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(Y/n) woke up in the hospital, feeling a weight on her body causing her to move her eyes to the source, spotting mikey. His arms were wrapped around her firmly but not too tight. His head rested on the bed where her arm laid, eyes closed as he snored softly. How long had he been there....wait, were those dry tear stains? Was he crying?

"Mikey...." she gently shook the small blonde, who stirred upon the feeling, blinking his obsidian hues tiredly before widening them when they connected to (e/c) ones, causing him to sit up instantly.

"(Y/n)-chin!" Mikey says with a relieved smile on his face, shoulders slumping. He was so worried about her when he arrived at the hospital with the others last night. She had a cardiac arrest, "are you feeling alright now?" He asked, resting his arms over her stomach and tilting his head, staring at her.

The (h/c)-ette nodded, "I'm fine," she winced, "although it does sting a bit...and it's quite sore." She mumbled in irritation.

Mikey hummed, holding her hand in his and intertwining their fingers together, marveling at how soft they are. He said nothing as he played with her fingers, his mouth opening, "...I'm glad (y/n)-chin is alive and still with me." He smiled softly, "i wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you...." he paused, gazing into her eyes, "you're...my precious person and the girl whom i love." He leaned over and quickly pecked her lips, surprising her, "don't go dying on me yet...wifey."

(Y/n) froze, staring at the small blonde as her fingers lightly touched her lips, "mikey..." she mumbles, shocked that he confessed a second time!

Mikey smiled at her, getting up from his seat with his hands tucked into his pockets, "I'll leave you to rest now, bye-bye!"

She snapped out of it just as the door closed, "mikey, wait..!"

Just on the other side, the small blonde leaned against the door, hand still clutching the knob while smiling to himself. He finally got to kiss her! He smirked, walking down the hallways of the hospital, "i told you I wasn't gonna give up." He mumbles, repeating the words he told her months ago with a satisfied grin.

(Y/n)'s mind was too confused to think about anything else even after the other boys came to see her, giving her teddy bears and other gifts and wishing she got better faster.

Takemichi was the last person to leave when the other toman boys decided to leave her room so she can rest. He looked at her nervously, twiddling his thumbs, "ano...(y/n)-chan?" He stepped forward, catching her gaze.

"Yes?" (Y/n) snapped out of her thoughts when the crybaby blonde called out to her, a curious look on her face.

Takemichi gulped, feeling sweat drip down his head, "...how did you know draken-kun was gonna get stabbed?" He asked her.

(Y/n) sighed, looking out the window, "when osanai kidnapped me, he mentioned draken's name but I wasn't paying attention since my only thought was to escape. Then, during the battle between toman and moebius, i saw you in the crowd."

Takemichi furrowed his brows, "saw me?"

(Y/n) nods, glancing at him, "you were shouting draken's name and you seemed to be scared, so i had a hunch that something was wrong and went looking for him instead when i saw osanai approaching him and well....you know the rest." She gestured to herself.

Takemichi sighed in relief, his secret was safe...for now, "i see, thank you for telling me." She nodded with a faint smile, watching as he took his leave.


A week and a half later....

(y/n) was at the skatepark riding her board across the ramps. She was alone. She didn't bother doing anything extreme since her wound was still healing...at least she got out of the hospital, so it's a bonus.

"Hey." A deep voice called out to her, causing her to stop and glance back, staring stoically at the guy who was watching her. What was he doing here?

"....what are you doing here....hanma?" She asked, frowning as she kicked her board up, standing still as the lanky male approached her with his hands in his pockets.

Hanma grinned at her, observing her, "how's that stab of yours?" When she gave him a deadpan stare, he chuckled, holding his hands up in defense, "no need to glare at me, i was just asking."

(Y/n) sighed, averting her eyes to the side, "aren't you apart of moebius? What are you doing talking to me, it's not like we're friends or anything." She pointed out smartly, "have you come to trouble me now?"'

Hanma shrugged, looking around him with a nonchalant gaze, "just felt like seeing you." He says, before glancing at her skateboard, "you skate?" She nods, causing him to raise eyebrow, "you're a cool girl, aren't you?" He mused, eyeing her attire which consisted of a large hoodie and some leggings.

(Y/n) paused, eyeing him weirdly, "cool girl?" She shook her head, airily chuckling, "i just like to skateboard, nothing else really." She admits, dropping her board on the floor and stepping on it, rolling away from hanma in a slow pace, uncaring whether he decided to follow her or not, she hoped for the latter.

The tall lanky male stared at her figure before catching up to her, walking beside her, "...you never answered my question." His deep voice reverberated through her ears.

"Which is?" (Y/n) frowned.

"Why are you in toman?" Hanma asked, glancing at her, "certainly you'll do better in another gang." He says, lighting up a cigarette.

(Y/n) side-eyed him, "and what?...join you?" Hanma shrugged in response, replying, "why not? You seem like you're made for me." He chuckles, smirking.

"In your dreams." She mutters under her breath, before yanking the cigarette away from his lips and tossing it away, stunning him, "don't smoke, it's bad for your lungs." She then skated away from him, jumping on the stairway railing and disappearing from his view,

Hanma chuckled, hands in pockets as he walked away, "how interesting."

A/n: enjoy....

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