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Friday Night

Bonten arrived at a building, it was one of those lavish buildings where they always had a secret underground room beneath it. The nine executives stood out with their well-dressed suits, fancy rings and jewelry and high cologne.

They were always welcome at these sorts of events because those high class people wanted a chance to meet them and they could potentially gain new partners. Everyone wanted a piece of them because a partnership with them would mean a gateway to being considered a high level importance.

They entered an elevator where two bulky guards were standing by, letting them pass through. One of the hosts nodded at them, sliding a keycard and pressing the basement level.

The doors slid open and the bonten men were greeted with more guards and other high class people, "it must be a pretty good underground fight to get this many security." Kakucho says, eyeing the place. He spotted a couple of men showcasing money and writing down bets.

"Welcome, sirs," a female host greets them with a seductive smile, which they ignored, "the underground fight is just this way," she let them pass through, giving them batty eyes as she lustfully stared at them.

The bonten men walked past, "...ew, what the fuck? Her fake lashes are like barbie doll's!" Sanzu had a disgusted expression. The others sniggered quietly as they took their seats among the multiple people present, they were special, so they got v.i.p seats.

"Now gentlemen," Ran began, grinning, "what's your bet?" He chuckled.

The underground fighting venue was like a mini arena surrounding all sides with a large ring in the middle, but this had no restrictive boundaries. The announcer silenced the crowd, "ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our 65th annual underground fight!" The cheers began, "lets begin our match shall we!? We have our first fight...."

The fights began and bonten was surprised to see some women fighting against each other or against men. It was a unisex underground fight, so any contestant will be paired up with what number they draw. It was like a lottery, random and unbiased.

People were cheering loudly and screaming as they betted money for their favorite winner; some won, some lost thousand to millions.

"Poor saps." Kokonoi chuckled, crossing his legs, watching as three men were escorted out by guards.

A few more fights in and the announcer spoke in the mic again, "number 10–leon jones vs number 5—lady bloodfight!" The crowd went wilder than ever.

A tall bulky male exited from one side of the arena, tattoos on his body as he walked towards the center threateningly.

A woman with (h/c) hair tied up exited out next.

Ran spat out his drink, staring wide eyed at the familiar woman. The other bonten executives were frozen in their seats as they followed her every movement.

"...(y/n)-chin..?" a male with short white hair widened his eyes. He never expected this...not at all.

"Holy crap!" Rindou cussed, instantly sitting up straight as he watched (y/n) stretch and prepare to fight a man twice her size, "what the fuck!? Is that (y/n)?! Is she seriously going up against that guy!?" He hissed in worry.

Sanzu stood up, growling, " we have to stop her." He was in shock as well, considering none of them had seen the (h/c)-ette for the past twelve years and all of sudden she's standing meters away from them about to fight a guy in an underground arena!!

Two security guards approached the pinkette, "is there a problem sir, if not, we're gonna have to ask you to keep quiet or leave."

Mikey signaled for sanzu to sit back down, which he did reluctantly. The bonten men turned back to the fight that had yet to start, staring worriedly at (y/n).

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