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(Y/n) liked doing whatever she wants. By whatever, she meant just trying new things or joining fun street activities. She was skating around shibuya when she saw a crowd formed in a circle and decided to check it out...cause why not?

As she coolly walked through the crowded beings, she paused at the sight in front of her. A dance off! She watched with a wide grin as a girl and guy faced off with each other, trying to beat the other as their friends cheered for them while others betted on them.

The guy won. He had a smug grin, arms raised in the air as he wiped the sweat off him. Amateur.

"Anybody wanna have a go!?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, she can do better. Dancing used to be a hobby of hers that she learned at a young age when she wanted to be bold and just do something new. It was among the other list of things she can also do. Hehe.

Anyways, she stepped forward, "i do!" Her presence garnered the attention from the crowd as she put her skateboard to the side, stepping up with a nonchalant look on her face.

The guy and his friends whistled, looking at each other before he stepped up, eyeing her, "alright, little lady, show me what you got." He crossed his arms, giving her the center all for herself.

(Y/n) began dancing once the music played. It was (whatever music you want). The crowd cheered loudly, whooping as people got out their phones to record.

The guy's face fell as he stared at (y/n) with a frown, observing her movements. His friends gawked at her.

The (h/c)-ette then stopped once the beat finished, pushing her hair back with a nonchalant look on her face, eyes glimmering with mirth as she took in the guy's face, "i think i owned it." She says, moving to the side to let him do his dance.

The guy scoffed, stepping up. He played his beat, dancing in the center. The muscle tee he wore accentuated his muscles which (y/n) thought he was purposely flexing to her, she rolled her eyes, not interested, "Beat that, honey." He chuckled deeply.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes, "don't call me honey." The two began dancing in the center, going against each other. One half of the crowd was loudly cheering for her while the other half was for the guy.

Meanwhile, draken was walking down the same street trying to get to where he was going when he clicked his tongue in annoyance at the sight of a crowd forming around something...or someone. A fight, perhaps? He thought, walking towards it with his hands in his pockets, nudging people through.

His eyes moved to the center where his breath hitched at what he's witnessing. It was (y/n) in a dance-off with a....guy?! Why the fuck were they so close to each other where their lips could possibly touch!? Wait, why is he so irritated for? Doesn't he love emma? Then what's this weird burning in his chest?

Draken frowned but it slowly dissipated when his eyes were drawn to (y/n) and the way she was moving so fluidly...it was so...so....goddamn sexy. His eyes subconsciously moved to places he shouldn't be looking at and quickly averted his gaze, paying attention to the dance-off.

He had no idea she was interested in these kinds of things, then again, three months he just knew her, so of course there was gonna be some things he still has yet to learn about her. She can skateboard, dance, fight...what else can she do? What a gal she is.

Once the dance-off was done, he watched as (y/n) put a foot on her skateboard with a tired grin, shaking hands with the guy before he and his friends left.

(Y/n) was tying up her hair to cool off when she heard a whistle behind her and someone comment, "sexy moves you got there, babe, wanna show me some in my bed tonight?"

Rolling her eyes, she swiftly turned around to glare at the man who said it. He was middle-aged and a fucking pervert, "why don't you fuck off before i beat your face in." She says, "damn pedophile." She insulted rudely.

The man glared back, scoffing, "tch, what a waste of pussy, but whatever, you're not worth my time." He suddenly received a punch in the face, causing him to fall down and yell out in pain as he clutched his face.

(Y/n) quickly turned her attention to the newcomer, widening her eyes...."draken...." The tall male stalked towards the man, yanking him up by the collar and glaring down at him.

"Don't you fucking disrespect my girl and a member of toman, disgusting bastard." Draken says with gritted teeth, punching the man over and over till he felt (y/n) try to pull him back.

"Draken, stop! He's a piece of shit and all, but you already gave him a bloody nose! It's enough!" (Y/n) tried to yank him back till he finally budged, scoffing at the man with narrowed eyes.

"Scram." The man needn't be told twice as he up and left in a manner of seconds, fear written in his eyes.

Draken wiped his hands on his pants, turning to (y/n) with a much more softer gaze, "you okay?" She nodded, eyeing him to make sure he was okay, "that bastard deserves more than just a fucking bloody nose for talking that way about you." He swears.

(Y/n) sighed, patting his shoulder, "men are like that...not that I don't appreciate what you did for me, but I'd rather not see you go to jail for murder or something."

Draken sighed, looking away and muttering, "i wasn't gonna kill him or anything, just break a rib or two." He huffed, the two of them began walking as she held her skateboard underneath her arm.

(Y/n) then paused, glancing at him with confused eyes, "your girl?" She recalled the slip-up when he yelled at the guy.

Draken froze for a moment, frowning as he averted his eyes, "just a mess of words, that's all." Even he didn't know why he said that. He likes emma....right? Why was he acting so weird with the (h/c)-ette now?

"mhm...." She hummed, looking ahead of her.

"....nice dance by the way." He says with a grin, seeing the blush on her cheeks as she looks away embarrassed.

"...shut up."

Draken laughed, tugging her close to him as they walked down the street.

A/n: enjoy!

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