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Sanzu walked beside (y/n) like a cute puppy guard. She had a day off from work considering the festivals taking place and the busy streets to prepare. He spotted her leaving the mall and decided to approach her, hence why they're walking together now.

"did you like your christmas gift i gave you?" She asked him, glancing at the pinkette. He nodded, showing it to her. It was a customized leather bracelet with his name on it. He cherished it very much. It was the first gift he got from anyone.

(y/n) smiled, "you're wearing it?..wow, it looks so good on you." She compliments, he averted his eyes. She then grabbed his hand, "i heard there's this new ice skating park that opened up, lets check it out."

The two rode the bus till they finally arrived at the park. The place was full and crowded with many people but that didn't deter her. She went to a rental stall and asked for some skates before grabbing sanzu's hand and leading him to a much more less populated area, "it's okay if you don't want to join me, you can stay here." She told him, putting on her ice skates and stepping out onto the frozen body of water.

She wasn't a pro, but before her dad died he loved taking her and her mom to all sorts of adventurous places and trying new things. He was cool like that. She's not surprised that she inherited it from him either. Like father, like daughter.

(y/n) twirled around, trying to act like a pro-skater even though she wasn't. It was for fun.

Sanzu stared at she moved fluidly, spinning and doing whatever she wanted. He secretly took out his phone and snapped pictures of her, staring down at them before gazing back at her. She was beautiful.

"aniki, look who it is." A deep voice drawled out beside him. The pinkette glanced to the side to see the haitani's...shockingly.

Ran hummed, tugging his coat closer to keep warm from the frigid cold air, purple hues never wavering from the (h/c)-ette, "(y/n)." He grinned lazily.

Sanzu who was right beside them narrowed his eyes, wondering how roppongi's famous brothers know the (h/c)-ette.

(y/n) skated back to sanzu, her eyes catching ran and rindou's, giving them a surprised look, "Ran! Rindou!" The two brothers grinned at her, "what are you guys doing here?" She asked.

Ran shrugged, hands in pockets, "just looking around and we heard this place opened up and decided to take a look. We didn't expect to find you here." He smirked, "we just seem to be bumping into each other a lot lately."

(y/n) rolled her eyes, tugging the skates off as sanzu handed her shoes over, she put them on, stepping back onto the snow, "I didn't take you as one who believes in the supernatural." She sarcastically says.

Rindou took the ice skates from her, telling her he'll return them to the stall. She flashed him a smile, causing him to push his glasses up and quickly walk back to the stall with reddened cheeks.

Sanzu stepped protectively next to (y/n), the older haitani stared bored at him, "who's this?" He narrowed his purple hues at the pinkette just as rindou came back.

(y/n) glanced at sanzu, "he's my friend." She says, the four of them walking away from the skate park and back to the roads, "how was your Christmas?" She asked them.

Rindou shrugged, "so-so...we had a lot a parties." He says as if it's normal to have that many. She rose her brows in intrigue, "i DJ'ed."

(y/n) was interested, " you can dj?" He nodded in embarrassment, not used to talking about his hobbies to anyone, "that's amazing, rindou. You can run your own club if you wanted." She praised.

Ran popped his head in between them, feeling left out, "i can also do that!" He lied, glaring at his brother for trying to steal his girl!

"No, you can't." Rindou corrected, glaring back.

(y/n) rose an eyebrow at the two, glancing at sanzu, who seemed unimpressed by them, "i'm sure Ran has some special skills and hobbies of his own, right?"

Ran opened his mouth to boast smugly when he paused, he doesn't have much hobbies other than sleeping for long hours undisturbed...he then thought of something, "i'm actually the best runner between us both." He admits.

(y/n) was impressed, "you should join in marathons then, i'm sure you'll win first place." She suggests, Ran grinned at her, leaning close to her face, "you think so?"

She was about to respond when sanzu pushed the older haitani away from her, glaring, "don't get so close to her." He threatened. Ran glared at him for interrupting his moment with the (h/c)-ette.

Sensing a rising tension, she stepped in between them, "calm down, boys." She sighed, "it's almost the new year, don't start picking fights so soon." She frowned.

The three boys looked away.

"come on, lets go get some dessert!" She directed them to a pastry shop where they all sat in a booth, the warm heat escaping the ventilators warming them up. They each ordered their chosen dessert.

When it arrived, (y/n) began eating her tiramisu. Sanzu decided to take his cheesecake home and enjoy it since he didn't want to showcase his scars to the haitani's. He despises them already. Ran had a mont blanc and rindou had a strawberry shortcake.

(y/n) had no care for the world as she enjoyed her sweets till Ran reached his arm out and swiped the corner of her lips with his long slender fingers, lazily grinning, "you got a little something there." He licked his thumb with a satisfied look.

She blinked, "thanks" she says, going back to finishing her tiramisu. Ran stared in disbelief while rindou snickered in happiness at once again his brother getting ignored. Sanzu was also pleased.

"rindou, try some." (y/n) held out her fork for him that had a piece of her cake on it. The younger haitani blushed, trying to deny her but soon gave up after a while of her persistent begging. He took her fork and stuck the dessert into his mouth, handing it back to her. Indirect kiss!

Ran's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, rindou gave him a smug look.

It was getting dark soon and the four left the pastry shop. She bid the brothers a goodbye before sanzu walked her home. When they finally arrived at her house forty minutes later, (y/n) turned to the pinkette to say goodnight, when she felt lips softly press against hers, shocking her.

She watched as sanzu pulled away, tugging his mask back up.

"sanzu...." She trailed off, unsure what to say. Her fingers touched her lips.

The pinkette glanced at her, "....i like you too." He simply says, walking away from her.

Just what is going on!? (y/n) thought with red cheeks.

A/n: enjoy!!!

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