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It was the day of musashi festival. (Y/n) had a day off from work considering the preparations going on and her boss was being lenient to her and monica. At least it gave her time to shop around for a kimono...

She went to many streets and through all the stores, browsing for a nice design to compliment her persona and bring her out more but found nothing but bright colors and floral designs, definitely not her style.

She pursed her lips, leaving to find another small business where they sell kimonos till she heard someone call her name, "(y/n)?" Turning around, it was mitsuya, beside him was his two little sisters. He smiled in relief, "it is you." He approached her, "searching for a kimono?"

(Y/n) sighed, tilting her head backwards so she can see the sky before replying, "yeah, but there's none here that's actually flattering." She says, patting the heads of the two small girls who gazed at her in awe and wonder, "I probably might not go, festival's aren't much of my thing, ya know?"

Mitsuya's face fell in disappointment, "really?" She nodded. A light bulb went off in his head, "i actually have a kimono i was working on a month ago for a school project. I think it'll definitely suit you." He says, smiling.

(Y/n) rose an eyebrow, tilting her head to him, "is this your way of asking me to go with you or something?" Mitsuya chuckled nervously, was he obvious?

"Shall we go? My house isn't that far from here." The lilac-haired male pointed to direction. With nothing to lose, the (h/c)-ette decided to follow him back to his house.

The two little girls; mana and luna, clutched onto (y/n)'s baggy sweatpants as she coolly walked beside their brother. It wasn't long till they arrived in front a quaint home. Pushing through the gates, they soon entered through the doorway, taking their shoes off.

"Follow me." Mitsuya glanced at her before turning to his sisters, "mana, luna, wait for me in the living room, I'll be back soon, kay?" The two little girls nodded, rushing to play with their tea-sets and dolls while the teens headed upstairs to his room.

Mitsuya was nervous, per se. It was the first ever he brought a girl home and to his room. Of course nothing was gonna happen! It's just...it's unexpected. He silently took a deep breath, pushing his door open and allowing her into his private space. He went to his closet where he began rummaging through some clothes, "just give me a sec." He told her.

(Y/n) said nothing as she slowly walked around the room, observing his room. It was the typical room all boys have; posters, video games, magazines. Her eyes were to the desk that held a sewing machine, some paper, art materials and fabric. She moved closer, her hand touching a paper that held a sketch of a dress, "you're pretty good." She compliments, scanning the image, "I didn't know you could sew."

Mitsuya finally found the kimono and turned back around, seeing her looking at his drawings. His cheeks were flushed as he approached her, clearing his throat, "thanks, my dream is to be a fashion designer." He admits, before handing her the kimono, "here."

(Y/n) took it, examining the fabric and detail of it. It was a black kimono with red and gold feathers on it, "...it's beautiful, thanks." She nodded her head at him with a faint smile.

Mitsuya smiled....at least he'll get to see her in one of his designs.


(Y/n) had arrived at the festival, the lanterns illuminating the area, the street vendors and food stalls open to everyone to try their delicious meals and snacks. Games were played by anyone interested.

She got a text message to meet up with the others. Just as she was about to head inside, a hand covered her mouth with a cloth. She begun struggling to escape, brows furrowed before the person decided to knock her out, dark spots covering her vision before everything faded away.

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