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(y/n) sat on her chair in her office, typing on the keyboard as she was verifying appointments with other business men that called to have a meeting with bonten. She hated to admit, but this assistant job was paying lots of money like koko said it was...then again..he's in charge of all payments, collections, debts and everything regarding money...she believes he added extra to her paycheck cause there's no way another person could make this much.

She went to the fax machine outside, typing in some numbers as she sent important documents to their partners, "you seem to be doing alright." A voice spoke from behind her.

(y/n) glanced back to see rindou watching her, a cup of coffee in his hands. She replies, "doing paperwork isn't that hard...it's all about organization." She says, typing some more numbers on the machine and waiting.

Rindou bobs his head, not really understanding her, "i don't get how you do it. It's a madhouse having to sign all those documents everyday when we're not busy killing people or having meetings." He sighed tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "my back even hurts." He complains slightly.

She glances at his coffee cup, "is that why you have coffee? To keep you up?" The purple jellyfish nods his head, "maybe you should a five minute walk everyday in the halls, I'm sure it would keep you active and less in pain." She suggest.

Rindou chuckles, tapping her head softly with his fingers, "i might take you up on that." He returns to his office to finish up more boring paperwork, before pausing, "oh, later can you come by my office? I need some help with my computer." She nods.

(y/n) soon returns to her desk to finish up whatever she can before lunch starts. As she was finishing up a call, she checked the clock and smiled, standing up from her chair and stretching before leaving to the elevator. She presses the down button, waiting for it to arrive...time for some food....

........The elevator was stuck...

(y/n) continuously pressed the button with furrowed brows.

"...it's not gonna work."

She glances at kakucho, who leans against the elevator wall. Earlier, when she stepped inside about to close the doors, the scarred male caught her just in time, slipping inside with her. He was going to get some lunch as well.

Everything was going fine when the elevator jolted, startling them, the lights flickered for a moment before they felt they were no longer moving. Stuck.

Kakucho instantly dialed kokonoi, informing him of the situation before ending the call.

"I know that..." she replied with a sigh.

Her and kakucho had no choice but to wait for maintenance to arrive. They both sat on the floor in silence when she broke the silence, "I hate elevators." She mumbles, "this every person's nightmare." She huffs.

The scarred male chuckled, stretching his legs out, "i agree but unfortunately we're the ones experiencing this nightmare." She agreed.

"....kakucho?" He hums in response, "...i'm curious, if you didn't choose the life of a criminal, what would be your dream job?"

The scarred male pondered for a moment, "...i would help orphans....because me and izana grew up in orphanage so we understand how it's like. Adults ignore you...you're just another face to them...another mouth to feed...another person to look after till your adopted." He solemnly says, as if reminiscing.

(y/n) looks at him feeling terrible for what he has to go through, "i see...that's noble of you." He looks down, weakly chuckling.

"I'm not so noble now, am i though?" Kakucho glances at her, "I'm a criminal. I kill and hurt others. It's not like it was when tenjiku was around and we didn't have to worry much about anything...look at us now." He scoffs to himself.

(y/n) shakes her head in denial, "you're still kakucho hitto. That boy who's kind and sweet that took me in when izana wanted to lock me up." She grimaces at the memory, "you have a good heart, kakucho...you just choose to pick the bad side because of your loyalty and love for izana." She sighs, holding his hand comfortingly.

Kakucho tightens his grip on it, looking at the elevator ceiling, a small smile on his face, "...you're amazing (y/n)," he pauses, "you always seem to know what to say and despite everything and what we are, you still choose to treat us like you always have even when we were younger. You're so full of kindness and warmth...i've always loved that about you." He shyly glances at her.

(y/n) flashes him a smile in return, ignoring the burning on her cheeks, "you praise me too much, I'm just being...me.." She softly laughs, looking to the side in embarrassment.

Kakucho felt the urge to lock lips with her, "but it's because you're you that seems to draw everyone in." He says.

Before (y/n) can say something back, the elevator jolted, causing them to look up when they see the numbers going down, "...looks like maintenance arrived." She says, standing back up.

Kakucho nods, following her lead as the elevator opens and they step out with relief. He checked his phone for the time, seeing forty minutes has passed since they were trapped, which means lunch was over. He smiles at (y/n), "come on, let's go get lunch, my treat."

She chuckles, following him out.


The bonten members sat around the table glancing at each other, mochi and takeomi had left for the bar.

"...so?...are we gonna talk about (y/n) or wallow in silence?" kokonoi spoke up first, glancing at his fellow members and two bosses.

Sanzu lifted his feet to rest on the table, grinning, "what's there to talk about? Let's stop beating around the bush and come out with it. We love (y/n). We always have...."

Izana sighs, crossing his legs as he leans against the leather chair, "yea, but the problem is telling her. Haven't you guys noticed every time we try to touch her romantically or kiss her, she just moves away or diverts the topic?"

Rindou, who's been quiet for a while, spoke up. His face expressing jealousy and frustration, "it's because she's in a relationship with those four toman boys; draken, baji, mitsuya and kazutora. Heck, i think she and taiju got something going on too, my resources say she always visit his restaurant and those two are together!" He spits out.

Mikey, who remained silent and munching on a dorayaki, sits up, catching their attention, "i saw her and hanma together the other day. It's clear he likes her but she doesn't seem to notice."

Ran lazily grins, lowly whistling, "who knew our girl was a guy magnet and she got us hooked to her as well." He chuckles, "not that i mind." He folds his hands together.

The bonten men were thinking how to tell her they love her too. Their advances were clearly not working and they didn't know what to do. It's true, they did feel jealous that she's spending all her time with those ex-toman boys and they want nothing more than to be part of that and receive some of her love and attention too.

"Maybe we should just...tell her." Kakucho murmurs, catching their attention, he looks at them, "what's the worse that can happen? Besides, if we linger too long we may never get the chance to. It's a worth a shot, right?" He suggests.

Kokonoi rubs his temple, overwhelmed, "the only thing we got to lose is our heart breaking, right?"

The others stayed silent, hoping it's not gonna come to that...

A/n: story is almost coming to an end now! Did you guys think i rushed the bonten arc? What about the relationship with bonten? Anyways, so sorry there wasn't much smut, but i think we all need a story where there isn't too much...ya know...😏

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