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(y/n) was with taiju at one his restaurants in tokyo. She decided to visit the male like she's been doing all these years. She was seated at a table with the older shiba glaring at her. What's with people glaring at her!? She didn't do anything wrong!

"If you're here to berate me about my recent fight, then please don't, i had enough of that from draken and the others." She grumbled, remembering how the day after her fight she was visited by the boys who were worried when they saw the state of her injuries that they all ganged up on her and tried to pressure her into quitting.

Taiju sighed, pushing a plate of chicken alfredo towards her before resting his arms on the table, "..I won't, but that doesn't mean what you're doing isn't idiotic." He glowered at her, "I'm starting to think you like bruises on your body."

She rolled her eyes, eating the meal happily. Taiju always gives her free food whenever she visits his restaurants. Secretly though, he likes her...as in like like...which is why he always gives her special treatment.

"I can't assure you and say I'd be more careful considering its a fight, ya know?" Taiju growls quietly but stays silent, watching her eat his food, "...but I'll try my best not to get hurt too much, okay?." She asks.

He nods.


A week and a half later....

"So, when's my next fight?" (y/n) questions her manager who avoided her gaze.

The manager cleared her throat, awkwardly shuffling through some paperwork, "(y/n)...i don't know how to tell you this but...you're not allowed to participate in tournaments anymore." She says.

(y/n) was stumped, taking a moment to process her words, "...what?"

Her manager straightened up, looking at her with an apologetic expression, repeating what she said, "you can no longer participate in fights anymore, I've been instructed to inform you." She says.

Narrowing her eyes, she spoke, "on whose authority?" She demands. She couldn't believe that she's been kicked out just like that. Impossible.

Her manager sighed, "bonten has ordered for you to not participate in underground fights anymore and (y/n)...you know them don't know? Their japan's most wanted and dangerous criminal organization, going against them would be a suicide for anyone!" She shakily says.

(y/n) pursed her lips, eyes squinting, "no, I understand.." she backs away, "I understand very well." She stormed out the building in anger, mentally cussing bonten. She couldn't believe they did that to her! Where was she going to find a job now!?..and trust me, getting is job is harder than you think considering no one ever hires despite their 'wanted help' posters.

She reached her house and dug through her bag for her keys, inserting it through the lock and slamming the door open before slamming it back shut as she entered the living room.

"I told you she would be pissed at us." A deep voice spoke amusedly. (E/c) hues landed on her intruders, she gave the seven men (mochi and takeomi were busy) a disbelieving look.

"You!" She hissed at them, the bonten men watching her amused as she stormed towards them, "i can't believe you guys! How dare you take my job away from me! How the fuck did you even get in my house? Don't you have criminal business to be doing!? Give me back my job and then get the fuck out!" She angrily says, glaring at them.

Rindou smirked at her, "take a minute and cool down, doll face, you're turning red." He says, watching as she took a deep breath, before returning to glare at them.

(y/n) darted her eyes to mikey, who held her plate of (fav dessert) she was saving for later, "mikey," she began, he glanced at her, "...just give me back my job, kay? I'm not about to go searching all over tokyo for a retail when I've finally found something i enjoy doing." She slumped on the couch, rubbing her head tiredly.

"No." Izana and mikey spoke in unison. Like brother, like brother. She felt she aged ten times now by their response.

"But...how am I supposed to work?! I have to earn my living someway!" She argues back, huffing, "and since when did you all get so involved with my life suddenly? We only met two weeks ago and now you feel entitled to control every aspect of what i do now?" She demands answers from them, "I don't see anyone telling bonten what to do!" She remarks.

Kokonoi smirked, crossing his legs, "don't worry about your source of income, darling, we've got you covered." He grins. She stared deadpan.

Izana, who was observing her, spoke up, "why do you want to go back so badly? You just get beaten up for little money, is it worth it?" All eyes went to her.

(y/n) rolled her eyes, getting comfy in her couch, "it was definitely worth it when i needed money to survive, I don't like to depend on others or live off them. It makes me feel...useless..." she admits, "besides, fighting was my bread and butter."

The guys understood her but couldn't she have found something else?! Why fight to the death with the risk of getting killed?! Then again, they do the same, but they're men, it's what they do. (y/n) on the other hand was a female and they don't mean to discredit her or anything but there's only so much stamina she could possibly have before she dries out in a fight.

"Still no," kakucho crossed his arms, running a hand through his aegean hair, giving her a sharp look, "...but if you really want to work, we could give you a position as our assistant in HQ's but it all depends on izana and mikey, considering they're our bosses." He suggests.

Sanzu perks up, a grin stretching on his lips, "what a great idea! Besides, (y/n) is already a great fighter as it is, imagine what she can do in bonten...with me!!...we'll practically be unstoppable!" He cackled loudly till rindou smothered him with her couch pillow, the male struggling.

Mikey, who was quietly listening to the conversation felt a whole lot of different emotions inside him. He was happy to see (y/n) again, her face bringing back warm memories and igniting a spark within him which died out when he decided to cut loose of his friends...and her....for their own protection no matter how much he was hurting inside. He felt worry as well. Bringing her into bonten would mean danger and he was already aware that people might kidnap her like did they years ago (twice) and use her against him.

What shall he do? Accepting her into bonten as their assistant would mean he has closer access to her and can keep tabs on her at all times and protect her as well......

Izana smirks, as one of the leaders of bonten he has no issues, "sure, I'd gladly accept her into our arms—i mean our organization.." he cleared his throat, avoiding her narrowed eyes. That was a close one!

"...I don't want to be part of your criminal organization," (y/n) began, causing all eyes to fall on her, "no offense or anything but I'm content where i am right now...until you took that away from me too." She threw some shade at them.

Sanzu's smile faded from his face as he gave her a sad look. He wanted to be with her again!

Ran shrugged his shoulders, smirking, "it's your choice, dove. You can either make fast money with us or the slow way with a regular job that hardly pays for scraps." He gave her two choices, "of course there's always the third option...you can live your life freely as we financially support you from behind the curtains and everybody wins!"

(y/n) glares at the older haitani, "except for me." She points out, "I don't want to be a freeloader!" She huffs.

"It's like i said, you're choice, darling." Ran grins, awaiting her answer.

A/n; enjoy!!!

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