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When (y/n) woke up, she found herself in a room all patched up. Her fingers touched the bandages lightly before she quickly faces the door as it opens, kakucho walking in, he was surprised to see her awake, "you're up." He took a seat on the edge of the bed, glancing at her.

"Where am i?" She asked, looking at him curiously. He sighed, replying, "you're at my apartment." He says, "izana wanted to lock you away but i had to convince him." He rubbed his neck bashfully, "think of it as repayment for taking care of me that one time."

(y/n) chuckled, "thank you." She then observed the room. She discovered she was laying on a futon and all around her weight training materials, not a bed in sight or much really. She also spotted a kitchen area, so she figured it was a one room with everything in it. There was another entrance to where the bathroom is.

Kakucho noticed her observant eyes and cleared his throat, "it's not much but..." he averted his eyes away in embarrassment.

She shook her head, disagreeing, "it's alright, i like it." She paused, rubbing her head ashamed, "although i feel bad i've taken your futon."

The scarred male shook his head, flashing her a small smile, "it's alright, i made a makeshift bed with some sheets on the training mat." He chuckled. The two of them heard a loud knock on the front door, prompting them to glance over. It got even louder.

Kakucho sighed, standing up, "be right back." He told her, leaving the room through another doorway to open the door, izana and a few tenjiku executives were waiting impatiently, "huh? izana?..why are you all here?" He asks, moving aside to let them in.

Izana ignored him, "where's the girl?" He didn't bother waiting for a response as he entered the room, instantly spotting the (h/c)-ette sat on the futon. He crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe and observing her, "i see you're awake, it's already night."

(y/n) scoffed, glancing at him distastefully, "i see you're still a fucking pain in the arse." She remarks. He glared at her, orchid hues glinting dangerously.

"I suggest you watch your tongue while i'm around." Izana threatens, taking a step forward.

"or what?..call your slaves to attack me again? How original." (y/n) hissed at him, rummaging through her bag to take her phone out, which he quickly snatched away, "give it back. I need to call my manager and let him know I won't be working for a few days."

Izana stared at her, "...no..." he quickly turned and sat on the only available chair by the counter since kakucho didn't have a couch. She clicked her tongue...at least she managed to call her mother and texted her friend last minute.

(y/n) got up from the futon just as she saw ran, rindou, kokonoi, sanzu, hanma entering, their talking ceased when their eyes landed on her. It was quiet as no one said anything.

"I'm going to the washroom." She says, pushing past them and heading to toilet, slamming the door closed. She sighs, staring into the mirror before turning the sink on, washing her face. She could faintly hear conversation taking place....probably about her.

She exited the bathroom, walking slowly back to the others and standing in the doorway of the living room/kitchen area.

Hanma grinned at her, "good morning, doll~." He cooed at her. She glares at him, "it's night, you dimwit!" She hissed in anger. He rose his hands in defense.

Ran toyed with his baton before using it to twirl one of his braids, a lazy grin on his face. He was delighted to see her again..not in these circumstances of course, "you alright, dove?..you took quite a hit from those men." His eyes flashed with mild worry.

(y/n) scoffed, entering kakucho's kitchen to make something to drink. He helped her find what she was looking for, "i'm not dead, so..." she says, "besides, the other guys were way worse." She smugly said.

Rindou leaned forward from his spot on the bench press, intrigue in his eyes, "where'd you learn to fight like that?" He grinned, "i saw the way you twisted that guy's wrist, epic!"

(y/n) vaguely responded, "I learned from my father."

Izana cocked his head, watching her. He noticed all the men present in the room seemed to know the girl, which was shocking in its own way. She knew some strong and useful people. He scoffed lightly, why were they so interested in someone as her? She wasn't anything special...he despised those looks on their faces.

kokonoi observed the current space, eyebrows cinching together, "are you seriously planning on staying here? There's not even a room."

Kakucho felt offended, replying with a glare, "(y/n) doesn't mind, but if you have something better to offer her, do tell." The money maker clicked his tongue, a smirk on his face that clearly tells that he does.

Before a fight can break out, (y/n) stepped in, "stop being mean to him, koko! Besides, i'm alright with staying with him." She says finalized. Koko averted his eyes, not liking her decision but then again..why did he care..?

Izana then spoke up, a serious tone in his voice, "now that we have this girl—" he was cut off.

"My name is (y/n)!..not 'this girl.'" She narrowed her eyes at the tenjiku leader. She hated how he referred her like she wasn't in the room or she wasn't nobody, "would you prefer if i call you 'thing' or 'it'?"

Izana clicked his tongue, looking at her with hard eyes as he clenched his jaw, "now that we have...(y/n)...we can finally begin our plan to destroy mikey—-" he was cut off again by her, the others hiding their amusement.

"Leave mikey alone." (y/n) spat, glaring at him, "he's a kid and he doesn't need you coming after him over something probably stupid." She rose her voice at him.

Izana had enough of her. He shot up from his spot on the chair strutting towards her till he was about an inch away, glowering at her with hate, "say another word and I'll have my men handle you like i did earlier. You have no say in whatsoever, so shut up and keep quiet!"

Sanzu refrained from jumping him for daring to talk to (y/n) like that, blue eyes narrowing.

(y/n) didn't care, glaring back at izana, "I don't care! When it's the people i care about being involved i'll damn well say something about it!" She shouted at him, her voice bouncing off the walls as the other executives watched in silence.

Izana's nose flared as he stared at the determination and fire in her eyes. His eyes subconsciously flickered to her lips before he clenched his jaw, strutting out kakucho's apartment and slamming the door shut.

".......well that went well." Hanma cackled loudly, earning glares from the others.

A/n: enjoy!

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