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(Y/n) decided to eat lunch in the classroom instead of the rooftop with baji and chifuyu, knowing those two were probably waiting for her. Sucks for them though. All day she was avoiding them and making it obvious that she didn't forgive them.

Heck, she hadn't even tutored the raven-haired male at all ever since this squabble between her and the others. Was she being petty? Maybe a little too much? She just wanted to join them and fight, was that so hard to accept!?

She was startled when she heard someone loudly yell her name, followed by thundering footsteps, "(Y/N)!!!" A certain raven-haired male barged into her empty classroom, coming up to her desk and slamming his palms down, the vibration shaking her bento box in the process.

"Baji-san!...wait..!" Chifuyu then stumbled into the classroom, panicked, he saw baji glowering at the (h/c)-ette, who stared back with a stoic gaze, not even fazed, her lips pursed, eyes narrowed.

"You idiot, how long are you gonna avoid us for, hah!?" Baji leaned down so his face was close to hers, his breath washing over her face as he searched her eyes, "are you seriously pissed that we won't let you fight with us?!" He rose his voice, frustration in his face.

Chifuyu watched the two anxiously, not sure whether to step in. Should he say something? Do something?

(Y/n) shoved her bento box in her bag, zipping it up, before glaring at baji, "are you seriously gonna ask me that?" She retorted, scoffing at his undefined anger, "what's the point of having me join a gang if I'm not allowed to even partake in fights? What am I supposed to be? Your fucking cheerleader? What exactly is my place in toman if I can't even fight?" She demanded.

Baji and chifuyu remained silent, they didn't have an answer. The boys watched as she grabbed her things and left the room without a word. Why were girls so proud? Couldn't she just understand he...they wanted to protect her!?

Growling in frustration, baji slammed his fist on the desk, cussing loudly.


Today was the party that monica was bringing her to. Sighing, (y/n) was debating if she should really go considering the events that happened between her and mikey and that now toman was too afraid to approach her in fear they'll hurt her feelings even more, tch.

Draken, baji, and mitsuya tried to talk to her and convince her it was for the best but what did she do? Told them to fuck off.

"You seem more irritated today, what's wrong? Boyfriend troubles?" Monica nudged her with a grin, taking the books from her and scanning the barcodes instead.

(Y/n) sighed, messing her hair up as she debated whether to tell monica or not, "i don't have boyfriend troubles because mikey..." she trailed off, not sure what to say considering the small blonde did confess to her, "look, that's not the issue why I'm feeling more moody today. Can we not talk about it?" She walked away from her co-worker.

Monica followed her, "okay, we don't have to talk about it, but we're still going to the party tonight, right? You're my plus one, i need you." She reminded, giving the (h/c)-ette pleading eyes.

(Y/n) really wasn't in the mood to party...but you know what?..she wasn't gonna let mikey or the others ruin her time and so, she gave monica a nod, shrugging with a faint smile, "sure thing."

Monica lowly squealed in excitement. Was she really a high schooler? When the two girls clocked out and exited the bookstore, guess who was waiting for her outside? Yup, mikey.

(Y/n) waved at her co-worker as walked the other way before turning to mikey, the small blonde already staring at her stoically, hiding his anticipation and nervousness. She then walked away from him, not even getting on his bike.

She dropped her skateboard, getting on it and rolling away down the street. Unfortunately for her, mikey trailed after her on his motorcycle, going slow to keep her pace. The two hadn't said nothing at all as she rode to the train station.

(Y/n) takes the train in the afternoons to get to her job and she always takes it to go home...well, that was before mikey found out she was traveling by herself alone in the night. Her stubbornness refused her to jump on his bike cause she was still pissed at him and the others.

"...(y/n)-chin?" Mikey tries to get her attention, any response out of her would be nice. He sighed when she pretended to not notice him, watching as she entered the train, the doors slowly closing before it began its departure. He hopped on his bike and drove all the way to the other station where she'll arrive.

Thirty minutes passed till he finally spotted her coming out the station with a bored look, walking down the street. He revved his bike, driving slowly to catch up to her again and calling her name...again, "(y/n)-chin...?"

(Y/n) ignored him, her skateboard in one hand as she paid no mind to him. She had to give mikey credit, he was persistent.

"....are you mad at me?"

She glanced at mikey, seeing his obsidian hues flash with sadness, his lips downturned into a frown. She subconsciously replied back, "....i am upset."

The small blonde flashed a grin, relief coursing through him, at least she was responding to him, that must be a good sign, right? But he still stood by his word.

When she finally arrived home, she walked inside her house, not sparing mikey a glance, before heading upstairs to her room. She dropped her bag onto the floor, sighing. She'll find one way or the other to get into that fight...that's a promise.

A/n: enjoy!

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