Short Story Part 2

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Part two, y'all!

"....are you still overseas, hon?" (y/n) holds the phone to her ear as she sits on her bed in the hotel room, talking to her fiancé. That's right, she's engaged.

"yeah, but I shouldn't be long bubba shark. I just have some business to take care of then i can come home to you and we can..." his baritone voice got even deeper and much for huskier, "...try for a baby, my love." She could practically hear the smirk in his voice, causing her to blush.

"oh, shush you!" She giggles into her palm. (y/n) met her fiancé on one of his business trips in (country name) when she was eating at a fancy restaurant which was surprisingly owned by him. The two instantly felt an attraction towards each other and before they knew it, they were soon getting married.

Meanwhile, on the other side of japan, both bonten and domen yuri have been restless lately ever since the reappearance of their former friend; (y/n) (l/n). All their attention was focused on her, not on Sana, the latter feeling a growing hatred for the female for taking the guys attention away from her.

Guilt was eating their chest away. They couldn't help but think back to twelve years ago how they insulted the girl and called her annoying..heck they even told her to stay away from them all because of some whore who manipulated their minds against their only female friend.

Now...she hates them..despise them. She pretends not to know them to get away from them but they won't accept that. They have to set things straight and finally let out what they've all been holding in for years. Their true feelings for the (h/c)-ette.

Both gangs were cooperating for once, putting aside their rivalry; which was for a stupid reason (aka sana) and got to work. In bonten headquarters, all the men sat around the extra-large table to accommodate them, laying in front of them were documents all regarding one person alone; (y/n).

ran picks it up, a hand through his short purple hair, "it says here she's been in (country name) for these past twelve years and recently moved back to japan permanently. She bought a home that's in (location, street, etc) for a three months now." His purple hues dart across the paper, taking each word in.

draken sighs, putting the paper down, "so she's here, huh?" He murmurs in thought, glancing at the others, "so..what should we do? we have two options here; visit her ourselves or we force her to come here under the impression that we've hired her to perform.." He trails off in thought, although he nor the others wouldn't mind having a personal performance from her all to themselves....

"It's better than nothing." izana bluntly says, leaning back against the leather seat as he cocks his head to the side, gaining their attention, "she'll have no choice but to talk to us." He points out, the others slowly agreeing.

It was once again quiet in the meeting room till kakucho spoke, asking the question they all needed to hear, "what the fuck were we thinking?" He was gesturing to Sana, "that girl is in no way as great as our (y/n) and yet we casted her aside for a whore?..tch!..she's everything sana is not. Beautiful, smart, kind, amazing..." he sighs, crossing his arms over his muscular chest, "we were fools." He mutters.

The guys agreed in silence, either nodding their heads or neither saying a word. Stupidity should be a disease...oh wait, it is.


(y/n) was on her way to a prominent hotel building where she was hired for her services to perform (sing, etc). She wondered why for a brief moment, but shook her head to clear all thoughts. Her manager was the one who came to her about the proposal she had received from a phone call. Not much information was given but it was still a gig.

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