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Bonten was at a casino for their meeting with another gang leader. They wanted to partner up with Tokyo's most wanted and dangerous. It wasn't the first time someone wanted to get into their ranks for money, power, fear, and control.

The room was warm toned and they were in a private room where mikey, (y/n) and the others were seated in. Sharing the same room with them was black clover's gang leader; Shinra.

Each of the men had drinks in their hand, except for (y/n), who was on her ipad, writing important notes and recording the meeting so she can go over again.

"I think this partnership between our two gangs will be highly beneficial since you'll have my men in your ranks for whatever you need at your disposal." Shinra had a red-head in his lap, one arm wrapped around her waist as his other hand held a drink of whiskey. The bonten men ignored her.

Kakucho raised an eyebrow, "I assume this goes both ways. Our men would be at your disposal too if this alliance happens." He leaned back against his seat, legs spread open.

Shinra smirked, "would it be so bad? My men aren't pussies ya know. Any job you have they can do it with hearts of steel." He smugly bragged.

"So can our men." Rindou remarked back, eyes hard and narrowed.

"Besides, if we were to allow this alliance, we are very familiar with people once we let them in and our information is top notch, meaning we have all eyes on them at all times, so any funny business you may try to hide won't last long." Takeomi added in, puffing out some spoke from his cigarette.

"That's why most traitors in our base are executed by our number two." Sanzu's darkened eyes glanced at the men around the lounge room. He specializes in that area very well. He wasn't number two for nothing.

Shinra shivered at the malicious tone the pinkette had. He was aware what kind of men he was dealing with. Bonten was full of unstable men with a gang history. Legends. He did he research too. He knew what people he was getting into which is why he wanted to use them to increase fear among the people. If he's associated with Bonten, think of all the benefits he can acquire. He'll be untouchable.

Although, he did have a half mind to back out from this deal since the rumors of many traitors being executed brutally was not a joke. He didn't want to risk his men and his gang for something as power.

Shinra looked at Mikey, gesturing with his hand to one of the women, "mikey, come now. Enjoy yourself with my personal favorite Clarissa, she's here if you wanna give her a go." He suggests to the woman on his lap, who flashed him batty eyes.

Mikey remained silent, staring at the man coldly, he would never touch a woman that wasn't (y/n), "not interested." He emotionlessly said. His executives glanced at him but didn't say nothing as they totally agreed with his decision. This wasn't the first time he rejected a whore when bonten began to get famous.

Shinra clicked his tongue, turning his attention back to Kakucho and Takeomi, "so? Are we going through with this deal or not?" He looked between the two men, sensing them to be the more smarter ones.

Kakucho cocked his head to the side, running his tongue across his front teeth, "no." he simply said, daring the man to object.

Shinra gritted his teeth but kept his facade, "I see. It's a shame really." He was really betting on this deal to happen so he can work in the shadows.

The guys could see right through him and said nothing, watching in amusement. They didn't stay too long and soon took their leave.

(y/n) gave them amused looks as she sat in the limo with them, "for a couple of guys who used to be stupid, you sure know your stuff." She happily insults them, it doesn't matter if they were friends years ago, she hated who they've become.

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