted to show her their love and affection...they wanted her to accept them too...because she was the one...

Rindou tugs her hands away from her face, "hey, look at me, you're already in a polygamous relationship so what's wrong in adding a few more?" He asks with a frown. He waited so long just for her to be his...to wake up everyday and just see her face smiling back at him...she was home. The others felt the same way.

(y/n) yanked her hands away from him, glaring at them, "because I'm not a whore!" She spat, "i don't want people to look at me like I'm some kind of skank because I'm in a relationship with so many men, do you have any idea how much that can hurt!?" She rose her voice at them.

Kakucho stepped forward tentatively, a worried look on his face, "(y/n), we just...we love you so much and—" the others nodded in agreement as they tried to talk to her...reassure her....

(y/n) feeling anger and frustration bubbling in her chest, shouts at them, "just leave me alone!!" She runs from them, avoiding their calls for her.

When she was far away from them, she slowed down, her chest heaving as sobs escaped her lips for the first time, her eyes clenched shut as the salty water fell down her cheeks.

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