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(y/n) sat in front of mikey, the short haired male staring at her. Izana stood beside him and the other bonten executives were simply silent, watching. She didn't like the attention they were giving her, causing her to snap, "don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be here at all if you guys hadn't stopped every person from hiring me!" She glares at them.

Izana chuckled, "would you have still come here even after getting a job? I didn't think so." He remarks lightly. She rolls her eyes huffing.

"I don't understand why you want me to work with you so badly. My life was going great until you guys stepped in and ruined it," her gaze then went to mikey, "and you...I'm surprised you agree considering you left me and the others without looking back." She retorts, still angry.

Mikey averted his eyes in silence, not saying anything. He took a moment before facing her again, cold eyes staring back into hers, "now that you're a member of bonten—-"

(y/n) cut him off, frowning, "I'm not a member! I'm just here to work as your assistant, nothing more and nothing less. I'm not committing my entire life to your messed up organization and leaving my friends behind."

"they're my friends too." Mikey muttered quietly, which they all heard as she scoffed, "no, they're my friends, we've been together through thick and thin, even now...without you." He stares at her, hiding his emotions. He understands her anger, of course he did. After the stunt he pulled twelve years ago, he wouldn't put it past her.

But she will never understand why...his dark impulse has taken over and he's sinking more deeper into the darkness than ever before and he can't find a way to stop or get out. He was trapped. She can hate him all she wants but even if dark impulse has him in its grasp, he wouldn't dare lay a hand on her. He might just kill himself.

It was quiet in mikey's office as the bonten men stayed silent as tension could be felt amongst them.

"...anyways, i accept working as your assistant as long as I'm not involved with any of your crime." She states her conditions, "...and i get to live a normal life as long as no one traces me or targets me." She crossed her arms, frowning at them.

The guys exchanged glances for a moment before mikey nods after staring at her blankly, "..fine." He slid a paper for her to sign, "welcome to bonten."


(y/n) was with draken, baji, kazutora and mitsuya at a nice cafe, the four men wanting to spend time with the girl. She couldn't tell them anything about her working at bonten by mikey's orders so she vaguely told them the basics, "i got a job as an assistant at a company." She half-lied.

Mitsuya smiled at her, holding her hand in his and rubbing his thumb across the skin gently, "that's great! I'm so proud of you."

Kazutora crossed his arms, a grin on his face, " i told you something might come up sooner or later," he chuckles. She chuckled weakly, she hates lying to them.

"So, tell us!" Baji grinned wolfishly, munching on his peyoung yakisoba, "what are you gonna do?" They waited patiently for her to tell then as she chuckles. She began explaining she's only doing paperwork, receiving calls, making schedules and etc.

"that sounds pretty boring!" The raven haired male frowned, "but it's a job no less." The others chuckled at him. They continued their date with the (h/c)-ette, unaware of a pair of eyes on them and a jealous look on their face when mitusya kissed the girl on her lips.

"how's your design for hina's dress going along?" (y/n) asks, curious, "did takemichi see it?"

The lilac-haired male chuckled as he recalled the crybaby hero's face, "he had tears coming out his eyes and he looked to be the happiest man in the world. That guy is still..a big crybaby." He admits, shaking his head.

"Of course he is, he's takemichy after all." Draken laughed, thinking about their crybaby hero, "that guy cries for everything."

(y/n) rolled her eyes, "now, now, lets not be mean to him, he was such an aspiration to many people...the way he won hearts over so quickly." She fondly says, smiling, "I'm glad he's gonna have his happy ending with hina."

Kazutora pushed his face closer to hers, a tiny smirk on his lips, "we still need our happy ending, no?" He chuckled at her flushed face, (y/n) grumbles quietly which they chuckled at.

"yeah, we do." She says quietly, contemplating. Maybe being in a polygamous relationship with them won't be so bad, at least she won't have to choose and hurt anyone and everyone is happy.

But, why does it feel like something might go wrong?..no..why does it feel as if something might change? Her mind flashed to bonten instantly but she quickly shook her head, remembering their promise that she won't get hurt or targeted...unless maybe it's something more besides that?

Her brain was hurting her from thinking so much. Sigh. She still couldn't believe how her life took such a turn and now those guys are back in her life. She just hoped everything will alright..what's she saying? Nothing ever goes right when their involved. Tch.

"everything alright?" Draken quietly asks her, wrapping an arm around her waist as the other three were up ahead, "saw you lagging behind." He points out with a worried look.

(y/n) flashed him a smile, reassuring him, "I'm fine, i just got a lot on my mind about this new job." She admits. He hummed, intently listening to her.

The boys dropped her back home, each kissing her on the lips before wishing her a good night and making sure she entered through the door safe and sound before taking their leave and going separate ways.

A/n: enjoy...

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