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Today was the valhalla fight against toman. (Y/n) was tying her sash around her uniform before leaving her house, kissing her mother 'bye.' Today she felt the air was ominous, her stomach wrenching. She clutched it tightly with a frown.

"(Y/n)-chin!" She rose her head, gazing at mikey, the small blonde saying he'll pick her up so they can arrive at the junkyard together. She smiled at him, getting on behind him and wrapping her arms around his torso.

"Hey." She greeted back. He started his bike up again, driving down the streets and soon one by one, all of toman conjoined as they head for the junkyard, ready for battle.

The (h/c)-ette glanced at mikey's expression from the mirrors, it was stoic and expressionless. She quietly sighed, murmuring to him, "...don't worry, mikey," she paused, "we'll get baji back and defeat valhalla together." She smiled assuringly at him.

The small blonde glanced at her with a smile, grateful for her words, "arigato, (y/n)-chin...i needed that." He turns back to face the road, speeding up his bike and revving it, "we're gonna win!" He declared to her with a smirk.

When they arrived at the junkyard, draken and mitsuya approached them, looking at (y/n) with worried eyes, "we know you can handle yourself but still take care, alright?" The tall blonde says with a frown, seeing her nod.

Mitsuya then spoke, "valhalla isn't a gang to mess with, they're much more stronger than moebius in numbers and strength, so what your back, okay?"

(Y/n) sighed, giving the toman boys including the others a reassuring smile, "i got this, I promise." She says, they obviously didn't look too convinced but nodded anyways.

Mikey clutched her hand for assurance and to quell the darkness slowly brewing inside him. She was his rock. His stability.

The shutter gates slowly opened on their side, revealing toman to the spectators, the other side soon opened up, revealing valhalla. The two gangs entered the junkyard, staring each other down.

One member from criminal black members spoke up, "representatives from each gang, step forward!!" Draken and kazutora stepped up, standing a foot a
way from each other, glaring.

Hansen gave them a bored stare, "a five on five with
your best guys...or an all out melee with everyone.
Which one you guys wanna do?"

As it was being decided what course of action should be taken, the haitani brothers who were casually sitting on top some cars and observing the two gang members darted their eyes to a familiar girl.

Raising an eyebrow, rindou says, "aniki, isn't that—?" The older brother nodded with amused eyes, "did you know she's in a gang?"

Ran shook his head, crossing his arms, his purple hues remained on (y/n), "not really, from an outsider's perspective she doesn't look part of a gang." He mused, "i'm curious how'd she manage in today's brawl."

The younger haitani turned his attention back to the girl, pushing his glasses up, "guess she's just full of surprises, isn't she?" His brother nodded.

The fight soon began once kazutora knocked hansen; the supposed overseer of the fight. Both gangs were going all out without hesitation.

(y/n) was fighting five valhalla members, the men underestimating her and thinking she was weak...only to get knocked down flat in five seconds, humorous really. She grinned widely, moving onto her next victims.

The girl went on assist some of the toman members (not the captains or vice's considering they strong). She received grateful looks, "arigato, (y/n)-san!" One of them shouted. She nodded.

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