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"Why am I accompanying you, koko? This isn't part of the job description." (y/n) huffs, trailing after the money-maker as he browsed through the articles of clothing in Dolce and Gabbana, "I hope I'm getting paid for this." She grumbled.

Koko chuckled, a smirk on his face, "you are and since we're your boss and you're our assistant it doesn't matter if it doesn't meet the job requirements or not, rules can change." He says.

His snake-like eyes spotted a nice dress and his feet carried him to it. He picked it up, observing it with an approving look before facing (y/n), "hey, what size are you?"

She eyed him cautiously, an inkling in her chest, "why?" The money-maker shrugs, replying, "i want you to try this dress on." He hands it to her which she instantly shoves back.

"Oh, no!" (y/n) glares, "I didn't come here to shop for myself, i came here because you ordered me to." She stood defiant.'

Koko clicked his tongue, staring at her with serious eyes, "yeah and my orders are for you to put this dress on, now!" He demands, ushering her into the changing room. He could hear her grumbling and chuckled. She was still as stubborn as when taiju kidnapped her twelve years ago. How could he forget? Especially that kiss....even if it was accidental or not.

He impatiently tapped his foot up and down, waiting for her to come out.

(y/n) stripped off her clothes with a scowl, she hated how they always used that excuse...how they're her boss and they can order her to do anything. If it weren't them ruining her life she wouldn't be in this position. She huffs.

The curtains swung open, causing her to gasp as koko stormed in, an irritated look on his face, "what's taking so long—" he paused, eyes widening at the sight of (y/n) half naked in her bra and underwear. He swallowed thickly, feeling something growing in the pit of his stomach.

(y/n)'s instant reaction was to push kokonoi out, "get out!" She shouts at him, embarrassed, a scowl on her features. He quickly exited the changing room, covering the bottom part of his face with his hand.

"what the fuck!?" He cussed himself, unable to get rid of that mental image of (y/n). He waited for a few more minutes till the curtains pulled back once again and she stepped out wearing the dress, averting her eyes.

"well?!" She snapped, still embarrassed that he walked in on her changing. No respect!

Koko cleared his throat, gazing at her as he took in her appearance. The dress he picked out for her to try was beautiful on her. It accentuates her curves and really gives that full body look. He was....in love. He opens his mouth, "you're really...beautiful..." he stammered out, cussing himself mentally.

(y/n) grumbled a 'thank you' before dashing back inside the changing room, putting her clothes back on.

Kokonoi leaned against the wall, hand to his face. She was really beautiful....he thought. They soon left the store and went out to the parking lot where they got inside his car. He had bought her the dress despite her protests. He wanted to see her in it again...

As they silently drove back to HQ's in awkward silence. (y/n) ignored him completely which both upset him and irritated him. He watched as she slammed his car door and waltzed into the building following after her.

"Oi, (y/n)!" kokonoi chases after her as she continues walking in the building, her shoes tapping on the tiles. He calls her again, "(y/n)!"

She ignores him, still upset that he just barged in the changing room without asking if she was done.

Irritated, kokonoi grabs her arm, swinging her around, "oi, (y/n), listen to me!" The moment their gaze locked, everything paused. His eyes bored into hers, seeing the little undertones of her eye color, it felt like he was staring into pools of gems, sparkling and shining. He felt drawn...

"hello? koko?! what do you want?" She huffs, breaking him out the trance he caught himself in. He cleared his throat, releasing her.

"Look, i apologize," he says, averting his eyes, "I didn't mean to walk in on you." He apologizes, rubbing his head.

(y/n) stares at him for a moment before sighing, "i forgive you, but next time don't do that, okay?" She patted his cheek lightly before entering the elevator, leaving him behind with red cheeks.


(y/n) moaned as baji took her from behind, he grunted grasping her hips tightly as he thrusted in and out of her, "keisuke...!...mhm...!" She bit her lip, burying her face in her arms.

"Fuck!...so tight, my angel...!" He grunts out, jerking his hips faster as he felt their highs coming, his reached underneath her to cup her breast, squeezing slightly before he finally stilled, painting her walls white with his cum. He remained inside her for a moment before pulling out, moving to the side and breathing heavily, his bronze eyes staring into the ceiling.

He faced (y/n), bringing her close to him by the waist and tucking her head underneath his chin, rubbing her back, "..was i too rough?" His eyes flashed with worry before slumping his shoulders in relief when she shook her head 'no.' He pecked her head before kissing her lips deeply, "good." He murmured.

Once they took a shower and got redressed, they got back into bed after changing the sheets, putting on a tv show to watch as they cuddled together. Baji made sure she was comfortable his arms, adjusting himself to accommodate her.

"I was thinking we should adopt some cats!" The raven haired male grinned wolfishly. She chuckles, giving him disbelief look.

"Cats? I hardly think we both have the time to take care of pets, keisuke." He grumbles quietly, "but..maybe later in life we can have one." She says, watching as he perked up with a chuckle.

"Yes!" He hissed in excitement, kissing her deeply, causing her to laugh. They settled down for a bit, going back to watching their show, "....that guy is dumb..." he bluntly says, looking at the actor in the show that tripped pathetically and starts to crawl away.

(y/n) chortles as she covered her mouth, "...he's an actor, he gets paid to say stupid lines and perform idiotic actions." She smartly says, rolling her eyes as she went through her snack drawer inside her bedside table.

Baji grabbed the potato chips, munching on some, "so what?!" She sighs with a faint smile, nibbling on her own snack.

A/n: enjoy! How are you guys liking it so far?!

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