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It was back to school again and (y/n), baji and chifuyu were hanging out on the rooftop eating their lunch. Finals were finally over and the studying lessened as teachers decided to give the students a break.

Baji groaned, tossing his head back, his jet black hair waving in the wind, "thank fucking god these exams are over! My brain was starting to hurt from cramming all that information in my head!"

Chifuyu rolled his eyes at his captain, "i bet you didn't pass half those exams you claim you were studying for, baji-san." He snorted, munching on his bento.

Baji glared at the blonde undercut, "urusai, chifuyu!" He hissed before smirking, "besides, (y/n) tutored me so I'm certain my grades this time will be better and I won't have to disappoint my mom again!"

(Y/n) leaned against the railing, hands to her stomach, "despite my tutoring baji, you're brain is the size of a pea." She reminded, causing the male to gape at her, "remember that one time i taught you simple sentences for our english class and you didn't get it?"

Baji grumbled under his breath, huffing, "english is not easy, ya know. I was getting the words mixed up!" She patted his head reassuringly.

"I'm sure you're gonna pass your tests, baji." The (h/c)-ette says, removing her hand from his head. He said nothing but glowered at nothing in particular.

Chifuyu and her watched as the raven-haired male got up, tossing his school bag over his shoulder and tilting his head back, grinning at the two, "...let's burn some cars down." He slammed the rooftop door open, walking down the stairs first.

(Y/n) stood up with a sigh knowing she's gonna have to stop him from destroying people's property, "c'mon, chifuyu, we can't let baji be a menace to society." The blonde undercut agreeing as they followed the toman captain down the stairs.

Unfortunately, her plan didn't go as she hoped. She sighed, seeing the red car on fire as baji grinned widely, "what a wild boy." She mutters.

The sounds of police sirens were heard, alerting them. Baji grasped her hand, tugging her with him, "c'mon, (y/n)!...you too, chifuyu!!" The trio ran down the streets to avoid being caught.



Takemichi returned to the future. He just visited draken in jail....again. Kisaki. He has to stop him before toman is completely ruined, but how!? With no other option, he and naoto returned back to the apartment.

While they were discussing a plan of action...or any well-thought out plan, the crybaby hero paused his frantic pacing, ".... Naoto..?"

"Hm? What is it takemichi?" The detective asked, glancing at his partner as he paused writing something on the board.

"where's (y/n)-chan?" The crybaby blonde demanded from naoto, who glanced at him with furrowed brows.


The crybaby hero went on to explain about the female member of toman and what happened to her and if she's still alive in the future or not. He watched impatiently as naoto typed her name on the database.

Naoto's breath hitched, furrowing his brows, "it says she's still alive but...." He paused.

"What is it?" Takemichi stepped forward, worried. Was she dead!?

The detective sighed, glancing at the crybaby hero, "she's alive but she's married to mikey...she's a sano." Takemichi's eyes bulged out in shock as naoto continued, "unfortunately, ever since their marriage, no one hasn't seen or heard of her ever since. Some say, manjiro sano keeps her locked up in his home but those are rumors....or i'd like to think they are. There are several sightings of her shown in public but she's either guarded or with him." He says.

Takemichi sighed in relief, at least she was alive and kisaki hasn't gotten to her, "(y/n)-chan is safe for now....lets leave it at that until we deal with kisaki tetta." He says, frowning. He doesn't know if mikey really does keep the (h/c)-ette locked up or not, but he hopes for the latter.


At a large mansion, moans and grunts were heard in a singular room, the large bed creaking back and forth, "m-manjiro...!...please..." a woman with (h/c) hair begged as she was being pounded into by the male, pleasure written on her face as she writhed underneath him.

Mikey smirked, burying his face in her neck as he inhaled her scent, using his rough hands to spread her legs wider so he can thrust into her harder, "please what, my love?" He demanded, slowing down so he can stare down at his wife with raised brows, his blonde slicked back hair now ruined.

That's right, (y/n) married mikey when the blonde proposed to her and she was now a Sano. The two running toman together but the blonde doing all the business while he took care of his wife and made sure nothing happened to her all while treating her to a luxurious life...the only exception is...she can't go out by herself or without him, neither can she leave him nor escape him. She is bound to him.

(Y/n) had tears in her eyes, pleading him, "faster...please...." she sobbed, wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and her legs finding themselves around his naked torso, the pleasure getting to her and numbing her mind.

Earlier she tried to get the blonde to stop the illegal crime he was doing and even fought him on it too, their argument progressing till he decided to distract her and shut her up....hence the intimate moment.

Mikey pressed his lips to her eyelid, kissing her tears away as he rocked his hips back and forth at the pace his wife demanded from him, "fuck...let me fill you, baby....fill this pussy with my cum...all mine!" He grunted, about to release inside her and paint her walls white when someone knocked on the door, causing him to glare, "what!?" He spat menacingly, angry at being disrupted.

"S-sorry, sir!...but we have an issue at the warehouse!" A man's voice was heard, albeit shaky.

The stoic blonde male turned back to (y/n), gazing down at his wife's naked body and her flushed face before resuming his pace, hips knocking against her followed by moans escaping her lips, "deal with it." He commanded.

"Y-yes, sir!"

The toman leader smirked down at the (h/c)-ette, "lets finish up, shall we?"

"manjiro.....!" She yelled out, eyes rolling back just as he came inside her, filling her to the brim.

A/n: hope you like!!

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